Cytoskeleton/Ubiquitination Affinity Beads/40 reactions/UBA01-beads


As part of the Signal-Seeker™ product line, Ubiquitin affinity beads have been optimized in order to detect endogenous levels of mono- and poly-ubiqutinated proteins, which often represent <1% of the target protein. UBA01-Beads can enrich all ubiquitinated species with a high affinity, including mono-, multi- and polyubiquitin chains (see Application 1 below). The affinity moeities have been cross-linked to beads for low leaching and cleaner detection of the protein of interest. A comprehensive Signal-Seeker™ Ubiquitination Detection Kit is also available (BK161) and is recommended for first time users.

Validation Data: Ubiquitination Affinity Beads White Paper

Each lot of affinity-bead is quality controlled  to provide high batch to batch consistency, see COA documents.

Validated Applications
Application 1: Investigate mono- and poly-ubiquitination
The activity of the Rho family of proteins, including Rac1, is known to be regulated, in part, through ubiquitination (also termed ubiquitylation) events that can lead to signaling pathway regulation via degradation and/or localization of the modified protein (Visvikis, O. et al. 2010. Biol. Cell 102: 377-389. Nethe, M., & Hordijik, P.2010. J. Cell Sci. 123: 4011-4018). In many cases, the GTP-bound active form of Rac1 is the preferred substrate for ubiquitination. For example, it has been shown that cells treated with the bacterial toxin CNF1 leads to constitutive activation of Rac1 and subsequent mono- and poly-ubiquitination (Pop, M. et al. 2004. J. Biol.Chem. 279: 35840-35848).
Using ubiquitin affinty beads (Cat. # UBA01-beads) as part of the Signal Seeker™ Ubiquitination Detection Kit (Cat # BK161) we examined the ubiquitination of endogenous Rac1 in 3T3 cells treated with CNF1 toxin (Cat # CN04) and found that both mono- and polyubiquitination of Rac1 could be detected from 300 μg of 3T3 cell lysate. The kit offers a user friendly tool to examine mono- and poly-ubiquitination for any target protein.

Figure 1: Swiss 3T3 cells were pre-treated with MG-132, then either untreated or treated with CNF1 (CN04) for 3 hours prior to lysis with BlastR buffer. The BK161 kit was utilized to perform the IP on 300 μg of lysate per condition. Lane 1: 3 μg input untreated lysate, Lane 2: Ubiquitin Affinity beads (UBA01) plus untreated lysate, Lane 3: UBA01 plus CN04 treated lysate, Lane 4: ubiquitin control beads (CUB02) plus untreated lysate, Lane 5: CUB02 plus CN04 treated lysate. Samples were analyzed for Rac1 ubiquitination using an anti-Rac1 antibody.

Amount:Each package contains enough ubiquitin beads for 40 reactions and sufficient control beads for 5 reactions.


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Associated Products:

Signal-Seeker™ Ubiquitination Detection Kit (Cat. # BK161)

Signal-Seeker™ SUMOylation 2/3 Detection Kit (Cat. # BK162)

Signal-Seeker™ Phosphotyrosine Detection Kit (Cat. # BK160)

Signal-Seeker™: BlastR™ Rapid Lysate Prep Kit (Cat. # BLR01)

Signal-Seeker™: PTMtrue™ Ubiquitin Antibody (Cat.# AUB01)



    For the most recent publications citing this and other Signal-Seeker™ products, see our Signal-Seeker™ Validation Data Page click here


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    If you have any questions concerning this product, please contact our Technical Service department at

    Cytoskeleton运动蛋白Cytoskeleton Motor Werks™(CMW)产品线由Cytoskeleton独家制造和销售。这些产品促进了运动蛋白领域的研究和药物开发(Funk et al。2005)。我们致力于生产真核和真菌来源的高纯度和具有生物活性的驱动蛋白和肌球蛋白家族蛋白。这些试剂旨在用于抗有丝分裂药物的发现和运动活性的机理研究。Cytoskeleton Motor Werks™系列产品还包含几种Biochem Kits™,抗体和其他与运动相关的试剂(例如,微管稳定剂紫杉醇,目录号TXD01)和蛋白质(例如,预先形成的微管,目录号MT002)。  有关运动蛋白的更多信息,请单击上方的关于标签。  从以下类别中选择:药物和缓冲液F-肌动蛋白丝套件微管蛋白质类