anti-mCherry | SICGEN AB0040-200 产品信息

作者: 时间:2025-03-09 点击量:

Balmer T, Trussell L. Selective targeting of unipolar brush cell subtypes by cerebellar mossy fibers. elife. 2019;8: pubmed出版商 Miesfeld J, Moon M, Riesenberg A, Contreras A, Kovall R, Brown N. Rbpj direct regulation of Atoh7 transcription in the embryonic mouse retina. Sci Rep. 2018;8:10195 pubmed出版商 Miesfeld J, Glaser T, Brown N. The dynamics of native Atoh7 protein expression during mouse retinal histogenesis, revealed with a new antibody. Gene Expr Patterns. 2018;27:114-121 pubmed出版商 Oliveira C, Lemaitre R, Murawala P, Tazaki A, Drechsel D, Tanaka E. Pseudotyped baculovirus is an effective gene expression tool for studying molecular function during axolotl limb regeneration. Dev Biol. 2018;433:262-275 pubmed出版商 Lin B, Coleman J, Peterson J, Zunitch M, Jang W, Herrick D, et al. Injury Induces Endogenous Reprogramming and Dedifferentiation of Neuronal Progenitors to Multipotency. Cell Stem Cell. 2017;21:761-774.e5 pubmed出版商 Rocca C, Goodman S, Dulin J, Haquang J, Gertsman I, Blondelle J, et al. Transplantation of wild-type mouse hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells ameliorates deficits in a mouse model of Friedreich\'s ataxia. Sci Transl Med. 2017;9: pubmed出版商 Kodani S, Soya S, Sakurai T. Excitation of GABAergic Neurons in the Bed Nucleus of the Stria Terminalis Triggers Immediate Transition from Non-Rapid Eye Movement Sleep to Wakefulness in Mice. J Neurosci. 2017;37:7164-7176 pubmed出版商 Saito M, Otsu W, Hsu K, Chuang J, Yanagisawa T, Shieh V, et al. Tctex-1 controls ciliary resorption by regulating branched actin polymerization and endocytosis. EMBO Rep. 2017;18:1460-1472 pubmed出版商 Castellano J, Mosher K, Abbey R, McBride A, James M, Berdnik D, et al. Human umbilical cord plasma proteins revitalize hippocampal function in aged mice. Nature. 2017;544:488-492 pubmed出版商 Shevelkin A, Terrillion C, Abazyan B, Kajstura T, Jouroukhin Y, Rudow G, et al. Expression of mutant DISC1 in Purkinje cells increases their spontaneous activity and impairs cognitive and social behaviors in mice. Neurobiol Dis. 2017;103:144-153 pubmed出版商 Agarwal A, Wu P, Hughes E, Fukaya M, Tischfield M, Langseth A, et al. Transient Opening of the Mitochondrial Permeability??Transition Pore Induces Microdomain Calcium Transients in Astrocyte Processes. Neuron. 2017;93:587-605.e7 pubmed出版商 Abraira V, Kuehn E, Chirila A, Springel M, Toliver A, Zimmerman A, et al. The Cellular and Synaptic Architecture of the Mechanosensory Dorsal Horn. Cell. 2017;168:295-310.e19 pubmed出版商 Vyas P, Wu J, Zimmerman A, Fuchs P, Glowatzki E. Tyrosine Hydroxylase Expression in Type II Cochlear Afferents in Mice. J Assoc Res Otolaryngol. 2017;18:139-151 pubmed出版商 Falkner S, Grade S, Dimou L, Conzelmann K, Bonhoeffer T, Gotz M, et al. Transplanted embryonic neurons integrate into adult neocortical circuits. Nature. 2016;539:248-253 pubmed出版商 Krishnamurthy V, Khamo J, Mei W, Turgeon A, Ashraf H, Mondal P, et al. Reversible optogenetic control of kinase activity during differentiation and embryonic development. Development. 2016;143:4085-4094 pubmed Merienne N, Delzor A, Viret A, Dufour N, Rey M, Hantraye P, et al. Gene transfer engineering for astrocyte-specific silencing in the CNS. Gene Ther. 2015;22:830-9 pubmed出版商 Sargiannidou I, Kim G, Kyriakoudi S, Eun B, Kleopa K. A start codon CMT1X mutation associated with transient encephalomyelitis causes complete loss of Cx32. Neurogenetics. 2015;16:193-200 pubmed出版商 recommended applications without primary ...: 免疫印迹, IF, 免疫组化-P, 免疫组化-F, IEM验证的应用: 免疫印迹, IF, 免疫组化-P, 免疫组化-F, IEM抗原: Purified recombinant peptide produced in E. coli.特异性: In 293HEK cells transfected with cds plasmid detects a band of 29 kDa by Western blot. This antibody (AB0040) recognizes very well tdTomato and does not recognize GFP (green fluorescent protein).宿主: 反应物种: mCherry, tdTomato, RFP共轭: 抗体亚型: vial size: 浓度: 规格: 600微克储存: For continuous use, store at 2-8 deg;C for one-two days. For extended storage, store in -20 deg;C freezer. Working dilution samples should be discarded if not used within 12 hours.处理: The antibody solution should be gently mixed before use.描述: Red Fluorescent Proteinsic: AB0040-200new_price _Euros: 320欧元出版物: 1. Miesfeld JB, Glaser T, Brown NL. Gene Expr Patterns. 2017 Dec. PMID:29225067, 2. Oliveira CR, Lemaitre R, Tazaki A, et al. Dev Biol. 2017 Oct. PMID:29198566, 3. Lin B, Coleman JH, Peterson JN, et al. Cell Stem Cell. 2017 Nov. PMID:29174332, 4. Rocca CJ, Goodman SM, Dulin JN, et al. Sci Transl Med. 2017 Oct. PMID:29070698, 5. Kodani S, Soya S, Sakurai T. J Neurosci. 2017 Jun. PMID 28642284, 6. Saito M, Otsu W, Hsu KS, et al. EMBO Rep. 2017 Jun. PMID 28607034, 7. Castellano JM, Mosher KI, Abbey RJ, et al. Nature. 2017 Apr. PMID:28424512, 8. Shevelkin AV, Terrillion CE, Abazyan BN, et al. Neurobiol Dis. 2017 Apr. PMID:28392471, 9. Agarwal A, Wu PH, Hughes EG, et al. Neuron. 2017. PMID:28132831, 10. Abraira VE, Kuehn ED, Chirila AM, et al. Cell. 2017 Jan. PMID:28041852, 11. Krishnamurthy VV, Khamo JS, Mei W, et al. Development. 2016 Nov. PMID: 27697903, 12. Falkner S, Grade S, Dimou L, et al. Nature. 2016 Oct. PMID: 27783592, 13. Vyas P, Wu JS, Zimmerman A, et al. J Assoc Res Otolaryngol. 2016 Sep. PMID:27696081, 14. Sargiannidou I, Kim GH, Kyriakoudi S, et al. Neurogenetics. 2015 Jul. PMID:25771809, 15. Merienne N, Delzor A, Viret A, et al. Gene Ther. 2015 Oct. PMID:26109254更多信息或购买: SICGEN 蚂蚁淘页BIOCANT IIParque Tecnológico de Cantanhede3060-197 Cantanhedetechnical@sicgen.pthttp://www.sicgen.pt351-21-458-28-04公司总部: 葡萄牙

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