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亚美尼亚阿塞拜疆澳大利亚中国香港印度印度尼西亚以色列日本哈萨克斯坦沙特阿拉伯王国韩国科威特吉尔吉斯斯坦澳门马来西亚缅甸新西兰阿曼Qatar新加坡台湾泰国塔吉克斯坦阿拉伯联合酋长国乌兹别克斯坦越南 全非洲关于我们HansaBioMed Life Sciences Ltd 是一家完全致力于外泌体科学领域产品研发的公司。
HansaBioMed Life Sciences 成立于 2007 年,是第一家完全专注于外泌体、细胞外囊泡 (EV) 和纳米颗粒领域研究的公司。如今,HansaBioMed 与多个国际学术和工业研究团体合作,并参与旨在充分发挥电动汽车潜力的知识的研究项目。凭借我们在 10 多年的活动中积累的专业知识,我们不仅积极致力于改进当前的 EV 分离和表征技术,而且还研究细胞外囊泡的新应用领域。在研究活动的同时,Hansabiomed 为客户提供服务提供致力于外泌体和 EV 研究的高质量服务和产品。
我们的服务组合包括从条件培养基、生物液或植物提取物中对细胞外囊泡进行可扩展和自动化纯化、批量或单一 EV 表征、生物标志物评估通过质谱和 RNA 测序。我们的产品目录包括广泛的纯化 EV、EV 纯化、富集和表征工具。我们的工厂位于塔林(爱沙尼亚)的 Tehnopol 科技园。
Exosomics 是一家由 HansaBioMed LS 所有者于 2011 年创立的公司,旨在利用 EV 潜力进行诊断。
Ascorbic Acid Colorimetric Assay Kit II (FRASC).
Kit Summary:
• Detection method- Absorbance (545-600 nm)
• Sample type- Cell and Tissue culture supernatants, urine, plasma and serum, as well as many other biological fluids, growth media and food products
• Species reactivity- Mammalian
• Application- The assay can detect 0.2 to 20 nmol of ascorbic acid in various samples.
Features & Benefits:
• Simple procedure; takes ~ 30 minutes to complete the assay
• Fast and convenient
Kit Components:
• FRASC Buffer
• Ascorbic Acid Probe
• FeCl3 solution
• Ascorbate Oxidase (lyophilized)
• Ascorbic Acid Standard (20 µmole).
Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C) plays an important role in many biological processes. It is a potent anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-viral agent and an immune stimulant and is present in a wide variety of biological specimens. Due to the presence of a variety of other antioxidants in biological samples such as serum, most ascorbic acid assays show strong interference. FRASC Assay Kit provides a rapid, simple, and sensitive means of detecting ascorbic acid in biological samples such as serum and other body fluids, tissue and cell extracts, growth media and food products. In this assay, Feᶟᶧ is reduced to Fe²ᶧ by any antioxidants present. The ferrous iron is chelated with a colorimetric probe to produce a product with a strong absorbance band which can be monitored between 545-600 nm. The addition of ascorbate oxidase to parallel samples removes any ascorbate present leaving a background value which is subtracted from the total to give ascorbate content. The assay can detect 0.2 to 20 nmol of ascorbic acid in various samples.
Storage Conditions: -20°C.
Shipping Conditions: gel pack.
USAGE: For Research Use Only! Not For Use in Humans.
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