Type: Mouse IgG
Applications: IHC
E=ELISA; FACS; FC=Flow Cytometry; FPLC=Fast Protein Liquid Chromatography; GF=Gravity Flow; HPLC=High Performance Liquid Chromatography; ICC=Immunocytochemistry; IF=Immunofluorescence; IHC=Immunohistochemistry; IP=Immunoprecipitation; NAC=Non-adherent Cell Assays; NB=Neutralization of Bioactivity; SE=Sandwich ELISA; TPE=Targeted Protein Expression; WB=Western blotting; ; AC=Adherent Cell Assays; FM=Fluorescent Micsroscopy; ; ; BSC-CM5= Biacore Sensor Chip CM5; BSM=Biosactive Small Molecule or Peptide; CDM=Cell Differentiation Media; ; ; ; ; ; Health and Fitness; ; ; DNA Extraction/Purification; ; In vivo Like AssaysSpecies Reactivity: H; Pr
B=Bovine; Ca=Cat; Ch=Chicken; D=Dog; EQ=Equine; GP=Guinea Pig; H=Human; M=Mouse; P=Porcine; Pr=Primate; R=Rat; Rb=Rabbit; Y=Yeast; Xe=Xenopus; Ze=Zebrafish; ; ; ; NA-Not Applicable; STP=Step-Tactin Proteins; AllFormat: Ascites Fluid - liquid
Immunogen: Human PMP22 cDNA boosted with a 13-amino acid peptide of the 2nd extracellular domain (a.a. 120-133) conjugated to murine IgG. [Swiss-Prot# Q01453].
Peripheral Myelin Protein 22 (PMP22) is a 160 amino acid glycoprotein which is a member of the claudin family and is thought to play an important role in the structure of peripheral nerve myelin. Irregularities in its gene results in hereditary demyelinating neuropathies. PMP22 protein is present in the compact myelin of adult human peripheral nerve and its distribution mimics that of Myelin Protein zero (P0).
Image: Staining of PMP22 (brown) in dorsal root ganglion and spinal roots in 20 week fetal spinal cord preparation from rhesus monkey.
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