Product name26Rfa Hypothalamic PeptideCatalog numberAS-61651 (1mg)DescriptionHuman-MW:2832,2-This human neuropeptide of the RFamide peptide family with orexigenic activity may be also involved in the control of feeding behavior. The 26RFa gene is exclusively expressed in the ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus and in the lateral hypothalamic area. The primary structures of human; rat; and frog 26RFa exhibit ?80% identity. Other data suggest also the potential role of the 26RFa peptide in the control of the gonadotropic axis. SourceAnaSpecProduct categoryProteins & PeptidesProduct sub categoryPeptidesShipment infoRoom TemperatureNacres CodificationNA.26 Tebu-Bio通过我们广泛的完全可定制的服务,在体外模拟人体的生理环境。您指定的项目经理将帮助您定义最佳方法,以建立概念验证,发现和了解NCE和生物制剂的作用机理,获取具有相关生物标志物的证据...我们可以根据您不断变化的需求来处理您的全部或部分项目。所有CRO工作都是在我们通过ISO9001:2015和ISO14001:2015欧洲认证的实验室中秘密进行的,并且有明确但灵活的截止日期。无论您的研究领域是什么,通过外包到tebu-bio,您都可以节省时间和成本,同时确保您完全控制研究和知识产权。