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pc12 cell是蚂蚁淘代理

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1. The fusion protein co-localized with the nuclear stain Hoechst 33258.5.5LO expression at the levels of the lines used in the present study did not seem to affect cell morphology, mitogenesis, and differentiation under the normal culture maintenance conditions.

2. So, it was demonstrated that PI3K and PtdIns-3-P had no effect on PC12 cell secretion itself, but did not exclude the possibility that they enhance cell to response to repetitive strong stimuli by their accelerating effect on vesicle endocytosis which speed the refilling of releasable vesicle.
在INS-1 细胞上的实验结果也验证了这一点,表明PI3K 和PtdIns-3-P 对细胞的分泌功能没有直接的调控作用,但是不排除它们通过促进囊泡胞吞和循环过程而增强细胞对高强度重复刺激的反应和参与突触可塑性的调节。

3. Under light microscope, lead acetate had no effect on the cell morphology and cytoskeleton.
光镜下观察,乙酸铅对PC 12细胞的形态和细胞骨架无明显改变。

4. In ex vivo assay, treatment of SNWE protects PC-12 cells from oxidative stress-inducing cell damage, and the mechanisms might be contributed by regulating the ERK phosphorylation cascade.

5. Aim To investigate the antagonistic action of EGCG on apoptosis of rat PC12 cell induced by MPP^+.
目的 探讨没食子儿茶素没食子酸酯对MPP^+诱导大鼠PC12细胞凋亡的拮抗作用。

6. Results Morphine and purine nucleotide interventions improved the inhibition of morphine on PC12 cell proliferation.
结果 同时给予吗啡和嘌呤核苷酸可改善吗啡对PC12细胞增殖的抑制作用。

7. Aim:To observe the amitosis and asymmetric division in subcultured PC12 cells, and to explore the role of amitosis and asymmetric division in tumorigenesis, tumor cell pleomorphism and differentiation.
目的 :观察传代培养的PC12细胞的无丝分裂和不对称分裂,探讨其在肿瘤发生、肿瘤细胞多形性和细胞分化中的意义。

8. Amitosis and asymmetric division play an important role in PC12 cell pleomorphism. The asymmetric division possesses important significance in tumorigenesis and differentiation.

9. We have achieved the following findings in this research field. In human brain specimens from the patients with brain trauma or brain tumors, we, at first time, found that the property of the expression and distribution of CysLT1 and CysLT2 receptors, and that their expressions were induced in the pathological conditions. In the rats with focal cerebral ischemia, we found that the spatio-temporal property of the increase in CysLT1 receptor expression in the brain; the increased expression was related to acute neuronal injury in the acute phase and astrogliosis in the late phase. Moreover, we further investigated the protective effects of CysLT1 receptor antagonists on focal cerebral ischemia, and found their therapeutic window, and the inhibiting effects on disruption of blood-brain barrier in the acute phase and astrogliosis in the chronic phase. We also observed the functional properties of PC12 cells transfected with the genes of CysLT1 and CysLT2 receptors (CysLT2 receptor was involved in cell injury), and the modes of expression and modulation of CysLT1 and CysLT2 receptors in different type of cells. In addition, we improved the methodology for studying cerebral ischemia, such as continuously observing the spatio-temporal properties of locomotor activity for 22 h after focal cerebral ischemia in mice, and establishing the primary cultures, injury induction and its quantitative analyses of neurons and brain slices.
在人脑外伤、脑肿瘤的样本中,首次阐明CysLT1和CysLT2受体的表达特点,以及在病理状态下的诱导表达;首次发现大鼠局灶性脑缺血后CysLT1受体表达增加的时间过程和空间分布特点,表达增加与急性期神经元损伤及后期胶质增生有关;进一步研究了CysLT1受体拮抗剂对局灶性脑缺血的保护作用,包括确定其治疗时间窗,对急性血脑屏障破坏及慢性胶质增生的抑制作用;初步确定CysLT1和CysLT2受体转染PC12细胞的功能特点(CysLT2受体介导细胞损伤),以及不同细胞的CysLT1和CysLT2受体表达及调节特点;还完善了脑缺血研究方法学,包括连续22 h观察小鼠局灶性脑缺血后自发活动的时间-空间变化规律、建立原代神经元和脑片培养及其损伤诱导和定量分析方法等。

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10. Results: PC12 cells fragmentation exhibited various evolving phases including totipotential protoplast, endopolyploid, polykaryon, multi-nucleo-endoplast, multinucleocyte, syncytium and multicells. The PCNA-IR was strongly positive in the earlyphase samples of cell fragmentation.

11. On the membrane of liver parenchymal cell and endothelial cell ×12000; Fig 43 h after Cd-injection:ER extremely dilatant, mitochondria swollen, a lot of Ce-H2O2 precipitation on the membrane of PC, EC and Kupffer'scell ×15000; Fig 56 h after Cd-injection:in irreversible state, hepato-cytoplasm clear, few organelle, a few Ce-H2O2 precipitation on the membrane of PC and eC ×5500; Fig 624 h after Cd-injection:hepatocyte plasmotorrhexis, membrane of
ce呈点状沉积在肝实质细胞、内皮细胞膜上×12 000;图4 染镉后3小时:ER极度扩张,线粒体膨胀,内外膜模糊不清;见大量Ce沉积在PC、EC和Kupffer's细胞膜上×15 000;图5 染镉后6小时:处于不可逆改变状态的肝细胞胞浆清亮,少有细胞器;仍可见少量Ce沉积在PC和EC膜上×5 500;图6 染镉后24小时:可见破碎的肝细胞,胞内膜结构大多已不清晰;未见Ce的沉积×7 000

12. pc12 cell是什么意思

12. Methods: Subcultured PC12 cells were stained with Giemsa staining, methyl green pyronin by cytochemistry and proliferating cell nuclear antigen by immunohistochemistry.

13. Result: 5 compounds were identified as eriodictyol (1), 5, 7-dihydroxy-3\', 4\'-dimethoxy flavanone (2), oleanolic (3), 5, 7-dihydroxychromone (4) and homeriodictyol (5) by spectral evidences, in which homeriodictyol (5) had acceleration differentiation to PC12 cell.

14. METHODS: The effect of butamben on these channels was studiedin undifferentiated rat PC12-cells with the whole-cell patch-clamptechnique in voltage-clamp.
用全细胞膜片钳技术在未分化的大鼠 PC12细胞上研究氨苯丁酯对这些通道的作用。

15. Measurement of cell viability PC12 cell viability was measured by MTT assay which is based on the capacity of the mitochondrial enzyme succinate dehydrogenase to transform the yellow MTT tetrazolium saltin to blue MTT formazan crystals in viable ceils.

16. Effects of methylmercury and mercuric chloride on differentiation and cell viability in PC12 cells[J].

17. Under the condition of anoxia (37 ℃, 5%02 and 95%N2)and serum deprivation, the changes in the DNA damage, DNA repair and apoptotic cell death or cells survival of PC12 cells were observed.

18. pc12 cell的意思

18. Objective: To study signal transduction pathway of hypoxia reoxygenation inducing PC12 cell death.

19. pc12 cell的意思

19. Objective: To observe the effect of nerve growth factor on cell cycle in PC12 cells, and to establish a cell cycle model of neuronlike cell in vitro.

20. pc12 cell的意思

20. PC12 cell was provided from Shanghai Institute of Cellular Biology of Chinese Academy of Sciences.

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