- Peptide Substrates
- Binding Proteins
- Secondary Antibodies
- Regulatory proteins
- 脂类激酶
- 双加氧酶与蛋白质
- 脂质底物
- E2
- Assay Buffer and Co-factors
- Methyltransferases
- Acetyltransferases
- Transcription Proteins
- Tau Proteins
- Microtubule & Actin Associated Proteins
- Carbohydrate Substrates
- COVID-19 Proteins
- Chemokines
- 标记抗体
- 授予称号
- E3

MBP or Myelin Basic Protein forms dimers across the cytoplasmic apposition during the formation of myelin. The region of the protein involved in folding, polymerization and substrate specificities is conserved in various species and it may have a specialized role in protein-lipid interactions in the myelin membrane (1). MBP is an efficient substrate for numerous protein kinases and share similarities with the MARCKS protein in terms of having extended conformations regulated by their environment, N-terminal modifications, a dual nature of interactions with lipids, and binding to actin and Ca2+-calmodulin (2).
Genbank Number:
1.Chapman, B.E. et al: Conformation of myelin basic protein and its role in myelin formation. Adv Exp Med Biol. 1978;100:207-20. 2.Harauz, G. et al: Analogous structural motifs in myelin basic protein and in MARCKS. Mol Cell Biochem.2000 Jun;209(1-2):155-63.