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Mr: 50 kDa (glycosylated); 43 kDa (non glycosylated)Synthesis: endothelial and smooth muscle cellsPlasma concentration: 20-100 ng/mlHuman PAI-1 is a single-chain glycoprotein with a molecular weight of 50 kDa. Wild type PAI is an efficient inhibitor of tissue-type and urokinase-type plasminogen activators (1). These enzymes convert plasminogen to its active form, plasmin, and are thought to influence many biological processes inducing fibrinolysis, ovulation, embryonic development, inflammation, tumor metastasis, wound healing and angiogenesis (2). PAI-1 belongs to the SERine Protease INhibitor superfamily (SERPINS) and will spontaneously decay into a latent (inactive) form with a half-life of approximately 1 hour at physiological pH and temperature. PAI-1 is slightly stabilized (half-life ~2 hours) by binding to the adhesive protein vitronectin with dissociation constants in the nanomolar range (3). Innovative Research also offers a stable variant with a half-life greater than 145 hours. The mutant (Product code CPAI) was produced from a randomly mutated recombinant PAI-1 expression library (4). The increased stability is a result of the cooperative effect of four mutations. This mutant has shown great utility in experiments where a very long half-life is desired. This includes extended incubations in cell culture work and in vivo studies in animal models where it has recently been shown to be a potent inhibitor of angiogenesis (5). The crystal structure of this stable mutant has been solved and represents the closest approximation to the active form of the wild type inhibitor to date (6). PAI-1 also interacts with a number of non-proteinase ligands, including the cell adhesion protein vitronectin and members of the low-density lipoprotein (LDL) receptor family, including the LDL receptor related protein (LRP), the very low-density lipoprotein (VLDL) receptor and gp330/megalin (7). There is increasing evidence of a relationship between elevated PAI-1 levels and the occurrence of coronary artery disease. A recent publication demonstrates that PAI-1 in the presence of vitronectin may the most important physiological inhibitor of activated protein C (APC) (8). Technical InfoThe PAI-1 products produced by Innovative Research are expressed recombinantly in Escherichia coli. The PAI-1 is purified under extremely gentle conditions and is never subjected to denaturants of any kind. The PAI-1 is provided as a frozen solution in a pH 6.6 buffer where it is stable at -70°C indefinitely. The protein concentration is determined spectrophotometrically at 280 nm using an extinction coefficient of 1.0 (0.1%). The solubility is up to 5 mg/ml. References1. Sherman, P.M. et al. (1992) J. Biol. Chem. 267:7588-7595.2. Lawrence, D.A. et al. (1994) Biochemistry. 33:3643-3648.3. Lawrence, D.A. et al. (1994) J. Biol. Chem. 269:15223-15228.4. Berkenpas, M.B. et al. (1995) EMBO J. 14:2969-2977.5. Stefansson, S. et al. (2001) J. Biol. Chem. 276: 8135-8141.6. Sharp, A.M. et al. (1999) Structure. 7:111-118.7. Stefansson, S. et al. (1998) J. Biol. Chem. 273:6358-6366.8. Rezaie, R. (2001) J. Biol. Chem. 276:15567-15570.Human PAI-1 ProductsIPAI-A - Human PAI-1 (wild type active fraction) Human wild type PAI-1 is produced as an active and latent form in E. coli. The purification conditions are gentle and result in an active fraction 99% pure and 98% active as determined by titration with HMW tc-urokinase and SDS PAGE. 0.5 mg - ¥13900.001.0 mg - ¥23900.00 IPAI-L - Human PAI-1 (wild type latent fraction) 0.4% active as determined by titration with HMW tc-urokinase and SDS PAGE. Latent PAI-1 is a useful control for experiments when used in conjunction with the active form above. 0.5 mg - ¥13900.001.0 mg - ¥23900.00 ICPAI - Human PAI-1 (stable mutant form) This human form of PAI-1 contains the following four mutations: K154T, Q139L, M354I and N150H. These mutations combine to confer great stability to the otherwise labile molecule essentially locking it into the active conformation. It is an ideal choice for in vivo studies. 0.5 mg - ¥13900.001.0 mg - ¥23900.00 I6X-HISPAI - Human PAI-1 (stable mutant _ N-terminal poly-histidine tag) Innovative Research Inc. has made available a patent pending mutant of human PAI-1 containing the four mutations described above that stabilize the activity of PAI-1. The N-terminus has been additionally modified with the introduction of a 6-X histidine tag. The tag allows for the immobilization of functionally active PAI-1 onto surfaces such as metal chelate microtiter plates or Ni+2 resins. Many new applications for PAI-1 can be envisioned with this unique reagent. 0.5 mg - ¥13900.001.0 mg - ¥23900.00 INTCYSPAI-A - Human PAI-1 (N-terminal cysteine mutant, active fraction) Wild type PAI-1 cloned with a cysteine residue at the N-terminus (patent pending). The active fraction is 95% pure and 98% active as determined by titration with HMW tc-urokinase and SDS PAGE. The protein is supplied in buffer with 1 mM DTT to prevent dimerization. 0.5 mg - ¥13900.001.0 mg - ¥26000.00 INTCYSPAI-L - Human PAI-1 (N-terminal cysteine mutant, latent fraction) Wild type PAI-1 cloned with a cysteine residue at the N-terminus (patent pending). The latent fraction is 0.4% active as determined by titration with HMW tc-urokinase and SDS PAGE. The protein is supplied in buffer with 1 mM DTT to prevent dimerization. 0.5 mg - ¥13900.00 1.0 mg - ¥26000.00 INTCYSCPAI - Human PAI-1 (N-terminal cysteine stable mutant) This stable form of PAI-1 contains an N-terminal cysteine mutation in addition to the four stabilization mutations (patent pending). The protein is supplied in buffer with 1 mM DTT to prevent dimerization. 0.5 mg - ¥13900.00 1.0 mg - ¥26000.00 INTBIOPAI-A - Human PAI-1 (N-terminal biotin labeled, active fraction) Active human PAI-1 biotin labeled by iodoacetamide substitution at the N-terminal cysteine (patent pending). 0.5 mg - ¥13900.00 1.0 mg - ¥26000.00 INTBIOPAI-L - Human PAI-1 (N-terminal biotin labeled, latent fraction) Latent human PAI-1 biotin labeled by iodoacetamide substitution at the N-terminal cysteine (patent pending). 0.5 mg - ¥13900.00 1.0 mg - ¥26000.00 INTBIOCPAI - Human PAI-1 (N-terminal biotin labeled stable mutant) Stable mutant human PAI-1 biotin labeled by iodoacetamide substitution at the N-terminal cysteine (patent pending). 0.5 mg - ¥13900.00 1.0 mg - ¥26000.00 IHPAI-P9NBD - Human PAI-1 NBD labeled at the reactive center loop P9-NBD PAI-1 was created by mutagenesis of the P9 serine residue (Ser338) on the reactive center loop to cysteine. This provided a free thiol group for incorporation of N,N\'-dimethyl-N-(acetyl)-N\'-(7-nitrobenz-2-oxa-1,3-diazol-4-yl) (NBD), a fluorescent probe highly sensitive to changes in solvation and hydrophobic environment. The fluorescence emission of P9-NBD PAI-1 is enhanced 6-7 fold upon insertion of the reactive center loop into beta-sheet A following complex formation with proteinases, formation of the latent species, or cleavage by elastase. The incorporated probe is excited at 480 nm and displays a broad emission spectrum with a peak centered 542 nm with a resultant blue-shift to 520 nm following reactive center loop insertion. The modified PAI-1 is nearly as active as wt PAI-1 and is more resistant to the spontaneous latency reaction making this an excellent tool for monitoring reaction rates of PAI-1 (1). P9-NBD PAI-1 has been utilized in a number of studies to determine the rates of loop insertion and SERPIN reaction mechanisms when reacted with various proteinases (1,2), inactivating antibodies (2) and conformational changes imposed by the binding of vitronectin (4). References1. Shore J.D. et al.(1995) J Biol Chem 270:5395-5398.2. Lawrence D.A. et al.(2000) J Biol Chem 275:5839-5844. 3. Verhamme I.M. et al.(1999) J Biol Chem 274:17511-17517. 4. Gibson A. et al.(1997) J Biol Chem 272:5112-5121.0.5 mg - ¥13900.00 1.0 mg - ¥26000.00 IHPAI-P1\'NBD - Human PAI-1 NBD labeled at the scissile bond of the reactive loop P1\'-NBD PAI-1 was created by mutagenesis of the P1\' serine residue (Ser347) at the P1-P1\' scissile bond to cysteine. This provided a free thiol group for NBD labeling, a fluorescent probe highly sensitive to changes in solvation and hydrophobic environment. The fluorescence emission of P1\'-NBD PAI-1 is quenched upon cleavage of the reactive center loop by a target proteinase. References 1. Olson S.T. et al. (2001) Biochemistry 40:11742-11756. 0.5 mg - ¥13900.00 1.0 mg - ¥26000.00 IHPAI-T333R - Human PAI-1 (mutant _ substrate form) A single substitution at position P14 in the reactive center loop produces a PAI-1 that becomes a substrate for proteinases rather than an inhibitor. This molecule is useful for mechanistic studies. References 1. Lawrence D.A. et al.(2000) J Biol Chem 275:5839-5844. 2. Audenaert A.M. et al. (1994) J Biol Chem 269:19559-19564. 0.5 mg - ¥13900.001.0 mg - ¥23900.00 IHPAI-A335E - Human PAI-1 (mutant _ substrate form) Licensed from the laboratory of Professor Paul Declerck - Leuven BELGIUM. A single substitution at position P12 in the reactive center loop produces a PAI-1 that becomes a substrate for proteinases rather than an inhibitor. This molecule is useful for mechanistic studies. 0.5 mg - ¥13900.001.0 mg - ¥23900.00 IPAI-C - Human PAI-1 (wild type - elastase cleaved) Human PAI-1 is provided cleaved at P3-P4 residues via immobilized elastase: 1% active. Useful for various control experiments requiring a non-reactive, reactive loop inserted species of PAI-1. 0.5 mg - ¥13900.001.0 mg - ¥26000.00 IQ123K - Human PAI-1 (vitronectin null binding mutant) A single mutation which results in nearly complete loss of binding of the PAI-1 mutant to the important ligand vitronectin. All other aspects of PAI-1 biological activity such as anti-protease activity remain unaffected. References 1. Redmond, E.M. et al. (2001) Circulation 103:597-603. 0.5 mg - ¥13900.001.0 mg - ¥23900.00 IS119C-NBD - Human PAI-1 (NBD labeled mutant) This mutant contains a Ser to Cys replacement around the vitronectin binding site. Incorporation of an NBD labels allows for the reporting of binding to vitronectin. 0.5 mg - ¥13900.001.0 mg - ¥26000.00 IPEP-1 - Ac-TVASSSTA Octapeptide Ac-TVASSSTA is an Octapeptide mimic of the N-terminal residues of the reactive center loop of PAI-1 (cf. P14-P7 residues). The Octapeptide inactivates PAI-1 by substituting for strand 4 in beta-sheet A in a manner that competes with formation of the latent species. Insertion of the peptide into beta-sheet A effectively forms a stable complex that converts PAI-1 into a substrate for tissue-type plasminogen activator (tPA) and other target proteinases. The resulting species of PAI-1 is thermodynamically stable and is useful for investigating the role of reactive center loop insertion. Supplied as a lyophilized powder. References 1. Kvassman J.O. et al. (1998) Biochemistry 37:15491-15502. 5 mg - ¥15900.0010 mg - ¥29900.00 IPAI-A-AN - Peptide annealed human PAI-1 Active human wild-type (wt) PAI-1 is also available pre-annealed with the Octapeptide Ac-TVASSSTA and ready for immediate use. Please inquire regarding other species of annealed PAI-1. References 1. Kvassman J.O. et al. (1998) Biochemistry 37:15491-15502. 0.5 mg - ¥15900.001.0 mg - ¥29900.00Anti-inflammatory Mutants of PAI-1Neutrophils contain high concentrations of the serine proteinases neutrophil elastase and cathepsin G, which are stored in intracellular vacuoles termed the azurophilic granules. These proteinases are a major protein constituent of neutrophils. Their primary role is to digest any pathogens that the neutrophil has phagocytosed. However, upon degranulation and/or apoptosis, the neutrophils release these proteinases into the surrounding tissue along with their intracellular contents. In this environment these proteinases can cause tissue damage and exacerbate the inflammatory response. IAPAI* - Human PAI -1 elastase specific mutant A single mutation at the P1 position of PAI-1 alters the target specificity of PAI-1 from the plasminogen activators tPA and uPA to elastase. PAI-1 is normally a substrate for pancreatic and neutrophil elastase becoming cleaved at the P3 position. This mutant contains a P1 Alanine in place of the wild type Arginine residue resulting in an inhibitor of elastase as potent as a1PI (antitrypsin). 0.5 mg - ¥13900.001.0 mg - ¥26000.00 IFPAI* - Human PAI -1 Cathepsin G specific mutant A single mutation at the P1 position of PAI-1 alters the target specificity of PAI-1 from the plasminogen activators tPA and uPA to Cathepsin G. This mutant contains a P1 Phenylalanine in place of the wild type Arginine residue resulting in an inhibitor with the specificity of antichymotrypsin. 0.5 mg - ¥13900.001.0 mg - ¥26000.00 *Under licensing agreement with the American Red Cross under patent number 6,103,498. Mouse PAI-1IMPAI - Mouse PAI-1 (wild type active form) Recombinant mouse PAI-1 is the ideal choice for studies involving this animal model of fibrinolysis and cancer studies. The active fraction typically contains 70% active PAI-1. 0.5 mg - ¥13900.001.0 mg - ¥26000.00 IMPAI-L - Mouse PAI-1 (wild type latent form) Latent mouse PAI-1 is a useful control for experiments when used in conjunction with the active form above. 0.5 mg - ¥13900.001.0 mg - ¥26000.00 IMPAI-I91L - Mouse PAI-1 (stable active mutant) Using information obtained from the studies which produced the stabilized human PAI-1 described above (CPAI) we have available a form of mouse PAI-1 that has a single conservative mutation (Isoleucine 91 to Leucine). 0.5 mg - ¥13900.001.0 mg - ¥26000.00 Rat PAI-1IRPAI - Rat PAI-1 (wild type active form) Recombinant rat PAI-1 is the ideal choice for studies involving this animal model of fibrinolysis and cancer studies. The active fraction typically contains 70% active PAI-1. 0.5 mg - ¥13900.001.0 mg - ¥26000.00 Porcine PAI-1IPOPAI - Porcine PAI-1 (wild type active form) Porcine (pig) PAI-1 displays a close homology to bovine and human PAI-1 with 90 and 86% amino acid homology, respectively. 0.5 mg - ¥13900.001.0 mg - ¥26000.00 Rabbit PAI-1IRbPAI - Rabbit PAI-1 (wild type active form) This product is the best choice for animal studies that utilize rabbit models. 0.5 mg - ¥13900.001.0 mg - ¥26000.00 IRbPAI-L - Rabbit PAI-1 (wild type latent form) Latent rabbit PAI-1 is a useful control for experiments when used in conjunction with the active form above. 0.5 mg - ¥13900.001.0 mg - ¥26000.00 Polyclonal Antibodies to Rabbit PAI-1IASRbPAI - Goat anti rabbit PAI-1 antiserum Polyclonal antiserum (host goat). Suitable for: WB, ELISA, IHC nd 1.0 ml - ¥7900.0010 ml - ¥49000.00 IASRbPAI-GF - Goat anti rabbit PAI-1 IgG fraction Polyclonal antibody (host goat).IgG fraction purified by immobilized Protein G. Suitable for: WB, ELISA, IHC nd 1.0 mg - ¥7900.0010 mg - ¥49000.00 IASRbPAI-GF-BIO - Goat anti rabbit PAI-1 IgG fraction, biotin labeled Biotin labeled polyclonal antibody (host goat). IgG fraction purified by immobilized Protein G. Suitable for: WB, ELISA, IHC nd 1.0 mg - ¥7900.0010 mg - ¥49000.00 IASRbPAI-GF-FITC - Goat anti rabbit PAI-1 IgG fraction, fluorescein labeled Fluorescein labeled polyclonal antibody (host goat). IgG fraction purified by immobilized Protein G. Suitable for: WB, ELISA, IHC nd 1.0 mg - ¥7900.0010 mg - ¥49000.00 IASRbPAI-GF-HT - Goat anti rabbit PAI-1 affinity purified high titer IgG fraction Polyclonal antibody (host goat). IgG with titer 1X106. Affinity purified by immobilized PAI-1. Suitable for: WB, ELISA, IHC nd 1.0 mg - ¥9900.00 10 mg - INQUIRE Polyclonal Antibodies to Human PAI-1IASHPAI - Rabbit anti human PAI-1 antiserum Polyclonal antiserum (host rabbit). Suitable for: WB, ELISA, IHC nd 1.0 ml - ¥7900.0010 ml - ¥49000.00 IASHPAI-GF - Rabbit anti human PAI-1 IgG fraction Polyclonal antibody (host rabbit). IgG fraction purified by immobilized Protein A. Suitable for: WB, ELISA, IHC nd 1.0 mg - ¥7900.0010 mg - ¥49000.00 IASHPAI-GF-BIO - Rabbit anti human PAI-1 IgG fraction, biotin labeled Biotin labeled polyclonal antibody (host rabbit). IgG fraction purified by immobilized Protein A. Suitable for: WB, ELISA, IHC nd 1.0 mg - ¥7900.0010 mg - ¥49000.00 IASHPAI-GF-FITC - Rabbit anti human PAI-1 IgG fraction, fluorescein labeled Fluorescein labeled polyclonal antibody (host rabbit). IgG fraction purified by immobilized Protein A. Suitable for: WB, ELISA, IHC nd 1.0 mg - ¥7900.0010 mg - ¥49000.00 IASHPAI-GF-HT - Rabbit anti human PAI-1 affinity purified high titer IgG fraction Polyclonal antibody (host rabbit). IgG fraction with titer 1X106.Affinity purified by immobilized PAI-1. Suitable for: WB, ELISA, IHC nd 0.1 mg - ¥9900.00 1 mg - INQUIRE Monoclonal Antibodies to Human PAI-1IPAI3C311 - Mouse monoclonal to human PAI-1 Non-inhibitory monoclonal antibody to human PAI-1. Produces excellent western blots with both free and complexed forms of human, rat, rabbit, and porcine PAI-1. Purified by immobilized Protein A. IgG class. Suitable for: WB 1.0 mg - ¥11900.0010 mg - ¥79000.00 IPAI3A120 - Mouse monoclonal to human PAI-1 Non-inhibitory monoclonal antibody to human PAI-1. Recommended for human PAI-1 western blotting of both free and complexed forms. Purified by immobilized Protein A. IgG class. Suitable for: WB 1.0 mg - ¥11900.0010 mg - ¥79000.00 IMA-31C9 - Mouse monoclonal to human PAI-1 Non-inhibitory monoclonal antibody to human PAI-1 which does not affect binding with vitronectin. Can be used as a capture antibody in ELISA assays. Purified by immobilized Protein A. IgG class. Suitable for: ELISA References 1. Debrock S. and Declerck P.J. (1997) Biochim Biophys Acta. 1337:257-266. 1.0 mg - ¥11900.0010 mg - ¥79000.00 IMA-33H1F7 - Inhibitory mouse monoclonal to human PAI-1 Inhibitory monoclonal antibody to human and mouse PAI-1. It binds to an epitope localized to the F-Helix of PAI-1. The PAI-1/mab complex becomes a substrate rather than an inhibitor of its target proteinases tPA and urokinase. Currently being studied as a potential therapeutic agent in animal models. Purified by immobilized Protein A. IgG1. Suitable for: WB, ELISA, IHC References 1. Bijnens, A.P. et al. (2000) J. Biol. Chem. 275:6375-6380. 1.0 mg - ¥11900.0010 mg - ¥79000.00 IMA-33B8 - Inhibitory mouse monoclonal to human PAI-1 Inhibitory monoclonal antibody to human and rabbit PAI-1. It binds to a conformational epitope on PAI-1 converting it into the latent form. Currently being studied as a potential therapeutic agent in animal studies. Purified by immobilized Protein A. IgG class. Suitable for: WB, ELISA, IHC nd References 1. Gorlatova, N.V. et al. (2003-1) J. Biol. Chem. 278:16329-16335. 2. Debrock S. and Declerck P.J. (1997) Biochim Biophys Acta. 1337:257-266. 3. Montes R. et al. (2000) Thromb Haemostas. 84:65-70. 1.0 mg - ¥11900.0010 mg - ¥79000.00 IMA-14D5 - Mouse monoclonal to human PAI-1 Monoclonal antibody binds to an epitope (neoantigenic) that forms after PAI-1 has formed a complex with target proteinases. Purified by immobilized Protein A. IgG class. Suitable for: ELISA References 1. Debrock S. and Declerck P.J. (1995) FEBS Lett. 376:243-246. 1.0 mg - ¥11900.0010 mg - ¥79000.00 Polyclonal Antibodies to Mouse PAI-1IASMPAI - Rabbit anti mouse PAI-1 antiserum Polyclonal antiserum (host rabbit). Suitable for: WB, ELISA, IHC 1.0 ml - ¥7900.0010 ml - ¥52000.00 IASMPAI-GF - Rabbit anti mouse PAI-1 IgG fraction Polyclonal antibody (host rabbit). IgG fraction purified by immobilized Protein A. Suitable for: WB, ELISA, IHC 1.0 mg - ¥7900.0010 mg - ¥52000.00 IASMPAI-GF-BIO - Rabbit anti mouse PAI-1 IgG fraction, biotin labeled Biotin labeled polyclonal antibody (host rabbit). IgG fraction purified by immobilized Protein A. Suitable for: WB, ELISA, IHC 1.0 mg - ¥7900.0010 mg - ¥52000.00 IASMPAI-GF-FITC - Rabbit anti mouse PAI-1 IgG fraction, fluorescein labeled Fluorescein labeled polyclonal antibody (host rabbit). IgG fraction purified by immobilized Protein A. Suitable for: WB, ELISA, IHC 1.0 mg - ¥7900.0010 mg - ¥52000.00 IASMPAI-GF-HT - Rabbit anti mouse PAI-1 affinity purified high titer IgG fraction Polyclonal antibody (host rabbit). IgG fraction with titer 1X106. Affinity purified by immobilized PAI-1. Suitable for: WB, ELISA, IHC 1.0 mg - ¥9900.00 10 mg - INQUIRE Monoclonal Antibodies to Mouse PAI-1IH4B3* - Inhibitory mouse monoclonal to mouse PAI-1 Inhibitory monoclonal antibody produced in a PAI-1 knockout mouse. Purified by immobilized Protein A. IgG class. Suitable for: ELISA 1.0 mg - ¥13900.0010 mg - ¥89000.00 IH34G6* - Mouse monoclonal to mouse PAI-1 Capture monoclonal antibody produced in a PAI-1 knockout mouse. Purified by immobilized Protein A. IgG class. Suitable for: ELISA 1.0 mg - ¥13900.0010 mg - ¥89000.00 IH14H7* - Mouse monoclonal to mouse PAI-1 Non-inhibitory monoclonal antibody produced in a PAI-1 knockout mouse. Purified by immobilized Protein A. IgG class. Suitable for: ELISA, WB, IHC 1.0 mg - ¥13900.0010 mg - ¥89000.00 IH14H7-BIO* - Mouse monoclonal to mouse PAI-1, biotin labeled Biotin labeled monoclonal antibody produced in a PAI-1 knockout mouse.Purified by immobilized Protein A. IgG class. Suitable for: WB, ELISA, IHC 0.15 mg - ¥7900.00 Polyclonal Antibodies to Rat PAI-1IASRPAI - Rabbit anti rat PAI-1 antiserum Polyclonal antiserum (host rabbit). Suitable for: WB, ELISA, IHC 1.0 ml - ¥7900.0010 ml - ¥52000.00 IASRPAI-GF - Rabbit anti rat PAI-1 IgG fraction Polyclonal antibody (host rabbit). IgG fraction purified by immobilized Protein A. Suitable for: WB, ELISA, IHC 1.0 mg - ¥7900.0010 ml - ¥52000.00 IASRPAI-GF-BIO - Rabbit anti rat PAI-1 IgG fraction, biotin labeled Biotin labeled polyclonal antibody (host rabbit). IgG fraction purified by immobilized Protein A.Suitable for: WB, ELISA, IHC 1.0 mg - ¥7900.0010 ml - ¥52000.00 IASRPAI-GF-FITC - Rabbit anti rat PAI-1 IgG fraction, fluorescein labeled Fluorescein labeled polyclonal antibody (host rabbit). IgG fraction purified by immobilized Protein A. Suitable for: WB, ELISA, IHC 1.0 mg - ¥7900.0010 ml - ¥52000.00 IASRPAI-GF-HT - Rabbit anti rat PAI-1 affinity purified high titer IgG fraction Polyclonal antibody (host rabbit). IgG fraction with titer 1X106. Affinity purified by immobilized PAI-1. Suitable for: WB, ELISA, IHC 1.0 mg - ¥9900.00 10 mg - INQUIRE Monoclonal Antibodies to Rat PAI-1IMA-32K3 - Mouse monoclonal to rat PAI-1 Non-inhibitory monoclonal antibody to rat PAI-1.Purified by immobilized Protein A. IgG class. Suitable for: ELISA References 1. Ngo T.H. et al. (1998) Thromb Haemostas. 79:808-812. 1.0 mg - ¥11900.0010 mg - ¥79000.00 IMA-124K1 - Inhibitory mouse monoclonal to rat PAI-1 Inhibitory monoclonal antibody to rat PAI-1. It has recently been reported that binding of this antibody to rat PAI-1 inhibits rat PAI-1 activity and simultaneously increases the binding of inactive PAI-1 to vitronectin. Purified by immobilized Protein A. IgG class. Suitable for: ELISA References 1. Ngo, T.H. et al. (2001) J. Biol. Chem. 276:26243-26248. 2. Ngo T.H. et al. (1998) Thromb Haemostas. 79:808-812. 1.0 mg - ¥11900.0010 mg - ¥79000.00 PAI-1 Depleted PlasmaIHPLA-SC-PAI - Human PAI-1 depleted plasma, sodium citrate Prepared from frozen human plasma using immobilized anti-human PAI-1 IgG. 10 ml - ¥7900.00100 ml - ¥39000.00 IMPLA-SC-PAI - Mouse PAI-1 depleted plasma, sodium citrate Prepared from frozen mouse plasma using immobilized anti-mouse PAI-1 IgG. 10 ml - ¥9900.00100 ml - ¥69900.00 IRPLA-SC-PAI - Rat PAI-1 depleted plasma, sodium citrate Prepared from frozen rat plasma using immobilized anti-rat PAI-1 IgG. 10 ml - ¥9900.00100 ml - ¥69900.00 IRbPLA-SC-PAI - Rabbit PAI-1 depleted plasma, sodium citrate Prepared from frozen rabbit plasma using immobilized anti-rabbit PAI-1 IgG. 10 ml - ¥7900.00100 ml - ¥39000.00 bio-equip.com 北京启维益成科技有限公司(Beijing QiWei YiCheng Tech.,Ltd.(Qwbio))成立于2005年12月,由从事生物领域多年销售经验人士创立。目前我公司已经与几十家著名的试剂供应商建立了长期稳定的合作关系,已成为众多国际知名品牌的中国总代理或一级代理商;并且为满足国内客户的最新需求,我们也与时俱进地不断与世界上更多的知名品牌洽谈合作代理事宜;企业的主要目标是把国外有特点的生物前沿产品引进中国,让国内科学研究机构和制药企业尽早使用上最新型的科研产品。我们代理的产品覆盖细胞生物学、植物学、分子生物学、免疫学、生物化学、蛋白组学。生物制药与诊断试剂研发生产等领域。细胞生物学包含细胞培养,细胞迁移,细胞信号转导等。植物学包含植物抗体,植物抗生素,植物组织培养试剂等。分子生物学包含表观遗传试剂盒,核酸提取,转染试剂等。免疫学包含抗体,各类检测试剂盒等。生物化学包含各类生化试剂,化学小分子,常规试剂等。蛋白组学包含不同种属的重组蛋白,天然提取蛋白,细胞因子等。生物制药与诊断试剂研发方面的试剂包含各类蛋白抑制剂,酶类等。在公司全体员工的共同努力和国外生产商的支持下,在业务上实现了迅猛发展,相继在上海、武汉、广州、长春、石家庄、哈尔滨等重点城市建立了分支机构或授权服务商,并以专业和优质的服务成为多家世界500强企业的中国区产品供应商,以及中国科学院科研采购平台的中标供货商。2008年以后业务的迅猛发展促进了启维益成内部组织架构的不断优化,我们建立了自己的网络销售平台,业务代表销售平台,针对科研客户与企业客户的不同需求,综合网络平台和业务代表平台的优点,启维益成创建了科研用户与工业客户两支独立的营销团队,分别配备不同的专业技术支持和客服人员,通过网络和业务代表,力求为不同类型的客户提供前沿专业的解决方案。 公司客户遍布中国生命科学基础研究、开发应用、制药、疾病诊断与控制、商品检验检疫、生物技术公司、食品安全以及农林畜牧业等诸多领域。 我们追求目的是与研究机构及合作伙伴之间诚信而专业的对话,力求建立长久合作。我们相信我们精心提供的高效、优质的产品和技术服务,会使您实验设计更有效,实验操作更简便,研究结果更可靠。 放眼未来,公司将努力实现更大的突破,将国外优秀产品不断引进国内,同时积极推动国内的产品销往世界各地

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