重要要推广的品牌Nanocs, chromotek, polysciences, echelon-inc , Bio-Rad,伯乐 , R&D Systems, Millipore,密理博 , Jackson, NEB,New England Biolabs ,Sigma-Aldrich,西格玛奥德里奇, Athens Research & Technology, Illumina , Tocris , TwistDx, Enzymatics ,酶科技,Novus,Thermo,thermofisher,赛默飞,赛默飞世尔,gibco、invitrogen,英潍捷基,ambion、ebioscience、molecular probes、ABI,Applied Biosystems、Thermo Scientific,pierce。
Megazyme K-TDFR 说明书
Total Dietary Fiber Assay Kit (总膳食纤维检测试剂盒)
货号 | 规格 |
100分析 |
200测定 |
(1)淀粉+ H 2 O→d-葡萄糖
(2)蛋白+ H 2 O→肽
试剂盒规格: 100/200检测
方法: 水解/去除非膳食
总检测时间: 〜100分钟
检测限: 样品重量的0.5-100%
AOAC (方法985.29,991.42,991.43和993.19),AACC
· 竞争力的价格(每次测试成本)
· 所有试剂稳定2年以上
· 采用高纯度/标准化酶
· Mega-Calc ™软件工具可从我们的上获取,以获得无忧的原始数据处理
· 简单的格式
Total Dietary Fiber Assay Kit,根据AOAC和AACC批准的方法测量和分析总,可溶性和不溶性膳食纤维。参见总裁判报告:AOAC INTERNATIONAL杂志,Vol。81,,1998。
纤维是复杂有机物质的混合物,包括亲水性化合物,例如可溶性和不可溶性多糖和不可消化的低聚糖,以及一系列不可溶胀的或多或少疏水性的化合物,如角质素,软木脂和木质素。我们的小册子中概述的总膳食纤维测定和分析程序是基于Lee 等人的方法。1 和普罗斯盖等。2,3 (AOAC 991.43,AOAC 985.29,AACC 32-07.01和AACC 32-05.01)。然而,Megazyme总膳食纤维套件中的酶也可用于其他膳食纤维分析方法,如AACC方法32-21.01和AACC方法32-06.01。
1.分析化学家协会。(1985)。Official Methods of Analysis,14th ed。,1st suppl。秒。43,A14-43,A20,p.399。
2.分析化学家协会。(1986年)。方法的变化。J. Assoc。关闭。肛门。化学。,69,370。
基于AOAC方法991.43“食品中总量,可溶性和不溶性膳食纤维”(First Action 1991)和AACC Method 32-07.01“食品和食品中可溶性,不溶性和总膳食纤维的测定”(zui终批准10- 16-91)。
5:良好的信誉,大部分客户我们提供货到付款服务,客户包括清华,北大 交大 复旦,中山等100多所大学,ROCHE,阿斯利康,国药 ,fisher等500多家公司
6:我们特有的品牌有:Antibody Research Corporation,arcticzymes,Biorelevant,AmberGen, Inc. ,clemente-associates,clodronaiposomes,Columbia Biosciences,enzyme research,Gene Bridges GmbH,Genovis,AmberGen, Inc. Biotechnology GmbH,Haematologic Technologies HTI Haemtech,hookelabs,Immudex,Innovative Research of America,inspiralis ,List Biological Laboratories, Inc.,lumafluor,Microsurfaces,multiplicom,nanotools,Pel-Freez Biologicals,pentapharm,progen,Protein Ark,Megazyme,Inc,Megazyme,IncQuickZyme Biosciences,Teknova,TriLink BioTechnologies, Inc.,Zyagen Laboratories 等
7:我们还是invitrogen,qiagen,Midland BioProducts Corporationam,sigma;neb,roche,merck, rnd,BD, GE,pierce,BioLegend等知名大品牌批发,欢迎合作。
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Megazyme 生物技术 Co. WicklowBray有 1,806 位关注者 The Leading Manufacturer & Supplier of Enzymatic Bio-Analysis Test Kits & Reagents for the Food & Beverage Industries 查看职位关注 查看全部 38 位员工 关于我们 A privately-owned biotechnology company, Megazyme is a global leader in analytical reagents, enzymes and assay kits. From our headquarters in Bray, Megazyme is able to develop, manufacture, and supply products for laboratories around the world. Our products have found applications in a diverse range of industries, including food and beverages, biofuel, animal feed, wine and brewing, dairy, and cereals. Cutting-edge research is at the core of Megazyme’s product development. Our novel test methods and analysis sets are developed by scientists for scientists, and we are the sole worldwide producer for a number of industry-standard products. Megazyme test kits are approved as validated methods by worldwide regulatory institutes in both research and industry. As our global reach has grown, we have been proud to receive ongoing recognition from business awards bodies internationally. Many of the analytical methods developed by Megazyme have been validated as official standard methods, recommended by the relevant regulatory bodies and scientific associations following rigorous inter-laboratory evaluations. These stamps of approval demonstrate that we can deliver accurate, reliable, quantitative and easy-to-use test methods that meet our customers’ exacting specifications. Megazyme is always on the lookout for new talent. The success of Megazyme is dependent on our people. Megazyme believes that each employee, irrespective of their role or position, contributes directly to the quality of our products and services. We appreciate and value the hard work and loyalty of every team member. Our aim is to provide strong leadership, an open, honest and ethical work environment, competitive rewards, and excellent conditions and benefits to help employees attain job satisfaction. Why not join our dedicated, dynamic and innovative team, where every employee counts. Register your interest now by sending your CV to: careers@megazyme.com 网站http://www.megazyme.com 行业生物技术 规模11-50 人 总部Bray, Co. Wicklow 类型私人持股 创立1988 领域Cereal diagnostics, Wine testing kits, Analytical laboratory, Research and development, Brewing, quality control 地点 主要 Bray Business Park Southern Cross Road IE,Co. Wicklow,Bray
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