
作者: 时间:2025-03-09 点击量:

1)教育部化学生物学与分子工程重点实验室,山西大学生物技术研究所,太原030006;2)山西医学科学院生物治疗科中心实验室,太原030006;3)山西医科大学第一医院病理科,太原030001 1)Institute of Biotechnology, Key Laboratory of Chemical Biology and Molecular Engineering of Education Ministry, Shanxi University, Taiyuan030006, China;2)Department of Biotherapy, Shanxi Academy of Medical Sciences, Taiyuan030006, China;3 )Department of Pathology, First Affiliated Hospital, Shanxi Medical University, Taiyuan030001, China 摘要蛋白激酶C 相互作用蛋白1(protein interacting with C kinase 1, PICK1)是衔接膜上受体和蛋白激酶C 的重要蛋白.利用荧光光谱结合定点突变技术 、蛋白与脂质覆盖法等方法,分析了PICK1蛋白N末端区域几个酸性氨基酸残基对PDZ 结构域与膜脂结合的影响,以及钙离子结合N末端酸性区域对PDZ脂结合能力的调节. 结果显示, 带有上游酸性区域的PDZ结构域(NPDZ)的脂质结合能力仅相当PDZ结构 域的15%,相比单独的PDZ结构域与脂质的解离常数Kd(PDZ)为1.58 103 g L-1, NPDZ与脂质解离常数Kd(NPDZ)为3.3 104 g L-1,其中在N末端酸性残基中D8与 D12两个天冬氨酸是影响脂质结合能力减弱的关键残基,若将二者分别突变为丙氨酸 后,NPDZ与脂质的解离常数分别为:Kd (D8/A)=4.42 103 g L-1;Kd (D12/A) =1.73 103 g L-1接近于PDZ结构域与脂质结合能力;钙离子会增强NPDZ脂结合能力,当钙离子浓度达到30 mol/L时,NPDZ的脂结合能力提高2.3倍,但只相当于PDZ的50% 的结合能力. Abstract:Protein interacting with C kinase 1 (PICK1), plays an important role in linking the membrane receptors and PKC in synapse. We have analyzed the interaction between the PDZ domain and membrane lipid regulated by its adjacent N-terminal acid region, using fluorescence spectra, gene manipulation combined with PLO (protein-lipid overlay assay). The result indicated that N-terminal acid region of PICK1 decreased the interaction between PDZ domain of PICK1 and membrane lipid about 85% degree. D8, D12 of N-terminal acidic regions constitute the key residues for decreasing PDZ binding to lipid. 30 mol/L Ca2+ could enhance the lipid binding ability of PDZ domain with its adjacent N- terminal acid region about 2.3 times, but that was about 50% degree compared to that of only PDZ domain. 基金资助:国家自然科学基金项目(No. 30400065,No. 31170748)和山西省自然科学基金项目资助(No. 2007021033) 杨廷, 贾原, 肖虹, 石亚伟. PICK1中N端酸性区域对其PDZ结构域脂质结合能力的调节[J]. 中国生物化学与分子生物学报, 2012, 28(10): 940-945. 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