The PromoCell DetachKit 2 was developed for very gentle detachment of primary human cells in culture. It contains less trypsin and EDTA than the standard DetachKit and is suited for applications, which require very gentle cell handling.
The DetachKit 2 is optimized for primary human cells but can also be used for primary animal cells and cell lines.
PromoCell DetachKit 2 was designed for the safe and efficient detachment of primary human cells in routine subculturing. DetachKit 2 is especially valuable for more sensitive cell types. Each DetachKit consists of three components: HEPES BSS (HEPES buffered Balanced Salt Solution), Trypsin/EDTA Solution and TNS (Trypsin Neutralization Solution). The DetachKit 2 comes with a Trypsin/EDTA ratio of 0.025%/0.01%.
HEPES BSS contains 30 mM HEPES, D-Glucose, NaCl, KCl, Na-Phosphate and Phenol Red. TNS contains 0.05% Trypsin Inhibitor from soybean and 0.1% Bovine Serum Albumin.
PromoKine细胞生物学(Cell Biology)是在显微、亚显微和分子水平三个层次上,研究细胞的结构、功能和各种生命规律的一门科学。细胞生物学由细胞学发展而来,细胞学是关于细胞结构与功能(特别是染色体)的研究。现代细胞生物学从显微水平、超微水平和分子水平等不同层次研究细胞的结构、功能及生命活动。在我国基础学科发展规划中,细胞生物学与分子生物学、神经生物学和生态学并列为生命科学的四大基础学科。