Development of a Robust Reporter-based T Cell Activation Assay for Therapeutic Biologics Immunotherapy Poster

作者: 时间:2024-09-20 点击量:

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Development of a Robust Reporter-based T Cell Activation Assay for Therapeutic Biologics in Immunotherapy

Zhi-jie Jey Cheng, Pete Stecha, Jim Hartnett, Frank Fan, and Mei CongPromega Corporation, Madison, WI 53711Jurkat T-cells stably expressing luciferase reporter driven by IL2 promoter or NFAT-RE, are used as effector cells. Tumor cell lines endogenously expressing cancer antigen are used as antigen presenting cells (APC). By co-cultivating the two cell lines in the presence of CD3 bispecific antibody, TCR/CD3 is activated in Jurkat effector cells. Luciferase activity is up regulated through IL-2 promoter or NFAT-RE activation.

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