NEB/NEBNext® Fast DNA Library Prep Set for Ion Torrent™/E6270S/10 reactions

作者: 时间:2025-02-23 点击量:

主页试剂和分子生物学产品细胞分析产品SNAP-tag 其他\"单元格成像横幅\" SNAP-tag 其他选择产品:SNAP-tag 其他 SNAP-tag OtherSNAP-tag OtherCloseAnti-SNAP-tag® 抗体(多克隆)CloseSNAP-tag® 纯化蛋白提交补货订单不合格项目已添加到购物车

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继续主页试剂和分子生物学产品细胞分析产品SNAP-Capture 产品\"单元格Imaging SNAP-Capture 产品列表产品概述

SNAP-Capture 产品是与苄基鸟嘌呤底物偶联的非磁性或磁性琼脂糖珠,用于从溶液中选择性捕获和固定 SNAP-tag® 融合蛋白。这些珠子对 SNAP-tag 融合蛋白具有很高的负载能力,并且对复杂裂解物中的蛋白质表现出非常低的非特异性吸收,使其适合 pull-down 应用。

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继续主页试剂和分子生物学产品下一代测序文库制备小 RNA 文库制备\"\" 小 RNA 文库制备产品列表产品概述 选择产品:小 RNA 文库制备 小 RNA 文库制备小 RNA 文库制备CloseNEBNext® Illumina® 多重小 RNA 文库制备试剂盒(索引引物 1-48)CloseNEBNext® Illumina® 多重小 RNA 文库准备套装(第 1 套)关闭NEBNext® Illumina® 多重小 RNA 文库准备套装(第 2 套)关闭NEBNext® Illumina® 小 RNA 文库准备套装(多重兼容)提交补货订单不合格项目已添加到购物车< p class=\"restock-modal__intro\">根据您的冷冻程序类型,您正在尝试添加一个 pro将不允许或不允许与购物车的现有内容一起使用的管道添加到您的购物车。请相应地检查并更新您的订单 如果您有任何疑问,请通过 或 1-800-632-5227 x 8 联系客户服务。继续HomeResearch LabsFoster LabFoster Lab寄生虫糖复合物的单分子检测寄生虫糖复合物的单分子检测

许多已建立的寄生虫感染(如血吸虫病和淋巴丝虫病)诊断测定依赖于抗体识别寄生虫特异性抗原的聚糖部分。随着这些寄生虫病的控制计划在一些国家走向消除,越来越需要高灵敏度的诊断分析来检测个体的低水平感染,从而促进在多个患者样本池中检测单个阳性。我们开发了高度灵敏的检测方法,使用可提供单分子检测和定量的数字 ELISA 平台来检测体液和受污染水中的寄生虫衍生糖缀合物。我们可以实现比传统 ELISA 检测低几个对数级的检测限。

\"\"/ p>

单个的数字 ELISA寄生虫抗原的分子检测。


限制酶识别核苷酸(或碱基)A(腺嘌呤)、C(胞嘧啶)、G(鸟嘌呤)或 T(胸腺嘧啶)。以下 IUPAC(国际理论与应用化学联合会)单字母代码用于指定一个以上的核苷酸:

B = C 或 G 或 TD = A 或 G 或 TH = A 或 C 或 TK = G 或TM = A 或 CN = A 或 C 或 G 或 TR = A 或 GS​​ = C 或 GV = A 或 C 或 GW = A 或 TY = C 或 THomeForms注册成为 Nebinsider 感谢您注册成为 Nebinsider

感谢您对 NEBinsiders 计划的关注。我们将审查所有提交的内容,并可能会再次与您联系并提出一些额外的\"了解您”的问题。我们期待在未来的调查和项目中与您合作!

主页工具和资源选择图表SHuffle® 菌株选择图表SHuffle® 菌株选择图表StrainNEB #CharacteristicsSHuffle® Express Competent E. coliC3028Protease Deficient B StrainsSpecSHuffle® T7 Express Competent E. coliC3029Protease Deficient B StrainsT7 ExpressionSpec, Str*SHuffle® T7 Express lysY Competent E. coliC3030蛋白酶缺陷型 B 菌株 T7 ExpressionTight 控制/表达有毒蛋白质Cam、Spec、Str*SHuffle® T7 Competent E. coliC3026K12 StrainsT7 ExpressionStr、Spec

* 可能观察到对低水平链霉素的抗性。



The NEBNext® Fast DNA Library Prep Set for Ion Torrent™ contains enzymes and buffers in convenient master mix formulations that are ideally suited for sample preparation for next-generation sequencing on the Ion Torrent Sequencer (Life Technologies, Inc.). Each of these components must pass rigorous quality control standards and are lot controlled, both individually and as a set of reagents.
DNA Library Preparation Workflow for Ion Torrent\"DNA

Representative Results from Libraries Constructed Using NEBNext for Ion Torrent 
0.5 µg of DNA from 3 different genomes with varying GC content were used to construct 200 bp and 400 bp libraries using the NEBNext Fast DNA Fragmentation and Library Prep Set for Ion Torrent, analyzed by the Agilent® Bioanalyzer®.
Representative Ion Torrent Run Report
A typical Ion Torrent run report for libraries made from E. coli (K12 MG1655 strain) genomic DNA using NEBNext Fast DNA Fragmentation & Library Prep Set for Ion Torrent. A. Alignment Summary. 72 Mb of data was generated, with an average genome coverage of 15.5 X, from approximately 0.5 Million 200 bp reads. B. Read length histogram from 200 bp run.

Functional Validation
Each set of reagents is functionally validated together through construction and sequencing of a DNA library on the Ion Torrent platform.

Lot Control

The lots provided are managed separately and qualified by additional functional validation. Individual reagents undergo standard enzyme activity and quality control assays, and also meet stringent criteria in the additional quality controls listed on each individual component page

Reagents Supplied

The following reagents are supplied with this product:

Store at (°C)Concentration
NEBNext End Repair Enzyme Mix
NEBNext End Repair Reaction Buffer10X
T4 DNA Ligase
NEBNext® DNA Library Adaptors for Ion Torrent™-20
NEBNext DNA Library Primers for Ion Torrent™-201X
TE Buffer0.1X
T4 DNA Ligase Buffer for Ion Torrent™10X
Bst 2.0 WarmStart® DNA Polymerase-20
NEBNext® Q5® Hot Start HiFi PCR Master Mix-20

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