Innovative Research/Innovative Grade US Origin CD-1 Mouse Serum/IGMS-SER/50ml

作者: 时间:2025-02-23 点击量:

Product Description

Innovative Grade US Origin Mouse Serum
US Origin CD-1 Mouse Serum is recovered from whole blood donations from normal healthy mice. The mice used for this material are of only US Origin ensuring that only the highest quality material is used for the production of the serum. This product has been approved to be used for coagulation studies and further manufacturing.



HTML An antigen-specific, four-color, B-cell FluoroSpot assay utilizing tagged antigens for detection
P Jahnmatz, T Bengtsson, B Zuber, A Frnert - Journal of Immunological , 2016... an automated ELISA washer. Filtered mouse serum (200 L/well; Innovative Research, Novi, MI, USA) was then added, diluted 1:5 in PBS, and plates were incubated for 2 h at room temperature (RT). The mouse serum was ... (11-23-15)
PDF Sensing Small Changes in Protein Abundance: Stimulation of Caco-2 Cells by Human Whey Proteins
JK Cundiff, EJ McConnell, KJ Lohe, S Maria - of Proteome Research, 2015... Human breast milk was from Innovative Research, Inc. (Novi, MI) and the whey proteins (WP) extracted as previously described. ...


Functional assessment of mouse complement pathway activities and quantification of C3b/C3c/iC3b in an experimental model of mouse renal ischemia/reperfusion
JP Kotimaa, MB van Werkhoven, N Klar-Mohamad - Journal of Immunological , 2015The CD1 serum (NMS) was purchased from Innovative Research (Novi, MI). NMS and plasmas were prepared from CO 2 euthanized mice via heart puncture, stored on ice and prepared as described previously (Kotimaa et al., 2014)...(2-10-15)
Bone metastasis imaging with SPECT/CT/MRI: a preclinical toolbox for therapy studies
PG Sanches, S Peters, R Rossin, EL Kaijzel, I Que - Bone, 2015The stability of 125 IFIAU was assessed in 50% mouse serum (Innovative Research, Novi, MI) at 37 C. Samples (100 L) were taken at 0, 30, 60, 90, 120, 180, 240 min and 24 h and two-fold diluted with ice cold MeCN to precipitate serum proteins.


Determination of Androgen Receptor Degradation Enhancer ASC-J9< sup> in Mouse Sera and Organs with Liquid Chromatography Tandem Mass ...
SF Soh, CK Huang, SO Lee, D Xu, S Yeh, J Li, EL Yong... - Journal of Pharmaceutical ..., 2013 Louis, MO, USA). Commercial mouse serum of innovative grade was purchased from Innovative Research Inc. (Peary court Novi, MI, USA). Phosphate buffer saline (PBS) was purchased from Vivantis Technologies Sdn Bhd (Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia).(4-6-13)
Real-time imaging and kinetics measurements of focused ultrasound-induced extravasation in skeletal muscle using SPECT/CT
PG Sanches, R Rossin, M Bhmer, K Tiemann... - Journal of Controlled ..., 2013 - Elsevier...MA). CD-1 mouse serum was purchased from Innovative Research (Novi, MI). The labeling buffers were treated with Chelex-100 resin (BioRad Laboratories, Hercules, CA) overnight and filtered through 0.22 m before use.


Automated analysis of mouse serum peptidome using restricted access media and nanoliquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry
GC Gil, J Brennan, DJ Throckmorton, SS Branda... - ... of Chromatography B, 2011 - Elsevier...Trypsin (sequencing grade) was from Promega (Madison, WI). Pooled CD 1 mouse serum was purchased from Innovative Research (Novi, MI). BioGelP2 size exclusion packing was purchased from BioRad (Hercules, CA). Bond...(1-14-11)
Improvement of biological and pharmacokinetic features of human interleukin-11 by site-directed mutagenesis
Y Jung, H Ahn, DS Kim, YR Hwang, SH Ho... - ... BiophysicalResearch..., 2011 - Elsevier...For stability study, the purified mIL-11 was incubated under stress conditions, either in an acidic solution (2 mM citric acid, pH 3.5 at 50 C) or in mouse serum (Innovative Research, Novi, MI, USA). In acidic solution, samples were collected at 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4 days.


Aptamers as Affinity Reagents in an Integrated Electrophoretic Lab-on-a-Chip Platform
AH Hecht, GJ Sommer, RH Durland, X Yang... - Analytical ..., 2010 - ACS Publications...Off the clot mouse serum was purchased from Innovative Research (Novi, MI). Upon receipt, serum was thawed at 37 C, mixed with 0.05% (w/v) sodium azide, filtered with 0.2 m syringe filters, (Whatman, UK), aliquotted, and stored at -20 C until use.(6-22-10)
Liposomal Cu-64 labeling method using bifunctional chelators: poly (ethylene glycol) spacer and chelator effects
JW Seo, LM Mahakian, A Kheirolomoom... - Bioconjugate ..., 2010 - ACS Publications...64 CuCl 2 was purchased from Isotrace (St. Louis, MO) under a protocol controlled by the University of California, Davis. PBS was purchased from Invitrogen Corporation (Carlsbad, CA). Mouse serum was purchased from Innovative Research (Novi, MI).


An optical and microPET assessment of thermally-sensitive liposome biodistribution in the Met-1 tumor model: Importance of formulation
EE Paoli, DE Kruse, JW Seo, H Zhang...- Journal of Controlled..., 2010 - Elsevier...Next, PBS or mouse serum (Innovative Research, Inc., Novi, MI) was added to this solution to precisely match the liposome concentration, in which the heating experiments were performed and the fluorescence intensity measured.(12-24-08)
Wnt signalling in mouse mesenchymal stem cells: impact on proliferation, invasion and MMP expression
M Karow, T Popp, V Egea, C Ries... - Journal of cellular ..., 2009 - Wiley Online the upper compartments. The lower compartments were filled with 600 lDMEM-Nutridoma containing 10% mouse serum (Innovative Research, Inc., Novi, MI, USA) as a source of chemoattractants. The serum had been depleted...


A novel method to label preformed liposomes with 64Cu for positron emission tomography (PET) imaging
JW Seo, H Zhang, DL Kukis, CF Meares... - Bioconjugate ..., 2008 - ACS Publications...Louis, MO). PBS was purchased from Invitrogen Corporation (Carlsbad, CA). Mouse serum was purchased from Innovative Research (Novi, MI). All eppendorf tubes and glassware for labeling were prewashed with absolute ethanol and acetone, and dried in an oven before use.

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