- 唾液收集的
- \基因组DNA干净
- \Zymoclean DNA凝胶回收试剂盒\
- 组织收集的
- Quick-DNA Plant/Seed Kits
- 粪便/土壤微生物快速DNA试剂盒
- \DNA干净
- \除OneStep PCR抑制剂包\
- \<我> < \/ i >快速dna粪便\/土壤微生物板\
- 快速DNA试剂盒
- XJ Autolysis E. coli strains
- \<我> < \/ i > dna快速包\
- <我>混合
- \向量集合和环境\
- \Zymoprep酵母质粒Miniprep包\
- Quick-DNA Fungal/Bacterial Kits
- \<我> < \/ i >快速dna植物\/种子包
- \粪便收集\
- 混合和去活性细胞
- \XJ自我分解<我> E。"},{"src":"coli<\/i> strains","tgt":"杆菌< \/ i >菌株的
- 血液采集的
4000-520-616 / 18915418616


- Purify high-quality DNA easily and reliably from any biological fluid, cultured/monolayer cells, or tissue sample.
- The Zymo magbead purification system ensures DNA is ready for all sensitive downstream applications such as qPCR, DNA-sequencing, arrays, and methylation analysis.
- The automation friendly workflow enables biological fluids, cultured/monolayer cells, or solid tissues to be processed in as little as 60 minutes for 96 preps.
Elution Volume | ≤ 100 µl |
Equipment | Centrifuge fitted with a 96 well microplate carrier, heat block (55°C), 96-well magnetic rack, automated liquid handler (recommended), 2 mL 96 well plates and reagent carriers (user supplied). |
Purity | A260/A280 >1.8, A260/A230 >1.8 |
Size Range | Capable of recovering genomic and mitochondrial DNA sized fragments ˃ 50 kb. If present, parasitic, microbial, and viral DNA will also be recovered. |
Workflow | Utilizes a Proteinase K Digestion and magnetic binding bead technology for effective recovery of DNA from blood, cells, and tissues. |
Yield | Up to 10 µg per 50 µl of MagBinding Beads used |
Q1: Can I use more sample input, than what’s recommended in the protocol, by scaling up the protocol?
Custom solutions can be provided, please contact automation@zymoresearch.com.
Q2: Do you have scripts available for your automated kits and/or do you provide scripting support?
Yes, we currently have scripts for Hamilton and KingFisher, as well as support for Tecan on some systems. The kit instruction manual includes an “automation guide” for users to script the protocol themselves and our automation support staff also provides automation troubleshooting and advice if needed.For detailed help regarding all automation questions, please contact automation@zymoresearch.com.
Cat # | Name | Size | Price | |
D4081-3-25 | Biofluid & Solid Tissue Buffer | 25 mL | $38.00 | |
D4081-3-100 | Biofluid & Solid Tissue Buffer | 100 mL | $127.00 | |
D4077-1-150 | Quick-DNA MagBinding Buffer | 150 ml | $88.00 | |
D4100-2-12 | MagBinding Beads | 12 ml | $125.00 | |
D4100-2-6 | MagBinding Beads | 6 ml | $69.00 | |
D3004-4-50 | DNA Elution Buffer | 50 ml | $32.00 | |
D3004-5-250 | DNA Pre-Wash Buffer | 250 ml | $71.00 | |
D3004-2-200 | g-DNA Wash Buffer | 200 ml | $54.00 | |
D3004-5-50 | DNA Pre-Wash Buffer | 50 ml | $26.00 | |
D3004-4-16 | DNA Elution Buffer | 16 ml | $18.00 |