4000-520-616 / 18915418616

I型胶原蛋白溶液 3D水凝胶材料 PureCol® Type I Collagen Solution, 3 mg/ml (Bovine) #5005 - 高分子聚合物和实验材料-雁科新材网 高分子试剂 嵌段共聚物 生物降解高分子 导电高分子 荧光高分子 发光高分子 星形高分子 接枝高分子 功能高分子 纳米材料 多肽 多糖 生物大分子 进口试剂

作者: 时间:2025-01-30 点击量:

全部产品分类嵌段共聚物二嵌段共聚物两亲性二嵌段共聚物疏水性二嵌段共聚物亲水性二嵌段共聚物三嵌段共聚物ABA三嵌段共聚物ABC三嵌段共聚物四嵌段共聚物五嵌段共聚物嵌段可裂解共聚物酸裂解嵌段共聚物UV紫外光裂解嵌段共聚物两性离子嵌段共聚物直链均聚物 | 共聚物 | 低聚物亲水均聚物+修饰疏水均聚物+修饰两性离子均聚物无规共聚物+修饰交替共聚物直链低聚物高分子标准品生物医用高分子材料合成生物降解高分子均聚-生物降解高分子共聚-生物降解高分子嵌段-生物降解高分子荧光-生物降解高分子星形-生物降解高分子接枝-生物降解高分子侧基功能化修饰-生物降解高分子端基功能化修饰-生物降解高分子3D组织工程材料3D组织工程水凝胶3D组织工程支架多肽 | 多糖 | 生物大分子多肽及衍生物环状多肽及衍生物直链多肽及衍生物多糖及衍生物透明质酸海藻酸纤维素壳聚糖右旋糖酐硫酸软骨素肝素木聚糖聚蔗糖蛋白质天然蛋白质ECM蛋白质功能化PEG衍生物单官能团PEG同双官能团PEG异双官能团PEG链端羟基PEG荧光标记PEG多臂星形PEG超支化树枝状PEG自组装PEG脂质体自组装PEG表面活性剂与蛋白质N端反应的PEGPEO-PPO嵌段共聚物特殊形状高分子星形高分子多臂星形高分子多臂星形嵌段共聚物3臂T型高分子4臂H型高分子接枝高分子超支化树枝状高分子笼形倍半硅氧烷蝌蚪状高分子功能高分子材料导电高分子导电均聚物导电共聚物导电嵌段共聚物功能化修饰导电聚合物发光高分子荧光均聚物荧光嵌段共聚物OLED发光高分子稳定同位素高分子氘化均聚物氘化嵌段共聚物形状记忆高分子纳米材料纳米颗粒 量子点金纳米颗粒金纳米团簇磁性纳米颗粒有机量子点功能化量子点链霉亲和素量子点抗体结合量子点石墨烯系列石墨烯石墨烯修饰剂碳纳米管系列碳纳米管碳纳米管修饰剂生化试剂和功能材料Biotin标记大分子液晶化合物功能化硫醇耐高温SiC纤维功能化玻璃片进口代理 - 品牌中心高分子试剂品牌生化试剂品牌纳米微米材料品牌化学试剂品牌光电子材料品牌实验耗材品牌热门品牌产品分类Polymer SourceCreative PEGWorksPureCol®Type I Collagen Solution, 3 mg/ml (Bovine)

Catalog #5005

PureCol® is a 3 mg/ml, Type I bovine atelocollagen solution for 2D coatings, 3D hydrogels, or as a collagen standard. PureCol® is known as the standard among collagen products for purity (≥99.9% collagen content), consistency and reproducibility, and is cited in 2000 publications.

Product Description

PureCol® collagen is known as the standard of all collagens for purity ( 99.9% collagen content), functionality, and the most native-like collagen available. PureCol® is isolated from bovine hides sourced from the only controlled, closed herd in the United States. Advanced BioMatrix’s manufacturing processes comply with stringent quality standards that have proven to yield unsurpassed lot-to-lot consistency.

PureCol® collagen is approximately 97% Type I atelocollagen with the remainder being comprised of Type III collagen. PureCol® collagen is supplied at approximately a 3 mg/ml concentration. The concentration for each specific lot is provided on a Certificate of Analysis that is available with the purchase of each product. PureCol® is soluble atelocollagen in 0.01 N HCI, therefore, the pH is 2. PureCol® collagen is ideal for coating of surfaces, providing preparation of thin layers for culturing cells, or use as a solid gel.

PureCol® collagen is provided in a user-friendly packaging for use and storage. PureCol® is sterile filtered and is supplied as a ready to use solution.

Parameter, Testing, and Method

PureCol® Type I Collagen #5005

Sterilization Method


Extraction Method

Enzyme - atelocollagen



Package Size

100 mL, 1000 mL

Storage Temperature


Shelf Life

Minimum of 6 months from date of receipt

Collagen Concentration - Biuret

2.9-3.2 mg/mL

Collagen Purity - Silver Staining




Kinetic Gel Test (Minutes)


Gel Formation Tube Test (Minutes)


Fibrillogenesis (Absorbance Units)


Electrophoretic Pattern - Coomassie Blue


Sterility - USP modified

No growth

Endotoxin - LAL

1.0 EU/mL

Osmolality (mOsmo H2O/kg)


Cell Attachment Assay



Bovine Hide

Hydrogel Young s Modulus E (Pa)


Product References

Because PureCol® has been cited in over 2000 publications, we have only posted a few below:

Sorensen, Jacob R., et al. An altered response in macrophage phenotype following damage in aged human skeletal muscle: implications for skeletal muscle repair. The FASEB Journal (2019): fj-201900519R.

Sorensen, Jacob R., et al. An altered response in macrophage phenotype following damage in aged human skeletal muscle: implications for skeletal muscle repair. The FASEB Journal (2019): fj-201900519R.

Colaço, E., et al. Hierarchical Collagen-Hydroxyapatite Nanostructures Designed Through Layer-by-Layer Assembly of Crystal-Decorated Fibrils. J., Hierarchical Collagen-Hydroxyapatite Nanostructures Designed Through Layer-by-Layer Assembly of Crystal-Decorated Fibrils (May 13, 2019)(2019).

Schwerdtfeger, Luke A., et al. Human colon function ex vivo: Dependence on oxygen and sensitivity to antibiotic. PloS one14.5 (2019): e0217170.

Cardoso, Ana, et al. MiR-144 overexpression as a promising therapeutic strategy to overcome glioblastoma cell invasiveness and resistance to chemotherapy. Human molecular genetics (2019).

Steele, Hannah E., et al. Mechanotransduction of mitochondrial AMPK and its distinct role in flow-induced breast cancer cell migration. Biochemical and biophysical research communications 514.2 (2019): 524-529.

Gehwolf, Renate, et al. Global Responses of Il-1β-Primed 3D Tendon Constructs to Treatment with Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields. Cells 8.5 (2019): 399.

Alexander, Frank, Sebastian Eggert, and Dorielle Price. Label-Free Monitoring of 3D Tissue Models via Electrical Impedance Spectroscopy. (2019): 1-24.

Matysik-Woźniak, Anna, et al. Examination of Kynurenine Toxicity on Corneal and Conjunctival Epithelium: In vitro and in vivo Studies. Ophthalmic research (2019): 1-12.

Compton, Clayton, et al. Reconstitution of the Ventricular Endocardium Within Acellular Hearts. Regenerative Engineering and Translational Medicine (2019): 1-11.

Müller, A. L., et al. 4. Identification of miR-301a in Primary Human Atrial Fibroblasts and Bone Marrow-Derived Mesenchymal Progenitor Cells to Attenuate Endogenous Differentiation into Pro-Fibrotic Cells. Differentiation of Primary Human Pro-Fibrotic Mesenchymal Cells Influenced by Extracellular Matrix Environment Determined by Micro-RNA Expression (2018): 130.

Doblinger, Nina, et al. Impact of hydroxyethyl starch and modified fluid gelatin on granulocyte phenotype and function. Transfusion (2019).

Elisabeth, et al. Pro-Inflammatory Responses in Human Bronchial Epithelial Cells Induced by Spores and Hyphal Fragments of Common Damp Indoor Molds. International journal of environmental research and public health 16.6 (2019): 1085.

Dodmane, Puttappa R., et al. Biphasic changes in airway epithelial cell EGF receptor binding and phosphorylation induced by components of hogbarn dust. Experimental lung research 44.10 (2018): 443-454.

McClellan, Alyce, et al. A novel mechanism for the protection of embryonic stem cell derived tenocytes from inflammatory cytokine interleukin 1 beta. Scientific reports 9 (2019).

Wang, Weiling, et al. Aquaporin-3 deficiency slows cyst enlargement in experimental mouse models of autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease. The FASEB Journal(2019): fj-201801338RRR.

Teo, Jye Yng, et al. Surface tethering of stem cells with H2O2-responsive anti-oxidizing colloidal particles for protection against oxidation-induced death. Biomaterials 201 (2019): 1-15.

Gehwolf, Renate, et al. 3D-Embedded Cell Cultures to Study Tendon Biology. (2019): 1-11.

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