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question 理论探讨:Nanolight荧光产品 NanoLight代理,产品目录,哪里有卖?

The Brightest Light …

NanoLight® Technologies is a division of Prolume Ltd., formed by Prolume’s founder Dr. Bruce Bryan and a group of excellent co-founders from Prolume® Ltd. namely Byron Ballou PhD; Gene Finely MD; Chris Szent-Gyorgyi PhD; Randall Murphy PhD and Miroslav Trampota.

Nanolight® Technology is a biotechnology company developing broad applications of natural, light-emitting marine proteins, or marine bioluminescence. The NanoLight division is focused on becoming the leader in high-value reagent & reporter systems for new product development in the pharmaceutical, agrichemical, and research products industries.

Valuable life science uses for NanoLight®’s technology include high-throughput drug discovery, functional genomics, tumor imaging, replacement of radioisotopes, and molecular diagnostics. One particularly exciting application is the ability to use NanoLight®’s reporter systems to “illuminate” gene and molecular function within living cells, allowing pharmaceutical companies a revolutionary method to study drug activity. A second opportunity is to broadly supply researchers who are increasingly moving away from radioactive reagents toward light-based reporter systems and instruments. NanoLight® Technologies is poised to capitalize on both of these accelerating market trends.

NanoLight’s competitive advantage 

Our advantage is based on three crucial proprietary positions:

  • Access to the novel bioluminescent and fluorescent protein molecules.
  • World’s lowest-cost production technology for coelenterazine (NanoFuel™), necessary for light emission.
  • World’s largest collection of expression libraries from marine bioluminescent organisms.These proprietary technologies, which NanoLight has already developed or protected by patent filings & trade secrets, permit the company to grow into the dominant supplier of proprietary bioluminescent reagents and reporter systems to the life science markets. NanoLight® can immediately provide partners access to:
    • Novel GFP genes isolated from Ptilosarcus gurneyi and Renilla Mulleri with distinctive properties including a novel chromophore sequence that differs in 3 of 6 residues from the Aequorea GFP.
    • Novel marine luciferases cloned from Renilla Mulleri, Pleuromama sp., and Gaussia sp., the latter appears to be brighter than existing Renilla or Firefly systems in mammalian cells.
    • Pending patents on the novel use of bioluminescent proteins on silicon chips for inexpensive high throughput screening and diagnostic applications.
    • cDNA libraries from over forty (40) different luminescent organisms for further gene discovery patenting, and licensing.
    • Proprietary functional screening methods to identify new bioluminescent genes.

    This enormous genetic resource represents an outstanding opportunity for leading life sciences companies racing to establish advanced high-throughput screening and diagnostic systems.

NanoLightX品牌 历史介绍:苏州蚂蚁淘生物科技有限公司,作为一家生命科学领域的高科技生物公司,目前代理销售二十多家欧美著名生物技术公司的产品,覆盖了免疫学、细胞生物学、分子生物学、药物筛选、生物制药、食品检测、疫苗生产等领域。

蚂蚁淘 2019-11-08
  • 蚂蚁淘(ebiomall)是苏州蚂蚁淘生物科技有限公司旗下的生物医学科研用品跨境直采(平行进口)平台,自营B2B电商。客户在蚂蚁淘搜索全球产品信息,找到合适的产品后再蚂蚁淘下单,然后蚂蚁淘的海外办事处进行跨境采购、运输到中国口岸,最后由蚂蚁淘国内团队清关并发货给客户我们部分客户1 : 经销商代表---国药化试,飞世尔,SIGMA等1000家左右的经销商2 : 学校代表---北京大学,清华大学,上海交通大学,复旦大学,武汉大学,厦门大学.....等200所左右大学及100多家附属医院3 : 制药公司代表 : 罗氏,阿斯利康,诺和诺德,和记黄埔,东阳光科......4 : CRO公司代表 : 睿智化学,药明康德,桑迪亚,美迪西......
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  • NanoLight2019年价格表 点击次数:137 发布时间:2019-09-18 NanoLight ®  技术是Prolume公司的,公司注重对海洋生物发光的广泛基础的应用程序。所述NanoLight® 除法致力于提供高质量的试剂科学家,荧光素(NanoFuel®S),重组生物发光蛋白的荧光素酶(NanoLight®S),光蛋白(NanoFlashTM)和荧光蛋白(NanoFluorsTM)。 我们希望为科学,生物技术和制药界提供更明亮,更好的转移萤光素酶和荧光蛋白。   NanoLight 产品介绍:   一、NanoLights 1、Luciferase Expression Vectors 荧光素酶表达载体 2、Photoprotein Expression Vectors 光蛋白表达载体 二、NanoFuels 1、Luciferins & Substrates 荧光素和基质 2、Coelenterazine腔肠素 3、Coelenterazine - Prolume Purple  腔肠素- 4、Coelenterazine - Water Soluble  腔肠素-水溶性 5、Coelenterazine - Inject-A-Lume  腔肠素-Inject-A-Lume 6、Coelenterazine - Special compounds  腔肠素-特殊化合物 7、Cypridina Luciferin  海萤荧光素荧光 8、Firefly Luciferin & Coenzyme A 萤火虫荧光素和辅酶A 9、Assay Reagents 分析试剂 10、Luciferase Proteins 荧光素酶蛋白质 三、NanoFluors 1、GFP Expression Vectors    GFP表达载体 2、Green Fluorescent Proteins  绿色荧光蛋白 四、NanoTools 纳米工具 1、Antibodies 抗体 1.1Polyclonal Antisera Gluc 多克隆抗血清葡萄糖 1.2Monoclonal Antisera Gluc 单克隆抗血清葡萄糖 1.3Polyclonal Antisera Pt. GFP 多克隆抗血清绿色荧光蛋白 1.4Polyclonal Antisera RR GFP  多克隆抗血清rr-gfp   NanoLight2019年价格表:   货号 品名 规格 价格 101  pUC-19 R.M. GFP pUC19e Renilla Mullerei GFP  25ug 25ug 5015 102  pUC-18 Pt. GFP pUC18 Ptilosarcus GFP  25ug 25ug 5015 103  pUC-18 Rr. GFP pUC18  Renilla Reniformis GFP, 25ug   430ug/ml , Lot#14095  25ug   430ug/ml  5015 104 pUC18-h-R.M.GFP Humanized Renilla Mullerei GFP in pUC18 ea 5015 105 pUC18-h-Pt.GFP Humanized Ptilosarcus GFP in pUC18 ea 5015 106  pUC-19 AEQ Aequorin Photoprotein in pUC19, 25ug  25ug 5015 107  pUC-18 Obelin Obelin Photoprotein in pUC19, 25ug  25ug 5015 108 pCMV-h Pt.GFP Humanized Ptilosarcus GFP in pCMV ea 5015 109 pCMV-h R.M.GFP Humanized Renilla Mullerei GFP in pCMV ea 5015 120 pART7-Pt GFP pART7 Ptilosarcus GFP (5 ug dry), Novel pH indicating "pHluorin 5 ug dry 5015 121 pART27-Pt-GFP pART27 binary vector lac Z' (5 ug dry),..T-DNA for efficient integration into.. 5 ug dry 5015 200 pUC18 Gluc Expressing native Gaussia luciferase without the secretion signal, 1 mg/ml  25ug  1 mg/ml  25ug 5015 201 pUC18 SS- Gluc Expressing native Gaussia luciferase with the N-terminal secretion signal, 1 mg/ml 25 ug  1 mg/ml 25 ug 5015 202  pCMV-GLuc-1 Humanized Gaussia Luciferase with secretion signal, 20ug  20ug 5015 203  pGLuc-basic-1 Humanized Gaussia Luciferase, promoterless, with secretion signal, 25ug  25ug 5015 204  pUC19 R.M. Luc Native Renilla Mullerei Luciferase, 25ug  25ug 5015 205  pUC19 Ple-Luc Native Pleuromamma Luciferase, 25ug  25ug 5015 206  pCMV-Gluc-KDEL Humanized Gaussia Luciferase with C-terminal KDEL endoplasmic retention signal for  intracellular expression, 25ug  25ug 5015 207  pGLuc-KDEL-basic-1 Humanized Gaussia Luciferase, promoterless; with C-terminal KDEL endoplasmic retention signal for  intracellular expression control, 25ug  25ug 5015 209 pCMV-hGluc minus SS Humanized Gaussia luciferase without secretion signal. 25ug 25ug 5015 301-500  hCTZ Lyophilized h-Coelenterazine (mono-dehydroxy derivative also called benzyl-CTZ) 99%. 500 ug 500 ug 510 301-1  hCTZ Lyophilized h-Coelenterazine (mono-dehydroxy derivative also called benzyl-CTZ) 99%. 1 mg (2 x500 ug).  1 mg (2 x500 ug) 935 301-5  hCTZ Lyophilized h-Coelenterazine (mono-dehydroxy derivative also called benzyl-CTZ) 99%  5 mgs 5 mgs 3315 301-10  hCTZ Lyophilized h-Coelenterazine (mono-dehydroxy derivative also called benzyl-CTZ) 99%  10mgs (2 x 5 mgs) 10mgs (2 x 5 mgs) 5355 303-500 CTZ native Lyophilized Native Coelenterazine free base 97% pure, 500ug,   500ug 425 303-1  CTZ native Lyophilized Native Coelenterazine free base 97% pure, 1 mg (2 x500ug)  1 mg (2 x500ug) 765 303-5 CTZ native Lyophilized Native Coelenterazine free base,  97% pure, 5mgs,  5mgs 2975 303-10  CTZ native Lyophilized Native Coelenterazine free base, 97% pure, 10mgs (2x5mgs),   10mgs (2x5mgs) 5015 340-500 CTZ 400a Lyophilized CTZ 400a, 1-bisdeoxycoelenterazine,DI-dephdrocoelenterazine,"DeepBlueC".98%,  500ug.   500ug. 595 340-1 CTZ 400a Lyophilized CTZ 400a,1-bisdeoxycoelenterazine,DI-dephdrocoelenterazine,"DeepBlueC".98%,  1mg (2x500ug)    1mg (2x500ug)  1105 340-5 CTZ 400a Lyophilized CTZ 400a,1-bisdeoxycoelenterazine,DI-dephdrocoelenterazine,"DeepBlueC".98%, 5 mgs.  5 mgs. 4675 340-10 CTZ 400a Lyophilized CTZ 400a,1-bisdeoxycoelenterazine,DI-dephdrocoelenterazine,"DeepBlueC". 98%, 10mgs (2 x 5 mgs)  10mgs (2 x 5 mgs) 8075 355-500 eCTZ Lyophilized e Coelenterazine, 500ug  500ug 595 355-1  eCTZ Lyophilized e Coelenterazine, 1 mg( 2 x500ug).   1 mg( 2 x500ug).  1105 355-10 eCTZ e Coelenterazine 10mgs. 10mgs 8075 345-500 CTZ-F Lyophilized Coelenterazine-Flouride or Coelenterazine F. 500ug.  500ug 935 345-1 CTZ-F Lyophilized Coelenterazine-Flouride or Coelenterazine F. 1 mg(2 x500ug)  1 mg(2 x500ug) 1615 345-5  CTZ-F Lyophilized Coelenterazine-Flouride or Coelenterazine F. 5 mgs 5 mgs 6715 345-10 CTZ-F Lyophilized Coelenterazine-Flouride or Coelenterazine F. 10 mgs (2 x 5mgs)  10 mgs (2 x 5mgs) 11815 346-500 eCTZ-F Lyophilized eCTZ-For e Coelenterazine-Flouride 500ug.  500ug 935 346-1 eCTZ-F Lyophilized eCTZ-For e Coelenterazine-Flouride 1 mgs (2 x500ug) 1 mgs (2 x500ug) 1615 346-10 eCTZ-F  eCTZ-For e Coelenterazine-Flouride. 10mgs 10mgs 11815 370-500  v-CTZ Lyophilized v -Coeleterazine 500ug.  500ug 935 370-1 v-CTC Lyophilized v -Coelenterazine 1mg (2 x500ug).   1mg (2 x500ug) 1615 370-10 v-CTZ  v -Coeleterazine 10mgs 10mgs 10625 398-1 Nanofuel-V Solvent Solvent for V-Coelenterazine and Prolume Purple V (Methoxy-v-Coelenterazine-Methoxy). 1 tube, 0.5ml.   0.5ml.  255 398-10 Nanofuel V-Solvent Solvent for V-Coelenterazine and Prolume Purple V (Methoxy-v-Coelenterazine-Methoxy). 10  tube, 0.5ml/tube.   0.5ml/tube.  2295 399-1 NanoFuel Solvent NanoFuel Solvent, optimized for in vitro use with CTZ native, h-CTZ, CTZ-F and CTZ 400a. 1 tube, 0.5ml  0.5ml 170 399-10 nanofuel Solvent NanoFuel Solvent, optimized for in vitro use with CTZ native, h-CTZ, CTZ-F and CTZ 400a. 10 tubes, 0.5ml/tube.   0.5ml/tube.  1530 3031-500 CTZ-SOL- in vivo Water soluble Coelenterazine for in vivo use. 500 ug,  500 ug 1275 3031-1 CTZ-SOL- in vivo Water soluble coelenterazine for in vivo use. 1mg (2x 500 ug),  1mg (2x 500 ug) 1785 3031-10 CTZ-SOL- in vivo Water soluble Coelenterazine for in vivo use. 10mgs (20x500 ug),  10mgs (20x500 ug) 13515 3032-1 CTZ-SOL- in vitro Water soluble Coelenterazine..Reconstitution in 10 ml aqueous buffer..will result in a 50 µM CTZ solution.  For in vitro use. 1 tube 1 tube 595 3032-10 CTZ-SOL-in vitro Water soluble Coelenterazine..Reconstitution in 10 ml aqueous buffer..will result in a 50 µM CTZ solution. For in vitro use. 10 tubes 10 tubes 5015 3011-500 hCTZ-SOL- in vivo Water soluble h-Coelenterazine for in vivo use. 500 ug,   500 ug 1275 3011-1 hCTZ-SOL- in vivo Water soluble h-Coelenterazine for in vivo use. 1mg (2x 500 ug),   1mg (2x 500 ug) 1785 3011-10 hCTZ-SOL- in vivo Water soluble h-Coelenterazine for in vivo use. 10mgs (20x500 ug) 10mgs (20x500 ug) 13515 3012-1 hCTZ-SOL-in vitro Water soluble h-Coelenterazine. Reconstitution in 10 ml aqueous buffer will result in a 50 µM CTZ solution. For in vitro use, 1 tube  1 tube 595 3012-10 hCTZ-SOL-in vitro Water soluble h-Coelenterazine..Reconstitution in 10 ml aqueous buffer.will result in a 50 µM CTZ solution. For in vitro use. 10 tubes 10 tubes 5015 3692 -1 MeO-eCTZ Prolume Purple ( Methoxy eCTZ), water soluble for in vitro use. 10ml/50uM.  1 tube 1 tube 2125 3692-10 MeO-eCTZ Prolume Purple ( Methoxy eCTZ), water soluble for in vitro use. 10ml/50uM.  10 tubes. 10 tubes. 16065 3702-1 vCTZ SOL-in vitro Water Soluble vCTZ, water soluble for in vitro use. 10ml/50uM.  1 tube 1 tube 1275 3702-10 vCTZ SOL-in vitro Water Soluble vCTZ, water soluble for in vitro use. 10ml/50uM. 10 tubes  10 tubes  10795 301-INJ-1  hCTZ Inject-A-Lume 1 kit. For in vivo use. Contains 2 vials of 500ug h-CTZ  99%   and 0.5 ml Fuel-Inject sterile diluent  1 kit 1445 301-inj-10 hCTZ Inject-A-Lume 10 kits. For in vivo use. Each lit contains 2 vials of 500ug h-CTZ  99%  and 0.5 ml Fuel-Inject sterile diluent  10 kits 11475 303-inj-1 CTZ inject-A-Lume 1 kit. For in vivo use.  Contains 2 vials of 500ug CTZ native 99.7% and 500ul Fuel-Inject sterile diluent  1 kit 1445 303-inj-10 CTZ Inject-A-Lume 10 kits. For in vivo use. Each kit contains 2 vials of 500ug CTZ native 99.7%  and 500ul Fuel-Inject sterile diluent  10 kits 11475 355-inj-1, e-CTZ Inject-A-Lume 1 kit.  For in vivo use. Contains 2 vials of 500ug e-CTZ 97%  and 0.5ml Fuel-Inject sterile diliuent   1 kit 1445 355-inj-10, eCTZ Inject-A-Lume 10 kits.  For in vivo use. Each kit contains 2 vials of 500ug e-CTZ 97% and 0.5ml Fuel-Inject sterile diliuent  10 kits 11475 360 PP-Sampler Prolume Purple sampler kit. It contains 250 ug of each. #361 methoxy v-CTZ, #363 methoxy  CTZ-I, #365 methoxy eCTZ-f, #367 methoxt CTZ and #369 methoxt eCTZ. kit 3655 361-250 MeO-vCTZ-OMe Lyophilized Methoxy vCTZ Methoxy  250ug.  250ug 935 361-1 MeO-vCTZ-OMe Lyophilized Methoxy vCTZ Methoxy  1mg (4 x 250ug).  1mg (4 x 250ug) 2975 361-10 MeO-vCTZ-OMe Methoxy vCTZ Methoxy  10 mgs 10 mgs 16915 363-250 me-CTZ-I Lyophilized methoxy CTZ-I  250ug,  250ug 935 363-1 me-CTZ-I Lyophilized Methoxy CTZ-I  1 mgs (4 x 250ug) 1 mgs (4 x 250ug) 2975 363-10 me-CTZ-I Methoxy CTZ-I 10mgs  10mgs  16915 365-250 me- eCTZ-F Lyophilized methoxy eCTZ-F, 250ug.   250ug.  935 365-1 me-eCTZ-f Lyophilized methoxy eCTZ-F, 1mgs (4 x 250ug)  1mgs (4 x 250ug) 2975 365-10 me-eCTZ-f methoxy eCTZ-F, 10mgs  10mgs 16915 367-250 me-CTZ-me Lyophilized methoxy CTZ, methoxy ,250ug.   methoxy  935 367-1 me-CTZ-me Lyophilized methoxy CTZ methoxy 1mg(4 x250ug).  1mg(4 x250ug) 2975 367-10 me-CTZ Methoxy CTZ, 10 mgs  10 mgs 16915 369-500  MeO-eCTZ Lyophilized Methoxy eCTZ, 500ug  500ug 1785 369-1 MeO-eCTZ Lyophilized methoxy eCTZ 1mg(2 x 500ug).  1mg(2 x 500ug) 2975 369-5  MeO-eCTZ Lyophilized Methoxy eCTZ,  5 mgs   5 mgs 8415 369-10  MeO-eCTZ Lyophilized Methoxy eCTZ,10 mgs (2 x 5mgs) 10 mgs (2 x 5mgs) 16915 300-10 Coelenteramine Coelenteramine, 4-(5-amino-6-benzylpyrazin-2-yl)phenol. 10 mgs,  10 mgs 3315 300-50 Coelenteramine Coelenteramine, 4-(5-amino-6-benzylpyrazin-2-yl)phenol. 50 mgs,  50 mgs 9775 300-100 Coelenteramine Coelenteramine, 4-(5-amino-6-benzylpyrazin-2-yl)phenol. 100 mgs, (2x50mgs) 100 mgs, (2x50mgs) 14875 350-10 Coelenteramide Coelenteramide, 10 mgs   10 mgs  2550 350-50 Coelenteramide Coelenteramide, 50 mgs    50 mgs   8075 350-100 Coelenteramide Coelenteramide, 100mgs (2 x 50 mgs)    100mgs (2 x 50 mgs)   12325 305-500 Cypridina  Lyophilized Cypridina Luciferin  99% pure.  Identical to Vargula Luciferin.  500ug 500ug 1275 305-1 Cypridina  Lyophilized Cypridina Luciferin  99% pure.  Identical to Vargula Luciferin. 1 mg ( 2x 500ug).  1 mg ( 2x 500ug).  2125 305-5 Cypridina  Lyophilized Cypridina Luciferin  99% pure.  Identical to Vargula Luciferin.   5 mgs 5 mgs 9775 305-10 Cypridina  Lyophilized Cypridina Luciferin  99% pure.  Identical to Vargula Luciferin. 10 mg, (2 x 5mgs)  10 mg (2 x 5mgs) 16575 309-250 Coenzyme A  Reagent Grade Free Acid,..250 milligrams.  250 milligrams.  2975 309-500 Coenzyme A  Reagent Grade Free Acid. 500 milligrams packed in 2 x 250 milligrams.  500 milligrams packed in 2 x 250 milligrams. 5015 309-1000 Coenzyme A  Reagent Grade Free Acid. 1 gram packed in 4 x 250 milligrams.  1 gram packed in 4 x 250 milligrams 8075 306FA-250 FF free acid Firefly Luciferin (Photinus species)  D-Luciferin free acid, 250 mgs.   250 mgs.  1785 306FA-500  FF free acid Firefly Luciferin (Photinus species)  D-Luciferin free acid, 500 mgs (2 x 250 mgs).   500 mgs (2 x 250 mgs).  2975 306FA-1000 FF free acid Firefly Luciferin (Photinus species)  D-Luciferin free acid, 1000mgs (4 x 250 mgs).   1000mgs (4 x 250 mgs).  5015 312-1 Rm Luc protein Renilla Mullerei Luciferase (recombinant) 95%  purity, 1 mg   1 mg  15215 312-100 RM luc protein Renilla Mullerei Luciferase (recombinant) 95%  purity, 100ug  100ug 3825 321-1 Gluc protein Native Gaussia Luciferase 95%...Recombinant protein 1mg,   1mg 21250 321-100  Gluc protein Native Gaussia Luciferase 95%...Recombinant protein, 100ug    100ug   3825 371-50 Gluc-SA Gaussia(M2) Luciferase Streptavidin, 50ug  50ug 5525 381-100 Nluc Protein NanoKaz Luciferase Protein, 100ug  100ug 3825 307P-100 Aequorin Photoprotein Lyophilized Aequorin Photoprotein 95%. 500ug 500ug 3825 307L-500 Aequorin Liquid  Aeqorin Photoprotein 95% pure, in liquid form, 500ul  in liquid form 8415 307L-1 Aequorin Liquid Aeqorin Photoprotein 95% pure, in liquid form, 1ml (2 x 500ul)  in liquid form 15215 315-1 PtGFP Ptilosarcus Green Fluorescent protein.1 mg 1 mg 5015 315-10 PtGFP Ptilosarcus Green Fluorescent protein.10 mg 10 mg 16915 316-1 RR-GFP R. Reniformis Green Fluorescent protein. 80% pure, in 1 mg  in 1 mg 5015 316-10 RR-GFP R. Reniformis Green Fluorescent protein. 80% pure,10 mg 10 mg 16915 318-50 Firefly Luc Reagent NanoFuel Assay For Firefly Luciferase. Includes: 50ml Buffer and 1 vial of Luciferin Substrate 50ml Buffer and 1 vial of Luciferin Substrate 4675 318L-50 Firefly Luc Reagent w/Lysis NanoFuel Assay For Firefly Luciferase with Lysis. Includes: 50ml Buffer, 1 vial of Luciferin Substrate, 50ml of Lysis Buffer 50ml Buffer, 1 vial of Luciferin Substrate, 50ml of Lysis Buffer 5015 319-50 Gluc FLASH Assay NanoFuel FLASH Assay for Gaussia Luciferase. Includes: 50ml Gaussia Dilution Buffer, 50ml Coelenterazine Dilution Buffer, 50ml Lysis Buffer, 1ml CTZ substrate 50ml Gaussia Dilution Buffer, 50ml Coelenterazine Dilution Buffer, 50ml Lysis Buffer, 1ml CTZ substrate 4165 320-10 Gluc GLOW Assay NanoFuel GLOW Assay for Gaussia Luciferase. Includes: 10ml reagent, 0.2ml CTZ substrate 10ml reagent, 0.2ml CTZ substrate 1275 320-50 Gluc GLOW Assay NanoFuel GLOW Assay for Gaussia Luciferase. Includes: 50ml reagent, 1ml CTZ substrate 50ml reagent, 1ml CTZ substrate 4165 324-50 Nluc FLASH Assay NanoFuel FLASH Assay for Oplophorus Luciferases. Includes: 50ml reagent, 1ml substrate 50ml reagent, 1ml substrate 4165 324L-50 Nluc FLASH Assay w/Lysis NanoFuel FLASH Assay for Oplophorus Luciferases. Includes: 50ml reagent, 1ml substrate, 50ml lysis buffer 50ml reagent, 1ml substrate, 50ml lysis buffer 4505 325-10 Nluc GLOW Assay NanoFuel GLOW Assay for Oplophorus Luciferases: Includes: 10ml reagent, 0.2ml substrate 10ml reagent, 0.2ml substrate 1275 325-50 Nluc GLOW Assay NanoFuel GLOW Assay for Oplophorus Luciferases: Includes: 50ml reagent, 1ml substrate 50ml reagent, 1ml substrate 4165 333 Lysis Buffer NanoFuel 5x Universal Lysis Buffer, 50ml  50ml 1275 401M Antisera Gluc Mouse monoclonal Anti-Gluc.  250ul 250ul 6715 401P Antisera GLuc Rabbit Polyclonal Anti-Gluc Titer>1:10,000,in 250 ul in 250 ul 6715 402P Antisera Pt GFP Polyclonal Rabbit Antibody to Ptilosarcus GFP. Titer>1:10,000,in 250 ul,  in 250 ul 6715 403P Antisera Rr GFP Polyclonal Rabbit Antibody to Renilla Reniformis GFP. Titer>1:10,000,in 250 ul,  in 250 ul 6715   苏州蚂蚁淘生物科技有限公司是实验试剂一站式采购服务商 1:强大的进口辐射能力,血清、抗体、耗材、大部分限制进口品等。 2:产品种类齐全,经营超过700多品牌,基本涵盖所有生物实验试剂耗材。 3:提供加急服务,货品一般1-2周到货。 4:富有竞争良好的信誉,大部分客户提供货到付款服务。客户包括清华、北大、交大、复旦、中山等100多所高校,ROCHE,阿斯利康、国药、fisher等知药企。 6:我们还是Santa,Advanced Biotechnologies Inc,Athens Research & Technology,bangs,BBInternational,CrystalChem,Polyscitech,FD Neurotechnologies,Inc. FormuMax Scientific,Inc, Genebridege, Glycotope Biotechnology GmbH; iduron,Innovative Research of America, Ludger, neuroprobe,omicronbio, Polysciences,prospecbi, QA-BIO,quickzyme,RESEARCH DIETS,INC,sterlitech;sysy,TriLink BioTechnologies,Inc;worthington-biochem,zyagen等几十家国外公司授权代理。 7:我们还是invitrogen,qiagen,MiraiBioam,sigma;neb,roche,merck, rnd,BD, GE,pierce,BioLegend等品牌批发,欢迎合作。
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