Tau protein promotes microtubule assembly and stability. Tau is abundant in neurons of the central nervous system, and is expressed at low levels in astrocytes and oligodendrocytes. Abnormal hyper-phosphorylation, aggregation, and toxic gain of function of tau is associated with several neurological disorders, including Alzheimer’s disease (AD). The major building block of neurofibrillary lesions in AD brains consists of paired helical filaments (PHFs) of abnormally hyperphosphorylated tau. Recent studies indicate that cerebrospinal fluid tau phosphorylated at position threonine 181 has diagnostic utility for several neurological disorders. Six isoforms of tau are generated by alternative splicing of the MAPT gene. These isoforms are distinguished by the number of tubulin binding domains, 3 (3R) or 4 (4R), in the C-terminal of the protein and by one (1N), two (2N), or no (0N) inserts in the N-terminal domain. Tau isoforms are differentially expressed during development.
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