Carfilzomib is a second generation proteasome inhibitor that has been used in oncology research.Being a derivative of epoxomicin, carfilzomib has a tetrapeptide epoxyketone structure.
The anti-cancer activity of carfilzomib on proteasomes is attributed to irreversibly binding to a 20S subunit on proteasomes. Affinity of carfilzomib for the subunit has been shown to be fairly significant, allowing carfilzomib to be effective at targeting multiple myeloma and lymphoma.
Proteasomes degrade excess or damaged proteins in both the nucleus and cytosol by cleaving hydrophobic residue peptide bonds. When proteasomes are inhibited by carfilzomib, polyubiquinated proteins accumulate. Polyubiquinated proteins will upregulate p21 synthesis, which activates cell cycle arrest and eventually apoptosis.
Carfilzomib has also been shown to have poor solubility in aqueous solutions, but greater solubility in organic solvents such as DMSO. Aqueous solubility can be enhanced by diluting carfilzomib-organic solvent solution in aqueous buffers. Using aqueous carfilzomib in biological settings should be done in dilute concentrations to limit organic solvent presence. Because carfilzomib organic-aqueous solutions only have a shelf life of approximately 24 hours, it is recommended to make small portions for immediate use.
Product SpecificationsCarfilzomibCFZ
Formula: C40H53N5O7
MW: 719.91 g/mol
Storage/Handling: Store at 4°C.Soluble in DMSO.
PubChem Chemical ID: 11556711
★活体技术荧光检测荧光蛋白标记适用于标记细胞、病毒、基因等,通常使用的是 GFP、EGFP、RFP(DsRed)等;荧光染料标记适用于标记抗体、多肽、小分子药物等;常用的有 Cy3、Cy5、Cy5.5 及 Cy7量子点标记(新的标记方法)适用于标记肿瘤,主要应用在活细胞实时动态荧光观察与成像;量子点(quantum dot) 是一种能发射荧光的半导体纳米微晶体,外观恰似一极小的点状物。量子点荧光比有机荧光染料的发射光强的 20 倍,稳定性强 100 倍以上,具有荧光发光光谱较窄、量子产率高、不易漂白、激发光谱宽、颜色可调,并且光化学稳定性高,不易分解等诸多优点。