Avanti Polar Lipids公司是美国著名的磷脂类产品的生产商,该公司主要为各种制药厂和研究机构提供从毫克级到公斤级乃至吨级的磷脂类和甾体类中间体和试剂。为世界范围内的研究机构和制药公司提供 1000 种以上脂类产品,由于其产品的高纯度而享誉全球。40年来,Avanti Polar Lipids公司为世界各地的研究人员和制药公司提供脂类产品。公司的产品不仅范围日益扩大,其纯度之高也是无人能及。
Avanti Polar Lipids, Inc., has a long history of 50 years creating the highest purity lipids available. Our passion for high quality and unique products is only exceeded by our excellent reputation in the marketplace. Although we are known for our lipids, we are More than Lipids. We offer solutions for the entire product cycle…Research to Commercialization.
Avanti Polar Lipids公司的主要产品和服务包括:
(1)Research Products
Highest Purity Lipid Reagents
(2)cGMP Manufacturing
API & Contract Manufacturing
Immunotherapy & Vaccine Development
(4)Analytical Services
Lipid Analysis
Mass Spec Standards, Antibodies & Lipid Toolbox
Liposomes & Nanoparticles
Liposome Production Tools
(8)Custom Services
Synthesis & Beyond

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