Neuromics/Sonic Hedgehog/MO15043/500 ug

作者: 时间:2025-01-31 点击量:

Type: Rat IgG

Applications: E; WB

E=ELISA; FACS; FC=Flow Cytometry; FPLC=Fast Protein Liquid Chromatography; GF=Gravity Flow; HPLC=High Performance Liquid Chromatography; ICC=Immunocytochemistry; IF=Immunofluorescence; IHC=Immunohistochemistry; IP=Immunoprecipitation; NAC=Non-adherent Cell Assays; NB=Neutralization of Bioactivity; SE=Sandwich ELISA; TPE=Targeted Protein Expression; WB=Western blotting; ; AC=Adherent Cell Assays; FM=Fluorescent Micsroscopy; ; ; BSC-CM5= Biacore Sensor Chip CM5; BSM=Biosactive Small Molecule or Peptide; CDM=Cell Differentiation Media; ; ; ; ; ; Health and Fitness; ; ; DNA Extraction/Purification; ; In vivo Like Assays

Species Reactivity: M

B=Bovine; Ca=Cat; Ch=Chicken; D=Dog; EQ=Equine; GP=Guinea Pig; H=Human; M=Mouse; P=Porcine; Pr=Primate; R=Rat; Rb=Rabbit; Y=Yeast; Xe=Xenopus; Ze=Zebrafish; ; ; ; NA-Not Applicable; STP=Step-Tactin Proteins; All

Format: Protein G Purified - liquid

Immunogen: hybridoma resulting from the fusion of a mouse myeloma with B cells obtained from a rat immunized with purified, E. coli-derived,recombinant mouse Sonic Hedgehog C-terminal peptide (rmShh C-terminal peptide; aa 199 - 437).

The hedgehog (hh) gene encoding a secreted protein was originally identified in Drosophila as a segment polarity gene. Three vertebrate homologs of hh have been identified including Sonic hedgehog (Shh), Indian hedgehog (Ihh), and Desert hedgehog (Dhh). These proteins are important signaling molecules during embryonic development. Shh is expressed in key embryonic tissues such as the HensenÆs node, the zone of polarizing activity in the posterior limb bud, the notochord, and the floor plate of the neural tube.

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