Athens Research/Cambio - Excellence in Molecular Biology/10 AEU (100ug)/ATW0004-100

品牌:Athens Research

Aptamers: Catalogue Aptamers

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If the listed modifications do not meet your needs many other modifications are available on request

All Aptamers from Base Pair Bio are available with the following modifications

Please choose your modification and add as an extra catalogue number:

ATWUNMOD - Unmodified

ATWAMINE - Amine modification

ATWBIOTIN - Biotin modification

ATWTHIOL - Thiol modification (extra charge)

ATWFLUOR - Fluor (all) modification (extra charge)

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Dengue Type 2 NS1 Aptamer

Dengue Type 2 NS1 Aptamer to Viral Protein Target ATW0004

Base Pair Bio

Catalogue No.DescriptionPack SizePriceQty
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ATW0004-100Dengue NS1 protein10 AEU (100ug)POAQuantityAdd to Order
ATW0004-25Dengue NS1 protein2.5 AEU (25ug)POAQuantityAdd to Order

Dengue Type 2 NS1 Aptamer

Dengue Type 2 NS1 Aptamer to Viral Protein Target ATW0004

Base Pair Bio

Dengue virus is the cause of dengue fever. It is a mosquito-borne single positive-stranded RNA virus. There are four antigenically related, but distinct, dengue virus serotypes (DEN-1, DEN-2, DEN-3 and DEN-4) and DEN-2 nonstructural protein-1 (NS1) is a secreted glycoprotein that is absent from viral particles but accumulates in the supernatant and on the plasma membrane of cells during infection.

This aptamer was selected by scientists at Base Pair Biotechnologies using proprietary methods, a provided target of non reported origin and 1X PBS pH 7.4. Let us know if you have any questions about its development or potential uses.

Target: Dengue Type 2 NS1

Target Species: viral

Target Type: protein

Affinity Constant (Kd): 21 nM

Default 3" Linker (Spacer) is 10T. Please submit a custom quote request for other options.

Aptamer informationKd 21nM

Dengue Type 2 NSI ATW0004 #534 datasheet

Please choose your modification and add as an extra catalogue number:ATWUNMOD - UnmodifiedATWAMINE - Amine modificationATWBIOTIN - Biotin modificationATWTHIOL - Thiol modification (extra charge)ATWFLUOR - Fluor (all) modification (extra charge)

If you cannot find the answer to your problem below then please contact us or telephone 01954 210 200

Dengue Type 2 NS1 Aptamer

Dengue Type 2 NS1 Aptamer to Viral Protein Target ATW0004

Base Pair Bio

Antibody Equivalent Units (AEU). There is a large molecular weight difference in antibodies (typically 150,000 Da) and Base Pair’s aptamers (~14,000 Da). We provide our aptamers in terms of moles, where the aptamer moles in 1 AEU is equal to antibody moles in the typical 100 microgram shipment from a leading antibody vendor. Therefore our standard 2.5 AEU (25ug) or 5 AEU (50ug) delivery is 2.5 and 5 times the equivalent moles of a standard antibody delivery of 100 microgram respectively.

If you cannot find the answer to your problem below then please contact us or telephone 01954 210 200

Myeloperoxidase Enzyme Immunoassay Kit 髓过氧化物酶 免疫分析试剂盒 Human MPO EIA KIT FEATURES: USE - Measure human MPO in a variety of matrices SAMPLE -Serum, Platelet-Poor Heparin Plasma, Saliva, Urine or Tissue Culture Media SAMPLES / KIT - 40 in duplicate SENSITIVITY - 0.068 ng/mL STABILITY - liquid reagents stable at 4°C QUICK RESULTS - 2.5 HOURS Myeloperoxidase (MPO) is a tetrameric heme-containing protein abundantly produced in neutrophil granulocytes where it plays an important anti-microbial role. During degranulation MPO is released into the extracellular space. There, as part of the neutrophils “respiratory burst”, it produces hypochlorous acid from hydrogen peroxide and Cl–. MPO also uses hydrogen peroxide to oxidize tyrosine to the tyrosyl radical. Both hypochlorous acid and tyrosyl are cytotoxic and when present can kill bacteria and other pathogens. Hereditary deficiency of myeloperoxidase predisposes individuals to immune deficiency. Studies have shown an association between elevated MPO levels and coronary artery disease, and in 2003 it was suggested that MPO may serve as a sensitive predictor of myocardial infarction in patients complaining of chest pain. Since that time the clinical utility of MPO testing in cardiac patients has been solidly established in the literature with well over 100 papers published. In 2010 this clinical application was further refined by additional studies which determined that measuring both MPO and C-reactive protein (CRP) provided more accurate prediction of mortality risk than measuring just CRP alone.