4000-520-616 / 18915418616

Minerva-biolabs/Food Control™ LFA+/11-04-02-025/

作者: 时间:2025-01-18 点击量:

Food Control™ LFA+ is a PCR-kit for fast and reliable detection of foodborne pathogens via conventional PCR in combination with our reliable Lateral Flow Assay (LFA)+ cartrige technology, putting together the easily interpretable LFA stripe and our PCR contamination avoiding LFA+ cartridge system.

Detecting bacterial contamination is a key aspect in food microbiology. Consequently, microbiological quality control programs are intensified throughout food chain production in order to minimize the risk of intoxicating consumers. Reliability, speed and robustness of a test system to detect the presence or absence, or even the degree of contamination with pathogens, becomes increasingly important. Food Control™ LFA is a diagnostic system for easy non-quantitative detection of presence or absence of foodborne pathogens in agricultural or food industry via conventional PCR and Lateral Flow Cartridge LFA+ technology.

Type of Assay

Food Control™ PCR-LFA+ is based on the regular Food Control™ PCR-LFA design, but provides additionally a convenient pre-casted hybridisation cartridge. This system allows the single-use, cross-contamination safe reading of the PCR result for each sample individually.

The LFA+ cartridge provides the lateral flow stripe and the running buffer required to complete the hybridization and staining process. The PCR tube is inserted into the cartridge. By closing the system a needle taps the tube and the buffer reservoir, instantly starting the flow and the hybridization transferring the PCR amplicons onto the stripe. This one step system reduces preparation and handling steps as well as contamination via e.g. PCR carry over. The result is easily visible through the sight funnel of the cartridge.

Recommended Use / Scope

Can be used in research and industry for detection of pathogenic contamination in food or agricultural products. For research use only! Do not use for clinical diagnostic or testing of patient samples.

The kit is available for the detection of the following microorganisms via conventional PCR:


Package Sizes

Package size 25 reactions each:

  • Cat. No. 11-04-01-025 Salmonella enterica
  • Cat. No. 11-04-02-025 Yersinia enterocolitica
  • Cat. No. 11-04-03-025 Shigella spp.
  • Cat. No. 11-04-04-025 Campylobacter spp.
  • Cat. No. 11-04-05-025 Clostridium perfringens
  • Cat. No. 11-04-06-025 Shiga Toxin 1
  • Cat. No. 11-04-07-025 Shiga Toxin 2
  • Cat. No. 11-04-08-025 Escherichia coli O157
  • Cat. No. 11-04-09-025 Escherichia coli O104
  • Cat. No. 11-04-10-025 Listeria spp.
  • Cat. No. 11-04-11-025 Listeria monocytogenes
  • Cat. No. 11-04-12-025 Salmonella spp.
Result Evaluation

LFA+ cartridge integrated Lateral Flow Stripe. Sensitivity

Down to 10 DNA copies/assay.


PCR Mix, rehydration buffer, PCR grade water, positive control, species specific primer, species specific probe, LFA stripe, LFA running buffer, LFA+ cartridge, LFA cartridge chamber.

Sample Requirements

The Food Control™ kits are designed for the PCR based detection of bacterial DNA. Isolated total DNA from potentially contaminated food serves here as starting material, typically after pre-cultivation of the sample growth medium.

Time to result

150 minutes

Required Consumables

0.2 ml PCR reaction tubes

Optional: DNA can be extracted from enrichment broth using the DNA extraction kit ExtractNow™ Food Control (Cat. No. 609-1050) or user method.

Required Lab Devices

Racks for reaction tubes, benchtop centrifuge for reaction tubes or PCR plates, vortex, variable microliter pipettes (1 µl – 1000 µl), sterile filter tips, any conventional PCR cycler.

Shelf Life and Storage

Components can be stored at +2 to +8 °C for at least 12 months. After rehydration the reagents must be stored at -18 °C.


No, certification in progress.

Salmonella enterica invasion protein A (invA) gen
Yersinia enterocoliticaheat stable enterotoxin A gen
Shigella spp.invasion plasmid antigen (ipaH6) gen
Campylobacter spp.acyl-[acyl-carrier-protein]-UDP-N-acetylglucosamine

O-acyltransferase (lpxA) gen

Clostridium perfringensphospholipase C alpha toxin (plc) gen
Shigella dysenteriae, Escherichia coli (EHEC)Shiga Toxin 1 (stx1) gen
Shigella dysenteriae, Escherichia coli (EHEC)Shiga Toxin 2 (stx2) gen
Escherichia coli O157wbdR gen
Escherichia coli O104wckD gen
Listeria spp.invasion associated protein p60 (iap) gen
Listeria monocytogeneslisteriolysin O (hly) gen
Salmonella spp.spacer-region between 16S and 23S RNA genes

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