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question 有谁知道:Megazyme INC Megazyme抗体,试剂,血清,细胞,有优惠活动吗?


About Us


Where we are?

Megazyme has been headquartered in Bray, Ireland since 1996. Megazyme’s research laboratories, manufacturing facilities, and business headquarters are co-located on a single campus, which has grown as the company has expanded and diversified. 

Megazyme has partnered with a network of international distributors who serve a further 50 countries worldwide.

In 2015, Megazyme Inc. was set up to provide specialised support to our US customers through dedicated representatives based in the United States. For specific industries, we are represented in the US by the following partners:

US distributor for the wine industry: BSG Wine
US representative for analytical laboratories: WRRS Food & Nutrition Insights

Company History

Megazyme was founded in 1988 in Sydney, Australia and has been based in Bray, Ireland since 1996. Since the beginning, Megazyme has focussed on the development of test kits and reagents for use in analytical and research laboratories. Megazyme test kits – developed and manufactured in-house – have since attracted worldwide acclaim for their genuinely innovative methodologies and exceptional component purity.

In 2005, Megazyme extended its Bray research centre to accommodate the new Molecular Biology division. The research laboratories were extended further in 2013 to increase Megazyme’s fermentation capabilities and house a new synthetic Organic Chemistry laboratory, with further manufacturing capacity added in 2017. 

As a company, Megazyme is recognised as one of Europe’s most dynamic and innovative life sciences businesses. Megazyme won the 2016 Irish Times Innovation Award in the Life Sciences and Healthcare category and went forward to the grand finals at the European Business Awards in 2017 and 2018.

Megazyme celebrated 30 years in business in 2018, publishing a commemorative booklet below:


Prof. Barry McCleary, CEO, received his PhD in 1975 from the University of Sydney and his DScAgr degree in 1989 from the same university. His contributions to analytical chemistry have been recognised at the highest international level, including the Guthrie Medal from the Royal Australian Chemical Institute, the Harvey W. Wiley Award from AOAC International, the Clyde H. Bailey Medal from ICC, the Edith A. Christensen award, and the Applied Research Medal from AACC International. 

From 2009-2011, Prof. McCleary served as President-Elect, President and Chair of the Board of AACC International. In 2010, he received the inaugural International Achievement Award from the Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources, University of Sydney and was recognised again in 2014 with the overall University of Sydney Alumni Award for International Achievement, awarded for his contribution to the enrichment of society through his commitment to improving food standards throughout the world. In 2017 and 2018, he was awarded back-to-back titles as Irish Entrepreneur of the Year at the European Business Awards.

For a full listing of honours earned by Prof. McCleary and Megazyme, please see our Awards page.

蚂蚁淘 2018-12-30
  • 苏州蚂蚁淘生物科技有限公司SuZhouebiomall BIOLOGicalTechnologyCo.,Ltd.成立于2017年,经过数年的努力已迅速成为集科研和生产为一体的专业化生物工程公司。特别是ELISA研发,代测,技术服务这一产品已使苏州蚂蚁淘成为中国知名公司。公司产品涵盖ELISA研发、细胞培养,各种生化试剂、各种酶类、分子生物学试剂盒、培养基、自产实验室耗材、小型仪器等。此外、苏州蚂蚁淘还代理了美国药典标准品,中检所标准品,sigma,ScienCell,ATCC,wak0,omega,Worthington、MBI、Bioworld、Calendon等国外各类知名公司的产品。苏州蚂蚁淘将进一步加强人才经营、产品经营,不断提升企业的核心竟争力,实现具有高科技产业体系、知识化创业团队的国际化的公司,服务于生命科学领域,迎接世界经济一体化所带来的机遇与挑战。
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  • Megazyme特约代理 点击浏览大图收藏此产品 公司名称: 产品资料: 更新时间: 所 在 地: 生产地址: 浏览次数: 苏州蚂蚁淘生物科技有限公司 查看pdf文档 2015-11-20 15:22:24 上海市 1253 【简单介绍】 Megazyme代理,Megazyme上海代理,Megazyme北京代理,Megazyme总代理,Megazyme一级代理,Megazyme特约代理 苏州蚂蚁淘生物科技有限公司Megazyme专业代理,具体产品信息欢迎电询:4006551678 【详细说明】 世界*实验材料供应商Megazyme正式授权上海起发为其中国代理,Megazyme 在一直是行业的标杆,一直为广大科研客户提供zui为优质的产品和服务,上海起发一直秉承为中国科研客户带来的产品,的服务, 签约Megazyme 就是为了给广大科研客户带来更加完善的产品和服务,您的满意将是我们zui大的收获 Megazyme 中国代理,Megazyme 上海代理,Megazyme北京代理,Megazyme 广东代理,Megazyme 江苏代理 Megazyme 湖北代理, Megazyme 天津, Megazyme 黑龙江代理, Megazyme内蒙古代理, Megazyme 吉林代理, Megazyme 福建代理, Megazyme 江苏代理, Megazyme 浙江代理, Megazyme 四川代理, 爱尔兰Megazyme,Megazyme 爱尔兰Megazyme是一家全球的制造和供应高品质和创新的检测谷物,食品,饲料,发酵,乳制品和葡萄酒行业的技术。Megazyme成立于1988年,该公司目前提供了超过70种诊断试剂盒和超过300种其他试剂和底物 http://www.megazyme.com/
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