- 单击化学试剂
- Amine Reactive PEGs
- Biotin PEG
- Nanoparticles & Beads
- 乙烯砜聚乙二醇
- Fluorescent PEGs
- NHS cross linkers
- ITO Coated Glass Slides
- Polylysine & conjugates
- Dextran & Conjugates
- 菁聚乙二醇
- Functional Agarose Beads
- Carbonyl Reactive PEGs
- 表面涂层功能性载玻片
- Fluorescein PEG
- 其他聚乙二醇试剂
- Phosphate PEG
- 蛋白质生物结合物
- Thiol PEG
SFTMfluorophores aim to providing better fluorescent molecular tools for our customers. Besides their superior fluorescent properties, e.g. high brightness, super photo-stability, these fluorophores are designed to simplify your fluorescent labeling and detection process. SFTM fluorophores can be used directly in your aqueous working buffer without need adding any organic solvents. Elimination of organic solvents not only simplifies your labeling and detection process, it also provides additional protection of your molecules from damaging caused by some harsh organic solvents. In addition, SFTM fluorophores offer diversified chemically reactive and/or biologically active moieties that can be used directly for labeling, imaging and detecting of various molecules and particles.These fluorophores range from UV to near IR region and can be used both in-vitro and in-vivo imaging. In short, Nanocs SFTM fluorophores offer following advantages:
- High fluorescent intensity equal or greater than Alexa fluor or cyanine dyes;
- High photo-stability with proprietary structure;
- Good water solubility and no organic solvents needed for labeling.
- Simplified labeling process with high labeling efficiency.
- Reactive, fast reaction;
- Soluble in water;
Store at -20 0C.Nanocs代理 在生命科学领域,苏州蚂蚁淘生物为业界提供了丰富的实验室和生物医药生产研发的产品。庆祝苏州蚂蚁淘生物正式成为Nanocs品牌修饰性PEG的签约代理商,在这里要感谢广大客户多年来对苏州蚂蚁淘生物科技有限公司的支持和厚爱,我们将一如既往的为广大客户带来Nanocs品牌修饰性PEG高品质的产品和服务,欢迎广大新老客户来电咨询。 anocs PEG官能团 PEG Reagents by Functional Group