The reconstituted Veri-Cells™ Heavy Metal Ta PBMC are intended to offer mass cytometry laboratories stabilized human blood cells which have been labeled with the heavy metal tantalum. When mixed with sample cells suspensions, the cells of interest can be differentiated from the labeled control PBMCs using the tantalum signal with minimal variability across experiments. These cells have been verified to work with commonly tested cell surface markers such as CD3, CD4, CD8, CD14, CD16, CD19, CD38, CD56, CD123 and HLA-DR.This product contains human cells, a potentially biohazardous material. Blood used in preparation of these samples was tested and found to be negative for antibody and nucleic acid testing against human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), Hepatitis B and C virus, HTLV (Human T-lymphotrophic virus I and II), surface antigen for Hepatitis B (HBsAg) virus, syphilis and West Nile Virus using FDA approved methods. Biological tests are not 100% accurate. Use standard precautions when handling, and treat as if the product is capable of transmitting disease. When handling or disposing, follow precautions described in CDC and FDA recommendations and OSHA Bloodborne Pathogen guidelines.
Product Details Biolegend揭示出对神经系统以及影响神经系统的疾病的更好理解的研究可以转化为改善数百万生命的治疗方法。BioLegend提供广泛的产品组合,为您的神经科学实验提供解决方案,包括抗体,免疫测定溶液,重组蛋白,磁性细胞分离和单细胞蛋白质组学试剂。我们的试剂是与该领域的杰出领导者(如迈克尔·J·福克斯基金会)合作建造的(请参见下面的“产品亮点”标签),这表明我们承诺与您的团队合作寻找新发现,为我们的客户带来新的选择和全面的解决方案研究神经系统疾病的解决方案。