Adipogen/IL-6 (mouse):Fc (mouse) (rec.) (non-lytic)/CHI-MF-12006-C050/50 µg

作者: 时间:2024-09-20 点击量:

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Interleukin-6; B Cell Hybridoma Growth Factor; Interleukin HP-1
CHO cells
The extracellular domain of mouse IL-6 (aa 1-211) is fused to the N-terminus of the Fc region of a mutant mouse IgG2a.
Shows the biological function of the IL-6 moiety and exerts a prolonged circulating half-life caused by the modified Fc domain.
≥98% (SDS-PAGE)
Reconstitute at 100μg/ml in sterile PBS.
Lyophilized from 0.2μm-filtered solution in PBS.
Non-lytic: Acts as a long lasting fusion protein which only binds to the receptor. Mutations to the complement (C1q) and FcgR I binding sites of the IgGs Fc fragment render the fusion proteins incapable of antibody directed cytotoxicity (ADCC) and complement directed cytotoxicity (CDC).NCBI reference NP_112445.1: IL-6 (mouse)
Manufactured by Chimerigen.
Avoid freeze/thaw cycles.
Stable for at least 1 year after receipt when stored at -20°C.Working aliquots are stable for up to 3 months when stored at -20°C.
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Interleukin 6 (IL-6) is a pleiotropic α-helical cytokine that plays important roles in acute phase reactions, inflammation, hematopoiesis, bone metabolism and cancer progression. IL-6 activity is essential for the transition from acute inflammation to either acquired immunity or chronic inflammatory disease. It is secreted by multiple cell types as a 22kDa-28kDa phosphorylated and variably glycosylated molecule. IL-6 induces signaling through a cell surface heterodimeric receptor complex composed of a ligand binding subunit (IL-6R) and a signal transducing subunit (gp130). IL-6 is a key factor for the growth of plasma cells.

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