Product name451lLu BR Purified Genomic DNACatalog number451lLu BR-02-0200-A (5ug)451lLu BR-02-1000-A (10ug)451lLu BR-02-5000-A (25ug)DescriptionBackground : DNA was prepared from cell line 451ILu BR. 451ILu BR is a human metastatic melanoma cell line. This cell line is resistant to BRAF and MEK inhibitors. This cell line features the specific V600E (Val600Glu) mutation at codon 600 in the BRAF gene. This mutation causes constitutively active kinase activity and activation of MEK and ERK signaling pathway. This cell line was derived from the same patient as the cell lines, WM164, and 451Lu. 451ILu BR cells produce xenograft tumors when injected into immunocompromised mice.Application Note : Purified Genomic DNA is suitable for a number of molecular biology applications including but not limited to preparation of genomic libraries, PCR templates, DNA sequencing, DNA fingerprinting, and mutation analysis. SourceRocklandProduct categoryCells, Media & FractionsProduct sub categoryCell Lysates & RNATarget speciesHumanShipment infoDry IceNacres CodificationNA.61 Tebu-Bio通过我们广泛的完全可定制的服务,在体外模拟人体的生理环境。您指定的项目经理将帮助您定义最佳方法,以建立概念验证,发现和了解NCE和生物制剂的作用机理,获取具有相关生物标志物的证据...我们可以根据您不断变化的需求来处理您的全部或部分项目。所有CRO工作都是在我们通过ISO9001:2015和ISO14001:2015欧洲认证的实验室中秘密进行的,并且有明确但灵活的截止日期。无论您的研究领域是什么,通过外包到tebu-bio,您都可以节省时间和成本,同时确保您完全控制研究和知识产权。