Neuromics/CD9/Motility-Related Protein-1/MO20046/100 ul

作者: 时间:2025-01-31 点击量:

Type: Mouse IgG

Applications: IHC

E=ELISA; FACS; FC=Flow Cytometry; FPLC=Fast Protein Liquid Chromatography; GF=Gravity Flow; HPLC=High Performance Liquid Chromatography; ICC=Immunocytochemistry; IF=Immunofluorescence; IHC=Immunohistochemistry; IP=Immunoprecipitation; NAC=Non-adherent Cell Assays; NB=Neutralization of Bioactivity; SE=Sandwich ELISA; TPE=Targeted Protein Expression; WB=Western blotting; ; AC=Adherent Cell Assays; FM=Fluorescent Micsroscopy; ; ; BSC-CM5= Biacore Sensor Chip CM5; BSM=Biosactive Small Molecule or Peptide; CDM=Cell Differentiation Media; ; ; ; ; ; Health and Fitness; ; ; DNA Extraction/Purification; ; In vivo Like Assays

Species Reactivity: H

B=Bovine; Ca=Cat; Ch=Chicken; D=Dog; EQ=Equine; GP=Guinea Pig; H=Human; M=Mouse; P=Porcine; Pr=Primate; R=Rat; Rb=Rabbit; Y=Yeast; Xe=Xenopus; Ze=Zebrafish; ; ; ; NA-Not Applicable; STP=Step-Tactin Proteins; All

Format: Supernatant - liquid

Immunogen: Prokaryotic recombinant protein corresponding to the major extracellular loop of the CD9.


CD9 antigen is a 24 to 27 kD glycoprotein expressed on the surface of developing B lymphocytes, platelets, monocytes, eosinophils, basophils, stimulated T lymphocytes and by neurons and glial cells in the peripheral nervous system. It belongs to a family of membrane proteins termed tetraspanins that transverse the membrane four times. In pre-B cells and platelets, CD9 antigen regulates cell activation aggregation possibly through an association with the integrin CD41/ CD61 (GPIIb/GPIIIa). It also regulates cell motility in a variety of cell lines, and appears to be an important regulator of Schwann cell behaviour in peripheral nerve.

Image: CD9 staining of  Human Bowel Section. Paraffin section.

More Links:

CD and Cell Surface Marker Antibodies

CD and Cell Surface Proteins

Immune Response Research Antibodies                                

Immune Response Research Proteins

Cancer Research Antibodies     

Cancer Research Proteins                                          

Stem Cell ResearchReagents

Neuronal-Glial Markers-Astrocytes, Glia, Microglia, Olidogodendrocytes, Progenitors and Schwann Cell Markers


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