Brefeldin A is a fermentation product from Penicillium brefeldianum. It is a lactone antibiotic and ATPase inhibitor for protein transport with IC50 of 0.2 μM in HCT 116 cells. Brefeldin A has been widely used as specific inhibitor of protein translocation from endoplasmic reticulum to Golgi1. Blocks secretion and prevents the assembly of non-clathrin-coated buds on Golgi cisternae2. Inhibits guanine nucleotide-exchange proteins BIG1 and BIG2, activators of ADP-ribosylation factors3. Induces apoptosis independently of p534. Activates sphingomyelin metabolism5. Cell permeable.
Product Information
Purity: >99.0% by HPLCMW: 280.4Formula: C16H24O4CAS No. 20350-15-6Physical State: Lyophilized powderAmount: 5mg, 25mg, 50mgSolubility: 100 mg/mL in DMSO; or 25 mg/ml in warm ethanolStorage: Store desiccated as supplied at -20°C for up to 2 years. Store solutions at -20°C for up to 1 month.
References1. T Fujiwaraet al. J. Biol. Chem.1988 263:185452. L Orci et al. Cell 1991 64:11833. KF Xu et al. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 2005 102:27844. RG Shao et al. Exp. Cell Res. 1996 227:1905. CM Linardic et al. Cell Growth Differ. 1996 7:765
Life Sensors的泛素和泛素链泛素是一种小的多肽,通过其C端与目标蛋白上的赖氨酸的ε-氨基缀合。这种缀合称为单泛素化。随后,可以利用遍在蛋白表面上的七个赖氨酸残基(K6,K11,K27,K29,K33,K48,K63)中的任何一个,将额外的遍在蛋白部分与初始遍在蛋白结合。这种泛素链形成称为多泛素化。泛素的酶结合是通过一系列酶进行的,即泛素激活酶E1,泛素结合酶E2和泛素连接酶E3。蛋白质的泛素化在细胞中是可逆的。单泛素化和多泛素化的链均被去泛素化酶催化的水解作用裂解 (DUB)。LifeSensors在遍在泛素途径的所有水平的酶(包括E1,E2和E3酶和DUB)上都有丰富的经验。LifeSensors对蛋白质纯化的广泛了解使我们能够生产大约30种E2酶,20种E3酶和35个DUB,并具有定制表达的能力。此外,我们广泛的检测方法简化了确认酶活性和确定E2-E3对兼容性的过程,并确保您可以选择最能解决希望探索的特定,关键生物学问题的酶。LifeSensors已为您的研究开发了多种泛素衍生物,包括用于结合相互作用研究的DUB耐药性聚泛素链,用于DUB分析和筛选的泛素结合物(荧光团和报告酶),选择性泛素链(二,三和四环素)泛素链)用于DUB特异性和结合测定,位点特异性赖氨酸泛素突变体用于E3连接酶和DUB选择性测定。