BIOMYC-2 is a solution based on the antibiotic minocycline, which is a tetracycline derivative.This antibiotic has been shown to be very effective in eliminating the mycoplasma species frequently present in contaminated cell cultures and is generally used sequentially in combination. with tiamutin (see BIOMYC-1). Following our protocol, the mycoplasmas do not develop resistance to thess antibiotics – a common occurrence with other antibiotic treatment methods. The treatment is based on alternating use of the two antibiotics: four days with tiamutin followed by three days with minocycline, and repeating the cycle 2-3 times. On completion of the treatment, the cells should be grown on media without antibiotics for at least two weeks and then re-tested for the presence of mycoplasmas. If the culture test is positive, the course of treatment should be repeated.
PromoKine细胞生物学(Cell Biology)是在显微、亚显微和分子水平三个层次上,研究细胞的结构、功能和各种生命规律的一门科学。细胞生物学由细胞学发展而来,细胞学是关于细胞结构与功能(特别是染色体)的研究。现代细胞生物学从显微水平、超微水平和分子水平等不同层次研究细胞的结构、功能及生命活动。在我国基础学科发展规划中,细胞生物学与分子生物学、神经生物学和生态学并列为生命科学的四大基础学科。