Kit for IP/ Co-IP of Spot-taggedproteins & sample preparation for mass spectrometry (MS)
More information about the Spot capture and detection tag here.
Specificity Spot-tag sequence motif PDRVRAVSHWSS.
Applications Identification of Spot-tagged proteins & interacting partners by MS Interactome studies Superior processing of IP samples into clean peptide mixtures Intuitive protocol for reproducible results
Details The iST Spot-Trap Kit enables researchers to process Spot-taggedproteins and their interacting partners for Mass Spectrometric analysis. The kit includes the ChromoTek Spot-Trap for immunoprecipitation/Co-IP of Spot-taggedproteins and the PreOmics iST buffers and cartridges required for bottom-up proteomic sample preparation. This robust method yields purified peptides while dramatically reducing contamination and sample loss. Each kit accommodates up to eight samples and includes pull-down reagent for controls.
ChromoTek常规抗体系列 Dnmt1 antibody [2E8] GFP antibody [3H9] GST antibody [6G9] HA antibody [7C9] Myc-tag antibody [9E1] PCNA antibody [16D10] RFP antibody [5F8] RFP antibody [6G6] RNA Pol II