Medchemexpress/3-Methyladenine(Synonyms: 3-MA)/HY-19312/10mM*1mL in DMSO
- 产品编号: HY-19312-50mg
- 美 元 价: $60.00
- 市 场 价: ¥1200.00
- 品 牌: MCE
- 产 地: 美国(厂家直采)
- 公 司: Medchemexpress
- 产品分类: 小分子>生物分子>生化试剂>
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- •JDermatolSci.2017Oct11.
- •BiochemBiophysResCommun.2016Dec2;481(1-2):90-96.
Description |
3-MethyladenineisaselectivePI3KinhibitorwithIC50of25μMand60μMforVps34andPI3Kγ,respectively,anditcaninhibitallPtdIns3Ksat10mM. |
IC50&Target |
IC50:25μM(Vps34),60μM(PI3Kγ) |
InVitro |
3-methyladenineshowssomelimitedVps34preferenceinvitro,withanIC50of25µMforVps34ascomparedwith60µMforPtdIns3Kγ,and3-methyladenine(10mM)caninhibitallPtdIns3Ks[1].3-methyladenine(3-MA,5mM)suppressesautophagyinHeLacellsunderbothglucose-freeconditionsandnormalconditions.3-methyladenineinducescaspase-dependentcelldeathinHeLacells,andthedeathoccursindependentlyoftheinhibitionofautophagy.3-MA(1mM)significantlyshortensthedurationofnocodazole-induced-prometaphasearrest[2].Alargenumberofneuronsfromthe3-MAgroupareintheearlystageofapoptosis,displayingcellshrinkage,nuclearandchromatincondensationandaggregationattheedgeofthenucleus[3]. |
InVivo |
3-methyladenine-treatmentsignificantlyaggravatesneurologicalsymptomsandapoptoticcelldeathafterSAH[3]. |
References |
PreparingStockSolutions |
CellAssay [2] |
CellviABIlityisdeterminedbyatrypanblueexclusionassay.Cellsareculturedinthemediumwith3-Methyladenine.BothadherentandfloatingcellsarecollectedandsUSPendedinphosphatebufferedsaline(PBS,pH7.4)atafinaldensityof1-2×106/mL.Anequalvolumeof0.4%trypanbluesolution(w/v,inPBS)isaddedtothecellsuspensionandmixedthoroughly.Afterincubationatroomtemperaturefor3min,cellcountingisperformedusingahemacytometer.MCEhasnotindependentlyconfirmedtheaccuracyofthesemethods.Theyareforreferenceonly. |
AnimalAdmiNISTration [3] |
3-Methyladenineisdissolvedinnormalsaline. Animalsarepositionedinastereotacticframeandtreatedwith5-μLintracerebralventricularinjectionsofautophagyinducerRAP(20 pmol),inhibitor3-Methyladenine(3-MA,400 nmol)orvehicle20 minbeforeSAHonset.Intracerebralventricularinjectionsaremadeintotheright lateralventricle atcoordinatesof0.8 mmanteriortoposteriorbregma,1.5 mmmidtolateral,3.8 mmdorsaltoventral.Aftertheinjection,thesyringeisleftinthesitefor30 sbeforeremoval,andtheburrholeisfilledwathbonewax.Drugdosesareselectedonthebasisofpreviouspublishedstudiesandpilotexperimentsinourlaboratory.3-MAisdissolvedinnormalsalinebyheatingthesolutionto60-70°Cimmediatelybeforetreatment.RAPisfirstdissolvedinethanolandthendilutedwithnormalsaline(finalethanolconcentration<2%).=""mce=""has=""not=""independently=""confirmed=""the=""accuracy=""of=""these=""methods.=""they=""are=""for=""reference=""> |
References |
MolecularWeight |
149.15 |
Formula |
C₆H₇N₅ |
CASNo. |
5142-23-4 |
Storage |
Shipping |
RoomtemperatureincontinentalUS;mayvaryelsewhere |
Solvent&Solubility |
DMSO:≥1.5mg/mL;DMSO:6.8mg/mL(Needultrasonic);H2O:8.82mg/mL(Needultrasonic) *"<1 mg/ml"="" means="" slightly="" soluble="" or="" insoluble.="" "≥"="" means="" soluble,="" but="" saturation=""> Purity:99.84% |
MedChemExpX品牌 历史介绍:苏州蚂蚁淘生物科技有限公司,作为一家生命科学领域的高科技生物公司,目前代理销售二十多家欧美著名生物技术公司的产品,覆盖了免疫学、细胞生物学、分子生物学、药物筛选、生物制药、食品检测、疫苗生产等领域。

Vonoprazan (Synonyms: TAK-438 free base) 目录号: HY-100007 纯度: 99.33%Data Sheet SDS 产品使用指南 Vonoprazan (TAK-438 free base) 是有一种口服活性的 钾竞争性酸阻断剂,抑制 H+, K+-ATPase的 IC50 值为 19 nM。 MCE 的所有产品仅用作科学研究,我们不为任何个人用途提供产品和服务 Vonoprazan Chemical Structure CAS No. : 881681-00-1 Size Price Stock Quantity Free Sample (0.1-0.5 mg) Apply now 10 mM * 1 mL in DMSO ¥539 In-stock 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 50 mg ¥490 In-stock 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 100 mg ¥630 In-stock 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 250 mg ¥1250 In-stock 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 500 mg Get quote 1 g Get quote or大包装询价 Customer Review Other Forms of Vonoprazan: Vonoprazan FumarateIn-stock MCE 顾客使用本产品发表的科研文献 •Br J Clin Pharmacol. 2019 Mar 7. •Drug Metab Dispos. 2016 Oct;44(10):1543-9. Vonoprazan 相关产品 •Related Screening Libraries: Endocrinology Compound Library FDA-Approved Drug Library Plus Drug Repurposing Compound Library FDA-Approved Drug Library Mini Orally Active Compound Library Anti-COVID-19 Compound Library FDA-Approved Drug Library Drug Repurposing Compound Library Plus Bioactive Compound Library Plus Membrane Transporter/Ion Channel Compound Library FDA Approved & Pharmacopeial Drug Library •Related Small Molecules: Bafilomycin A1 EN6 Omeprazole Zinc Pyrithione Pantoprazole sodium Lansoprazole Rabeprazole sodium Ilaprazole Concanamycin A Vonoprazan Fumarate Soraprazan Esomeprazole magnesium Esomeprazole Magnesium trihydrate Linaprazan Chebulinic acid (±)-Vasicine 5-Hydroxylansoprazole Abeprazan Diphyllin Lansoprazole Sulfide D4 生物活性 纯度 & 产品资料 参考文献 Description Vonoprazan (TAK-438 free base) is an orally active potassium-competitive acid blocker which inhibits H+, K+-ATPase activity with an IC50 of 19 nM. Clinical Trial NCT Number Sponsor Condition Start Date Phase NCT03050359 Takeda Duodenal Ulcer April 5, 2017 Phase 3 NCT02123927 Takeda Ascending Single Dose Study September 2007 Phase 1 NCT03214094 Takeda Gastric or Duodenal Ulcers September 1, 2016 Molecular Weight 345.39 Formula C₁₇H₁₆FN₃O₂S CAS No. 881681-00-1 SMILES O=S(N1C=C(CNC)C=C1C2=CC=CC=C2F)(C3=CC=CN=C3)=O Shipping Room temperature in continental US; may vary elsewhere. Storage Powder -20°C 3 years 4°C 2 years In solvent -80°C 6 months -20°C 1 month Solvent & Solubility In Vitro: DMSO : ≥ 33 mg/mL (95.54 mM) * "≥" means soluble, but saturation unknown. Preparing Stock Solutions ConcentrationSolventMass 1 mg 5 mg 10 mg 1 mM 2.8953 mL 14.4764 mL 28.9528 mL 5 mM 0.5791 mL 2.8953 mL 5.7906 mL 10 mM 0.2895 mL 1.4476 mL 2.8953 mL * 请根据产品在不同溶剂中的溶解度选择合适的溶剂配制储备液;一旦配成溶液,请分装保存,避免反复冻融造成的产品失效。 储备液的保存方式和期限:-80°C, 6 months; -20°C, 1 month。 -80°C 储存时,请在 6 个月内使用,-20°C 储存时,请在 1 个月内使用。 References [1]. Arikawa Y, et al. Discovery of a novel pyrrole derivative 1-[5-(2-fluorophenyl)-1-(pyridin-3-ylsulfonyl)-1H-pyrrol-3-yl]-N-methylmethanamine fumarate (TAK-438) as a potassium-competitive acid blocker (P-CAB). J Med Chem, 2012, 55(9), 4446-4456. [2]. Hori Y, et al. 1-[5-(2-Fluorophenyl)-1-(pyridin-3-ylsulfonyl)-1H-pyrrol-3-yl]-N-methylmethanamine monofumarate (TAK-438), a novel and potent potassium-competitive acid blocker for the treatment of acid-related diseases. J Pharmacol Exp Ther, 2010, 335(1), 231-238. [3]. Hori Y, et al. A study comparing the antisecretory effect of TAK-438, a novel potassium-competitive acid blocker, with lansoprazole in animals. J Pharmacol Exp Ther, 2011, 337(3), 797-804.
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