4000-520-616 / 18915418616

Hycult Biotech/SAA, Human, ELISA kit/HK333-01/1 x 96 det.

作者: 时间:2025-02-23 点击量:

Description: SAA, Human, ELISA kit

Serum Amyloid A (SAA) is the circulating precursor of amyloid A protein. In humans, four SAA genes have been described. Two genes (SAA1 and SAA2) encode acute phase SAA (A-SAA). SAA3 is a pseudogene from which no mRNA or protein product has been identified. SAA4 encodes constitutive SAA (C-SAA).SAA is 20 kDa in size, 12.5 kDa under denaturing conditions. The liver is the primary site of synthesis of SAA. Extra-hepatic production has been demonstrated in macrophages, endothelial cells, epithelial cells, artherosclerotic lesions, tumors and synovial tissue. SAA-1 is the major isoform of SAA in plasma. SAA-1 levels in serum/plasma of healthy individuals range from 1-5 µg/ml.SAA has a number of immunomodulatory roles, it can induce chemotaxis and adhesion molecule expression, has cytokine-like properties and can promote the upregulation of metalloproteinases. It enhances the binding of high-density lipoprotein to macrophages and thus assists in the delivery of lipids to sites of injury for use in tissue repair. It is thus thought to be an integral part of the disease processes. In addition, SAA is involved in cholesterol transport and metabolism.SAA is an acute phase reactant and has been found to be elevated in many inflammatory states. The best known indicator of inflammation is C-reactive protein (CRP). However, SAA rises earlier and more sharply than CRP. In contrast to CRP, SAA presents the same trend in viral as well as bacterial infections. SAA increases dramatically during acute inflammation and may reach levels 1000-fold higher than normal.Furthermore, SAA is an early indicator for transplant rejection, a possible marker for tumor activity and clinically useful in- bacterial and viral infection. Elevated levels of SAA over time predispose to secondary amyloidosis, extracellular accumulation of amyloid fibrils, derived from a circulating precursor, in various tissues and organs. The most common form of amyloidosis occurs secondary to chronic inflammatory disease, particularly rheumatoid arthritis. The human SAA ELISA can be used for the measurement of SAA-1, the major isoform of SAA in plasma.


Catalog number Product type Quantity Standard range Detection level Working volume Species Application Disease Principle Storage and stability Precautions References
1 x 96 det.
3.1 to 200 ng/ml
3.1 ng/ml
100 µl/well
The human SAA ELISA kit is to be used for the in vitro quantitative determination of human SAA-1 in serum, plasma, and urine samples.
The human SAA ELISA is a ready-to-use solid-phase enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay based on the sandwich principle with a working time of 2½ hours.The efficient format of 2 plates with twelve disposable 8-well strips allows free choice of batch size for the assay.Samples and standards are incubated in microtiter wells coated with antibodies recognizing human SAA.Peroxidase conjugated antibody will bind to the captured human SAA.Peroxidase conjugated antibody will react with the substrate, tetramethylbenzidine (TMB).The enzyme reaction is stopped by the addition of oxalic acid. The absorbance at 450 nm is measured with a spectrophotometer. A standard curve is obtained by plotting the absorbance (linear) versus the corresponding concentrations of the human SAA standards (log).The human SAA concentration of samples, which are run concurrently with the standards, can be determined from the standard curve.
Product should be stored at 4 °C. Under recommended storage conditions, product is stable for one year.
For research use only. Not for use in or on humans or animals or for diagnostics. It is the responsibility of the user to comply with all local/state and Federal rules in the use of this product. Hycult Biotech is not responsible for any patent infringements that might result with the use or derivation of this product.
1. Hazenberg B, et al; A quantitative method for detecting deposits of amyloid A protein inaspirated fat tissue of patients with arthritis. Ann Rheum Dis 1999, 58: 96

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