Nordicmubio/Rat Brain/X1030

Rat BrainCatalogue number: X1030

Product Type Control Lysate
Units100 µl
Application Western Blotting

BackgroundTotal cell Iysates are useful as both positive and negative controls in immunoblotting. A431, a human epidermoid carcinoma cell line, and the EGF-stimulated A431 Iysates are used as negative and positive controls,respectively, when studying the phosphorylation cascade initiated by ligand binding to receptor tyrosine kinases. Both A431 and normal human fibroblasts are valuable positive controls for antibodies to proteins expressed in thesecells. The mouse fibroblast cell line 3T3 and its RSV-transformed counterpart serve as negative and positive controls, respectively, for antibodies to proteins that are phosphorylated as a result of transformation by RSV (Rous sarcomavirus). Madin-Darby bovine kidney (MDBK) cell Iysate displays proteins expressed in bovine kidney and PC12 (rat phaeochromocytoma) cell Iysate can be expected to mirror the protein expression of cells and tissues ofneuroectodermal origin. Likewise, Jurkat cells express the proteins unique to human T-cells. Rat brain is a widely used positive control for those proteins that are exclusively expressed in brain. At right is an example of the use of positiveand negative control Iysates in western blotting. The blot of 3T3 cell Iysate (lane 1) and RSV-transformed 3T3 (lane 2) wasprobed with anti-phosphotyrosine peroxidase conjugate to reveal those proteins that are tyrosine-phosphorylated in response to transformation by

Synonyms: rat brain control cell lysate


Product Form: Unconjugated

Formulation: Provided as solution in Laemmli electrophoresis sample buffer. Samples need to be boiled for 3-5 minutes, before loading the gel.

Concentration: See vial for concentration

ApplicationsOptimal concentration should be evaluated by serial dilutions.Suggested use: A volume of 10-25ul is suggested for immunobloting.

Functional Analysis: Western Blotting

StorageProduct should be stored at -20ºC. Aliquot to avoid freeze/thaw cycles

Product Stability: Reagents are stable for the period shown on the vial label when stored properly

Shipping Conditions: Room Temperature

CautionThis product is intended FOR RESEARCH USE ONLY, and FOR TESTS IN VITRO, not for use in diagnostic or therapeutic procedures involving humans or animals. It may contain hazardous ingredients. Please refer to the Safety Data Sheets (SDS) for additional information and proper handling procedures. Dispose product remainders according to local regulations.This datasheet is as accurate as reasonably achievable, but Nordic-MUbio​ accepts no liability for any inaccuracies or omissions in this information.
