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question 有谁知道吗? NanoLight试剂采购,有谁知道吗?

蚂蚁淘生物是一家专门从事抗体,蛋白,细胞等试剂产品研发与销售的公司.蚂蚁淘生物专业代理NanoLightX 品牌试剂,大量现货,保证正品,价格优惠.欢迎来询

The Brightest Light …

NanoLight® Technologies is a division of Prolume Ltd., formed by Prolume’s founder Dr. Bruce Bryan and a group of excellent co-founders from Prolume® Ltd. namely Byron Ballou PhD; Gene Finely MD; Chris Szent-Gyorgyi PhD; Randall Murphy PhD and Miroslav Trampota.

Nanolight® Technology is a biotechnology company developing broad applications of natural, light-emitting marine proteins, or marine bioluminescence. The NanoLight division is focused on becoming the leader in high-value reagent & reporter systems for new product development in the pharmaceutical, agrichemical, and research products industries.

Valuable life science uses for NanoLight®’s technology include high-throughput drug discovery, functional genomics, tumor imaging, replacement of radioisotopes, and molecular diagnostics. One particularly exciting application is the ability to use NanoLight®’s reporter systems to “illuminate” gene and molecular function within living cells, allowing pharmaceutical companies a revolutionary method to study drug activity. A second opportunity is to broadly supply researchers who are increasingly moving away from radioactive reagents toward light-based reporter systems and instruments. NanoLight® Technologies is poised to capitalize on both of these accelerating market trends.

NanoLight’s competitive advantage 

Our advantage is based on three crucial proprietary positions:

  • Access to the novel bioluminescent and fluorescent protein molecules.
  • World’s lowest-cost production technology for coelenterazine (NanoFuel™), necessary for light emission.
  • World’s largest collection of expression libraries from marine bioluminescent organisms.These proprietary technologies, which NanoLight has already developed or protected by patent filings & trade secrets, permit the company to grow into the dominant supplier of proprietary bioluminescent reagents and reporter systems to the life science markets. NanoLight® can immediately provide partners access to:
    • Novel GFP genes isolated from Ptilosarcus gurneyi and Renilla Mulleri with distinctive properties including a novel chromophore sequence that differs in 3 of 6 residues from the Aequorea GFP.
    • Novel marine luciferases cloned from Renilla Mulleri, Pleuromama sp., and Gaussia sp., the latter appears to be brighter than existing Renilla or Firefly systems in mammalian cells.
    • Pending patents on the novel use of bioluminescent proteins on silicon chips for inexpensive high throughput screening and diagnostic applications.
    • cDNA libraries from over forty (40) different luminescent organisms for further gene discovery patenting, and licensing.
    • Proprietary functional screening methods to identify new bioluminescent genes.

    This enormous genetic resource represents an outstanding opportunity for leading life sciences companies racing to establish advanced high-throughput screening and diagnostic systems.

蚂蚁淘 2020-11-09
  • 苏州蚂蚁淘生物科技有限公司成立于2017年,致力于将全球领先的创新产品和前沿技术带入中国,帮助国内科研工作者在第一时间接触世界范围内的技术革命,并分享研发工具的进步带来的技术红利。依托于集团公司深厚的资源和超过400家的国内优质客户群体,生命科学领域的一站式供应链体系,以及高风险生物危险材料进出口平台的优势,蚂蚁淘生物严格筛选国际创新且经过同行验证过的产品和技术,引入中国市场,开发、孵育和推广。公司的未来将立足于实验室大数据整合和电子商务,结合严格的品牌筛选、创新的营销模式、专注的应用支持和坚实服务,帮助实现生命科学产业链的简单和高效。
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  • NanoFuel®GLOWAssayforOplophorusLuciferases IntroducinganewGLOWAssaykitthatwillworkwithOplophorusLuciferaseanditsvariantslikeNanoKAZ andNanoLuc®. Kitcontent: 50ml NLucGLOWbufferforOplophorusLuciferases 1ml  50x SubstrateforOplophorusLuciferases     OplophorusLuciferase(wildtype,196aa,19.5kDa)GI:10336559 MAYSTLFIIALTAVVTQASSTQKSNLTFTLADFVGDWQQTAGYNQDQVLEQGGLSSLFQALGVSVTPIQKVVLS GENGLKADIHVIIPYEGLSGFQMGLIEMIFKVVYPVDDHHFKIILHYGTLVIDGVTPNMIDYFGRPYPGIAVFD GKQITVTGTLWNGNKIYDERLINPDGSLLFRVTINGVTGWRLCENILA NanoKAZ(171aa,19.1kDa)GI:525342150 MVFTLEDFVGDWRQTAGYNLDQVLEQGGVSSLFQNLGVSVTPIQRIVLSGENGLKIDIHVIIPYEGLSGDQMGQ IEKIFKVVYPVDDHHFKVILHYGTLVIDGVTPNMIDYFGRPYEGIAVFDGKKITVTGTLWNGNKIIDERLINPD GSLLFRVTINGVTGWRLCERILA NanoLuc®(171aa,19.1kDa)GI:386649645 MVFTLEDFVGDWRQTAGYNLDQVLEQGGVSSLFQNLGVSVTPIQRIVLSGENGLKIDIHVIIPYEGLSGDQMGQ IEKIFKVVYPVDDHHFKVILHYGTLVIDGVTPNMIDYFGRPYEGIAVFDGKKITVTGTLWNGNKIIDERLINPD GSLLFRVTINGVTGWRLCERILA   NanoLuc®isaregisteredtrademarkofPromegaCorp.   Advantages: one-stepassay stableluminescentsignal(half-lifeapprox.1.5hours) affordable highsensitivity lowbackground,higherS/Nratio enoughreagentfor1000assays noinjectionportneededontheluminometer   Pleaseseethe Instructions forfurtherdetails. Largeramountsforadiscountedpriceareavailableuponrequest. Shipping:viaFedExorUPSovernightdeliveryfordomestic,allow2-4daysforInternationaldelivery. Storeat-80°Corindividualcomponentsasdirecteduponarrival.  技术资料 1. How To Use Cypridina-305-500 2. How To Use Cypridina-305-1 (2 x500ug) 3. How To Use Cypridina-305-10 ( 2 x5mgs) 4. How To Use Cypridina-305-5 5. MSDS-305-500 6. MSDS-305-1 (2 x500ug) 7. MSDS-305-10 ( 2 x5mgs) 8. MSDS-305-5 9. HPLC-306FA-250 10. HPLC-306FA-500(2 x250mgs)
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