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question 求加精: 中国NanoLight公司,怎么样?

The Brightest Light …

NanoLight® Technologies is a division of Prolume Ltd., formed by Prolume’s founder Dr. Bruce Bryan and a group of excellent co-founders from Prolume® Ltd. namely Byron Ballou PhD; Gene Finely MD; Chris Szent-Gyorgyi PhD; Randall Murphy PhD and Miroslav Trampota.

Nanolight® Technology is a biotechnology company developing broad applications of natural, light-emitting marine proteins, or marine bioluminescence. The NanoLight division is focused on becoming the leader in high-value reagent & reporter systems for new product development in the pharmaceutical, agrichemical, and research products industries.

Valuable life science uses for NanoLight®’s technology include high-throughput drug discovery, functional genomics, tumor imaging, replacement of radioisotopes, and molecular diagnostics. One particularly exciting application is the ability to use NanoLight®’s reporter systems to “illuminate” gene and molecular function within living cells, allowing pharmaceutical companies a revolutionary method to study drug activity. A second opportunity is to broadly supply researchers who are increasingly moving away from radioactive reagents toward light-based reporter systems and instruments. NanoLight® Technologies is poised to capitalize on both of these accelerating market trends.

NanoLight’s competitive advantage 

Our advantage is based on three crucial proprietary positions:

  • Access to the novel bioluminescent and fluorescent protein molecules.
  • World’s lowest-cost production technology for coelenterazine (NanoFuel™), necessary for light emission.
  • World’s largest collection of expression libraries from marine bioluminescent organisms.These proprietary technologies, which NanoLight has already developed or protected by patent filings & trade secrets, permit the company to grow into the dominant supplier of proprietary bioluminescent reagents and reporter systems to the life science markets. NanoLight® can immediately provide partners access to:
    • Novel GFP genes isolated from Ptilosarcus gurneyi and Renilla Mulleri with distinctive properties including a novel chromophore sequence that differs in 3 of 6 residues from the Aequorea GFP.
    • Novel marine luciferases cloned from Renilla Mulleri, Pleuromama sp., and Gaussia sp., the latter appears to be brighter than existing Renilla or Firefly systems in mammalian cells.
    • Pending patents on the novel use of bioluminescent proteins on silicon chips for inexpensive high throughput screening and diagnostic applications.
    • cDNA libraries from over forty (40) different luminescent organisms for further gene discovery patenting, and licensing.
    • Proprietary functional screening methods to identify new bioluminescent genes.

    This enormous genetic resource represents an outstanding opportunity for leading life sciences companies racing to establish advanced high-throughput screening and diagnostic systems.


蚂蚁淘 2018-04-16
  • 重要要推广的品牌Nanocs,  chromotek,   polysciences,  echelon-inc , Bio-Rad,伯乐 ,     R&D Systems,  Millipore,密理博 , Jackson,   NEB,New England Biolabs ,Sigma-Aldrich,西格玛奥德里奇,  Athens Research & Technology,  Illumina , Tocris , TwistDx, Enzymatics ,酶科技,Novus,Thermo,thermofisher,赛默飞,赛默飞世尔,gibco、invitrogen,英潍捷基,ambion、ebioscience、molecular probes、ABI,Applied Biosystems、Thermo Scientific,pierce。
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  • Shire采购Berkeley Lights的Beacon“单细胞光导系统”加速细胞株开发 来自 : 蚂蚁淘 发布时间:2018-01-31 爱莫利维尔,美国加州,2018年1月30日——Berkeley Lights,Inc. (BLI),一家数字化细胞生物学的领导企业,今天宣布Shire公司采购了Beacon“单细胞光导系统”以加速他们的细胞株开发(CLD)进程。Shire的采购决定基于他们对现有的CLD流程和Beacon的CLD流程的对比研究。   基于试运行研究,Beacon系统可以快速高效地鉴定出目标分泌克隆,这样可以节约资源,同时加速开发和发展过程。Berkeley Lights的Beacon系统具有四个模块——输入、培养、检测和输出——可以应用于细胞株开发、抗体开发和工程化、基因编辑和研究等领域。Beacon系统的自动化工作流程利用其精确的个体细胞操控能力,可增加效率并减少整体耗时,同时提供传统技术无法提供的对克隆细胞群的行为的深入洞察。Beacon系统可以在不到一周的时间里筛选数千克隆。   “我们感到非常激动能支持Shire公司,帮助他们增加细胞株开发流程的规模和精确度,并加速创新,”Berkeley Lights公司的CEOEricHobbs博士说,“在Berkeley Lights,我们的使命是提供多样化的平台,整合生物学、技术和信息,使我们的客户能将手动的实验室流程自动化,并聚焦于纯科学(hard science)领域。”     图1.Beacon单细胞光导系统和芯片(放大)     图2.Beacon芯片里的NanoPen 关于BerkeleyLights(BLI) BerkeleyLights,Inc.(BLI)致力于开发能进行生物药、基因组学和细胞治疗应用的一体化平台,并将其商业化。BLI于2016年12月上市了第一个商业化平台:Beacon“单细胞光导系统”*。该平台适用于细胞株开发和直接B细胞(血浆和记忆细胞)抗体开发流程。Beacon平台的灵活性和精确度使用户能进行单细胞分辨率的自动生物过程。BLI也在持续开发新的应用以满足合作者的需求。BLI的技术使客户能够加速学习并动态推进生物药开发流程。
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