4000-520-616 / 18915418616

Adipogen/Geldanamycin/BVT-0196-C500/500 µg

作者: 时间:2024-09-20 点击量:

More Information Product Details Synonyms Product Type Properties Formula MW CAS RTECS Source/Host Chemicals Purity Chemicals Appearance Solubility Identity Declaration InChi Key Shipping and Handling Shipping Short Term Storage Long Term Storage Handling Advice Use/Stability Documents MSDS Product Specification Sheet Datasheet
NSC122750; BRN1633093; U-29135
Isolated from Streptomyces hygroscopicus.
≥98% (HPLC)
Yellow solid.
Soluble in methanol or DMSO; insoluble in water.
Determined by 1H-NMR.
Manufactured by BioViotica.
Protect from light when in solution.
Stable for at least 1 year after receipt when stored at -20°C.After reconstitution protect from light at -20°C.
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  • Antibiotic.
  • Potent antitumor compound.
  • pp60src tyrosine kinase inhibitor.
  • Inhibits c-mycgene expression in murine lymphoblastoma cells.
  • Inhibits the transforming activity of abl, erbB, fps, src and yes.
  • Binds specifically to heat shock protein 90 (HSP90) and to its endoplasmic reticulum homolog GP96 (GRP94).
  • Destabilizes several oncogene and proto-oncogene products.
  • Potent nuclear hormone receptor family inhibitor.
Product References
  • Geldanamycin, a new antibiotic: C. DeBoer, et al.; J. Antibiot. 23, 442 (1970)
  • Inhibition of c-myc gene expression in murine lymphoblastoma cells by geldanamycin and herbimycin, antibiotics of benzoquinoid ansamycin group: H. Yamaki, et al.; J. Antibiot. 42, 604 (1989)
  • Geldanamycin selectively destabilizes and conformationally alters mutated p53: M.V. Blagosklonny, et al.; Oncogene 11, 933 (1995)
  • Inhibition of the oncogene product p185erbB-2 in vitro and in vivo by geldanamycin and dihydrogeldanamycin derivatives: R.C. Schnur, et al.; J. Med. Chem. 38, 3806 (1995)
  • Stable and specific binding of heat shock protein 90 by geldanamycin disrupts glucocorticoid receptor function in intact cells: L. Whitesell & P. Cook; Mol. Endocrinol. 10, 705 (1996)
  • Geldanamycin as a potential anti-cancer agent: its molecular target and biochemical activity: L. Neckers, et al.; Invest. New Drugs 17, 361 (1999), (Review)
  • Hsp-90-associated oncoproteins: multiple targets of geldanamycin and its analogs: M.V. Blagosklonny; Leukemia 16, 455 (2002), (Review)
  • Geldanamycin enhances hepatocyte growth factor stimulation of eNOS phosphorylation in endothelial cells: K. Makondo, et al.; Eur. J. Pharmacol. 582, 110 (2007)
  • HSP90 antagonist, geldanamycin, inhibits proliferation, induces apoptosis and blocks migration of rhabdomyosarcoma cells in vitro and seeding into bone marrow in vivo: E. Lesko, et al.; Anticancer Drugs 18, 1173 (2007)
  • Inhibition of heat shock protein 90 impairs epidermal growth factor-mediated signaling in gastric cancer cells and reduces tumor growth and vascularization in vivo: S.A. Lang, et al.; Mol. Cancer Ther. 6, 1123 (2007)
  • Low dose geldanamycin inhibits hepatocyte growth factor and hypoxia-stimulated invasion of cancer cells: F. Koga, et al.; Cell Cycle 6, 1393 (2007)
  • Hsp90-inhibitor geldanamycin abrogates G(2) arrest in p53-negative leukemia cell lines through the depletion of Chk1: K. Sugimoto, et al.; Oncogene 27, 3091 (2008)
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