Product Description
Dressed Gold® NeutrAvidin conjugates are produced using NeutrAvidin and BioAssay Works proprietary 40 nm Naked Gold® sols. NeutrAvidin protein is deglycosylated native avidin from egg whites. Removal of the excess carbohydrate yields a protein with a more neutral isoelectric point and less nonspecific binding properties. The conjugates are highly reactive and ideal for use in lateral flow assays where high sensitivity is required.
Dressed Gold NeutrAvidin conjugates are available either in our standard 15 O.D./mL concentration or in our highly-concentrated 50 O.D./mL concentration. Several volumes are available to meet your needs.
O.D./mL: 15 or 50
Storage temperature: 2-8° C, DO NOT FREEZE!
Shipping temperature: 2-8° C
Stability: 6 months from date of manufacture
BioAssay Works裸金® 20纳米浓缩金溶胶$ 58.50 – $ 2,601.10可用选项评分:类别:金溶胶标签:胶体金,胶体金溶胶,金纳米颗粒,金溶胶在15 OD / mL下浓缩20 nm金溶胶。可用选项: 卷 任何1毫升 9毫升 44毫升 100毫升 SKU 描述 价钱 NG20-B10020 nm浓缩金溶胶,100 mL$ 2,601.10添加到购物车NG20-B04420 nm浓缩金溶胶,44 mL$ 1,357.00添加到购物车NG20-B00120 nm浓缩金溶胶,1 mL$ 58.50添加到购物车NG20-B00920 nm浓缩金溶胶,9 mL$ 351.10添加到购物车产品描述裸金® 20nm的浓缩金溶胶是金纳米颗粒的高度均匀的溶液。这些金溶胶可以与多种抗体或可溶性蛋白缀合。裸金溶胶是通过专有工艺生产的,该工艺不涉及传统的沸腾和离心方法。通过这种独特的过程,可以将抗体或可溶性蛋白包被在金纳米颗粒上,而无需通过离心浓缩金–从而节省了时间,并减少了蛋白质和所得缀合物的浪费。另外,消除了对浓缩金的需要,使结合过程中聚集体的形成最小化。裸金20 nm浓缩金溶胶有几种不同的体积(1 mL,9 mL,44 mL和100 mL),可满足您的特定需求。规格:OD / mL:15储存温度:室温,请勿冻结!运输温度:环境稳定性:自生产之日起2年