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细胞库 的翻译结果--cnki翻译助手

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cell bank Establishment of cord blood stem cell bank and its clinical application脐血干细胞库的建立及其临床应用短句来源 MATERIALS: Mouse osteoblast-like MC3T3-E1 cells were obtained from RIKEN Cell Bank in Japan. PLA was supplied by the Institute of Bio-technique of Jinan University.材料: 小鼠 MC3T3-E1 成骨前体细胞从日本 RIKEN 细胞库获得, 聚乳酸由暨南大学提供。短句来源 Results A total of 79 cell lines from the cell bank for production of biologics were tested from 2003 to March 2006,of which 10 lines(12.7%) were contaminated with mycoplasma and 5 lines(6.3%) with adventitious viruses.结果自2003~2006年3月间共检测了用于生物制品生产用细胞库细胞79株。 结果显示,被检测的79株细胞中,支原体污染细胞10株,污染阳性率为12.7%;短句来源 MATERIALS: The experiments were carried out in the Research Room of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology,Medical College of Qingdao University of September 2003 to December 2004. Experimental materials and reagents: HL60 cell strains,which were the cells from promylocytic leukemia,were purchased from Shanghai Cell Bank,Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences;材料:实验于2003-09/2004-12在青岛大学医学院生物化学与分子生物学研究室完成。 HL60细胞株购于中国医学科学院上海细胞库,为人类早幼粒白血病细胞。短句来源 Conclusions Vero cells stored at my institute(NO.128 generation)can be used as original cell bank producing purified HFRS bivalent vaccine.结论 该所保存的Vero细胞 1 2 8代可以作为HFRS双化纯化疫苗生产的原始细胞库细胞短句来源更多 cells bank INCIPIENT ESTABLISHMENT OF HUMAN BONE MARROW MESENCHYMAL STEM CELLS BANK人骨髓间质干细胞库的初步建立短句来源 In this study, Beijing Oil chicken embryos(9-13 days) were cultured with direct-adherent-cultivation methods and constructed successfully fibroblast somatic cells bank, the cell freezing density is between 3×10~6cell/ml and 5×10~6cell/ml.本研究取北京油鸡9-13 日胚,采用组织块贴壁培养法,成功构建了北京油鸡胚胎成纤维样细胞库,细胞冻存密度为3~5×106 细胞/ml。短句来源 The study of umbilical cord blood CD_(34) ̄+ cells separation and their in vitro expansion open up the possibilityof the establishment of umbilical cord blood hematopoi-etic stemlprogenitor cells bank and clinical transplan-tation and gene transduction with these cells.脐血CD_(34) ̄+细胞分离、纯化及其体外扩增的研究对于脐血造血细胞库的建立,脐血造血细胞移植和基因导入的研究均具有重要意义。短句来源 Objective We cultured adenohypophysial cells of SD rats to determine the best time for adenohypophysial cells growth in vitro, and try to provide the experimental foundation of setting up the adenohypophysial cells bank and application of pituitary transplantation.目的 利用细胞培养技术 ,对大鼠腺垂体细胞进行体外培养 ,进而确定腺垂体细胞在体外生长的最佳时机 ,为垂体移植细胞库的建立以及垂体移植的应用提供实验依据 .短句来源 According to the situation that there are only more than twenty insect ceils linesat present in our country, we set up the first professional insect cells bank byourselves as the same time collecting the insect cells lines in and abroad, which hasprovided the necessary technology and the material store for the biotechnology,molecular biology, biochemistry and genetics in our country.本研究是针对目前我国只有 20 余株昆虫细胞系的状况,通过自建和收集国内外的昆虫细胞系,建立我国的第一个专业昆虫细胞库,为我国的生物技术、分子生物学、生化和遗传研究提供必要的技术和物质储备。短句来源更多 \"细胞库”译为未确定词的双语例句 4.peak and positive percentage between IgG or IgM against ds-DNA and ss-DNA were different,suggesting that B cells tolerance to ss-DNA in primary B cells repertoire might be more complete than tods-DNA;4.IgG、IgM抗ds-DNA抗体高峰和阳性率导以抗98-DNA抗体,提示正常B细胞库中对ss-DNA的免疫耐受更完全,识别ds-DNA的B细胞克隆数量多和/或轻易被选择活化。短句来源 Purpose: To establish a new cell line of human retinoblastoma (Rb),frozen and resuscitated to provide a Rb cell reservoir for clinical and experimental research.目的:建立新的人视网膜母细胞瘤细胞株,对其进行冻存和复苏,为临床、科研提供Rb细胞库。短句来源 This is an information system of genetic disease cell base which was designed mainly with the database language of the new FoxPro.该系统是以新一代Foxpro为主要数据库语言而研制的遗传病细胞库信息系统。短句来源 To evaluate the potential application for SV40 vectors/COS7 stable expression system, a stable, drug-resistant COS7 cell pool was formed by transfecting COS7 cells with SV40 vector pctPA containing an intact coding region of tissue-type plasminogen activator (t-PA), and then selecting the cells with G418 for 28 days.为评价SV4 0载体 COS7稳定表达系统的可能应用价值 ,将含人组织型纤溶酶原激活剂 (t PA)编码区的SV4 0载体pctPA转染COS7细胞 ,并以G4 18选择培养 2 8d ,得到稳定的抗性细胞库 .短句来源 Department of Immunology,Institute of Basic Medical Sciences,CAMS and PUMC,Beijing100005 Cytotoxic T cell(CTL)covers several subtypes,which are CD8 + ,CD4and CD4 - CD8 - . CTL derives from T cell repertoire in lymphoid hematopoietic stem cells. It matures in thymus and is activated in peripheral lymphoid tissues.细胞毒T细胞(CTL)分为CD8+CTLs、CD4+CTLs和CD4-CD8-CTLs几个亚群,它来源于淋巴样造血干细胞的T细胞库,在胸腺中发育成熟,并在周围淋巴组织中活化。短句来源更多 查询\"细胞库”译词为用户自定义的双语例句我想查看译文中含有:的双语例句 \"例句\"为了更好的帮助您理解掌握查询词或其译词在地道英语中的实际用法,我们为您准备了出自英文原文的大量英语例句,供您参考。cell bankA formal program of environmental monitoring should be maintained in each stem cell bank to specify and assess key factors and their influence on the microbiological quality of the process and product.The monitoring programme will depend on local conditions in each processing centre or cell bank.Over 100 melanoma cell lines deposited in the ESTDAB Melanoma Cell Bank (Tubingen, Germany) were studied for the characteristic glycan composition related to tumor progression.This enables investigators to search for cells with particular constellations of HLA alleles, tumour antigens, etc., and then request these from the cell bank.All SLE cell lines are available for interested researches and can be obtained from the European Cell Bank, Salisbury, UK.更多cells poolEvidence is presented that, in the cat retina, the region in the visual field over which the surrounds of type X ganglion cells pool adaptive information corresponds to the region over which they pool signals.Arising T cells pool can still recognize the self hsp epitopes with relatively low affinity.The S-cells are feature detectors and the C-cells pool the output of S-cells to create invariant feature detectors.What is remarkable in these results is that many cells pool responses over different frequencies.

In this article 108 human fetuses from 12 to 30 weeks of gestation, 3 neonates and a 1.5 years child were used for study of the histogenesis of the appendix.

本研究收集了12~30周人胎108例、新生儿3例及1例1岁半儿童的阑尾,采用组织学、组织化学和免疫学方法,在光镜和透射电镜下观察了人阑尾的组织发生。 12周胎阑尾腔小壁薄,已有绒毛和肠腺,内分泌细胞和杯状细胞已经出现,并可见到环行肌及浆膜。13~15周固有膜出现弥散淋巴组织及淋巴小结。小结表面绒毛消失,上皮变薄,细胞呈立方形或矮立方形。外纵肌已形成,并可见到散在的粘膜肌。16周时内分泌细胞数量较多,形状多样,并可区分出开放型或闭合型。电镜下按基底颗粒形状可将内分泌细胞分为两类:一类含圆形、大小不等的颗粒;另一类含不规则形的颗粒。两类颗粒都有界膜包绕。在覆盖淋巴组织的表面上皮中发现微皱褶细胞,顶端胞浆充满小囊和小泡,表面有短而不规则的微绒毛。18.5周绒毛开始互相合并,20周粘膜肌层形成,阑尾壁的4层结构与成人相似。16~21周期间有7例阑尾绒毛顶端发现内分泌细胞聚集成濑木帽。免疫学方法测出,于13.5周已可分离并区分出T或B淋巴细胞。随胎龄增长,B淋巴细胞百分数有减少的趋势。经统计学处理,胎龄与B淋巴细胞百分数的关系呈负相关。这提示阑尾在胎期有B淋巴细胞库的可能。

Using ultra-hypothermic(-196℃)preservation of the whole tumor mice,authors of this paper reported results of the biological characteristics of the tumor cells in six different strains.25mice were stored under ultra-low temperature for 4-120 days.After re- turning to normothermia,transplantation was made in 146 normal mice(NIH),in which 137 mice were fallen sick after a period of 6- 8 days,with a successful rate amounting to 93.84%.Detailed in- formation may be given as follows. (1)EAC-strain:3 mice of this strain...

Using ultra-hypothermic(-196℃)preservation of the whole tumor mice,authors of this paper reported results of the biological characteristics of the tumor cells in six different strains.25mice were stored under ultra-low temperature for 4-120 days.After re- turning to normothermia,transplantation was made in 146 normal mice(NIH),in which 137 mice were fallen sick after a period of 6- 8 days,with a successful rate amounting to 93.84%.Detailed in- formation may be given as follows. (1)EAC-strain:3 mice of this strain were cold stored and 20 normal mice were transplanted after returning to normothermia,all were fallen sick within 6-8 days;(2)s180-strain:11 mice of this strain were cold stored and transplantation was made in 67 normal mice after returning to normothermia,all were fallen sick within 7- 9 days;(3)HAC-strain:6 mice of this strain were cold stored and 29normal mice were transplanted,all were fallen sick within 7-9 days;(4)ARS-strain:3 mice of this strain were cold stored and 29 normal mice were transplanted,all were fallen sick within 7-9 days; (5)L615-strain:2 mice of this strain were cold stored and trans- plantation was made in 10 normal mice,all were fallen sick in 8 days;(6)S37-strain:2 mice of this strain were cold stored and transplantation was made in 10 normal mice,but only one was fall- en sick.The cause of this failure may be attributed to improper preparation of the suspension.Aside from this exception,our suc- cessful rate may be accounted for 100%. The advantages of the ultra-hypothermic preservation are man- ifold.(1)It can be used as a tumor cell storage.The preserved and resuscitated mice may be transplanted repeatedly with 100% suc- cess.The theory that\"tumor cells can be preserved and used only once”is chanllenged.(2)Since it may be used as a storage,great quantities of tumor cells can be preserved.(3)This method is simple and frugal of time.The whole freezing process may be completed within 20 minutes.Two to five-fold of time may be saved than the formerly used\"only once”method.In addition,it saves a lot of man- power,material and instrument.No preservatives and nutrients are needed.It is 95% economic financially. Our success is based mainly on the following reasons.In the present way of preservation,the host itself,after freezing,may be served as a protective body and may be able to supply metabolites to the tumor cells even under ultra-hypothermic conditions,so that the viability of these cells still exists.A safety environmemt for living is mantained for the tumor cells in the host,and their reproductive ca- pacity may be strengthened.

本文报告通过超低温(—196℃)肿瘤动物保存的方法,详细观察了六种动物肿瘤细胞的生物学特性。其结果是:冷冻保存瘤鼠31只,时间4—310d,经复温后共移植于健康 NIH 小鼠183只,移植后于6—8d 发病172只,移植成功率93.98%。其中:EAC 瘤株冷冻保存5只,复温后移植于健康 NIH 鼠29只,于6—8d 均发病;S180瘤株,冷冻保存12只,复温后移植于健康 NIH鼠72只,于7—9d 发病;HAC 瘤株冷冻保存7只,复苏后移植于健康 NIH 鼠32只,于7—9d 均发病;ARS 瘤株冷冻保存3只,复苏后移植于健康 NIH 鼠20只,于7—9d 均发病;L615瘤株,冷冻保存2只,复苏后移植于健康 NIH 鼠15只,于8d 均发病;S37瘤株冷冻保存2只,复苏后移植于健康 NIH 鼠15只,于8d 后发病4只。除此株制取瘤细胞悬液不当造成移植成功率低外,其他5种瘤株均获100%移植成功。此法的优点是:超低温保存瘤鼠即是一个\"瘤细胞库”,可以反复冷冻复温存取转种,并获100%成功,打破了前人\"瘤细胞液氮内一次存取论”。保存瘤细胞量大,作为一个瘤细胞库,方法简便,节约时间,冷...

本文报告通过超低温(—196℃)肿瘤动物保存的方法,详细观察了六种动物肿瘤细胞的生物学特性。其结果是:冷冻保存瘤鼠31只,时间4—310d,经复温后共移植于健康 NIH 小鼠183只,移植后于6—8d 发病172只,移植成功率93.98%。其中:EAC 瘤株冷冻保存5只,复温后移植于健康 NIH 鼠29只,于6—8d 均发病;S180瘤株,冷冻保存12只,复温后移植于健康 NIH鼠72只,于7—9d 发病;HAC 瘤株冷冻保存7只,复苏后移植于健康 NIH 鼠32只,于7—9d 均发病;ARS 瘤株冷冻保存3只,复苏后移植于健康 NIH 鼠20只,于7—9d 均发病;L615瘤株,冷冻保存2只,复苏后移植于健康 NIH 鼠15只,于8d 均发病;S37瘤株冷冻保存2只,复苏后移植于健康 NIH 鼠15只,于8d 后发病4只。除此株制取瘤细胞悬液不当造成移植成功率低外,其他5种瘤株均获100%移植成功。此法的优点是:超低温保存瘤鼠即是一个\"瘤细胞库”,可以反复冷冻复温存取转种,并获100%成功,打破了前人\"瘤细胞液氮内一次存取论”。保存瘤细胞量大,作为一个瘤细胞库,方法简便,节约时间,冷冻全过程不超过20min,比单细胞冷冻保存节约时间2—5倍,节约人力物力财力。

20monoclonal antibodies against human IgG were obtained by cell fusion After Hydrolysized with papain and separated on affinity chromatography SPA column, human IgG Fc and Fab fragments were available With these as coating antigens and sigma monoclonal antibodies to human IgG Fc and Fab fragments as standard substances, McAbs were identified and two of them were specific to human IgG Fc fragment and human IgG Fab fragment respectively.

本实验采用木瓜酶水解,SPA柱亲合层析等手段得到人IgGFc段及Fab段,以Sigma抗人IgGfFc段和抗人IgG Fab段单抗为标准品,鉴定了细胞库中抗人IgG系列的部分细胞株,得到特异性分泌抗人IgG Fc段和抗人IgG Fab段单抗的细胞各一株。 在上述实验基础上,用抗人IgG Fc及抗人IgG Fab单抗分别制备了Sepharose4B亲合层析柱,提纯了酶解人IgG Fc、Fab片段,经ELISA法鉴定,相互之间无交叉反应。同时用此方法制备了人抗HBe Fab片段,并将该片段进行了过氧化物酶标记,用来配制HBe ELISA诊断盒,证明其生物活性未受影响,而且消除了类风湿因子引起的HBe Ag假阳性现象。因抗HBe单抗来源困难,如采用HBe多抗制备ELISA试剂,本法将是提高质量的一个好方法。


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