信号转导是将分子信号从细胞外部传递到细胞内部。这始于配体与细胞表面受体结合,导致受体的细胞内结构域发生变化,这种变化引发了一系列信号事件。信号通路的成分根据刺激进行分类。刺激配体,可以是激素或神经递质,是第一信使,而受体是信号转导。一旦被激活,它们就会与第二信使相关联,第二信使在细胞内起作用以触发反应。第二信使包括环 AMP 、环状 GMP、一氧化氮、脂质和钙。第二信使依次激活通常是其他酶的次级效应器,级联反应继续进行。
信号转导受体有四种主要类型,酶联受体,具有相关或内在的酶活性,7-TM 受体s,与 G 蛋白偶联,激活后直接改变基因转录的核受体,以及改变构象以允许离子穿过膜的配体门控离子通道。在健康的生物体中,细胞生长和分化的过程是高度控制,但在疾病状态下变得不耦合,使不受管制的信号成为癌症、炎症、动脉硬化、关节炎和神经退行性疾病等疾病的关键因素。
抗ERK1/2抗体查看产品 神经科学神经科学是对大脑和神经系统在健康和疾病状态下的研究。它是生物学的多学科分支,结合了生理学、解剖学、分子生物学、发育生物学、细胞学和心理学,旨在理解神经元和神经回路的基本特性。中枢神经系统 (CNS) 和周围神经系统 (PNS) 共同协调运动和呼吸等基本功能,以及思想、言语和情感等高级功能。
在许多物种中神经系统是人体中最复杂的器官系统,其中大脑最为复杂。人脑包含大约 1000 亿个神经元——专门用于与其他神经元和其他细胞类型通信的细胞——100 万亿个突触在庞大而复杂的网络中将它们相互连接起来。
显示所有 12 个结果
抗 GLT-1 抗体查看产品抗 GluR2 抗体查看产品抗 KA1 抗体查看产品抗 MRGPR-X1 抗体查看产品抗 NR1 4b 抗体查看产品抗 NR2B (C-ter) 抗体查看产品抗 NR3B 抗体查看产品抗磷酸化 GluR1 (pS845) 抗体查看产品抗-磷酸化 GluR2 (pS880) 抗体查看产品抗磷酸化 TDP-43 (pS409/pS410) 抗体查看产品抗磷酸化 NR2A (pS1232) 抗体查看产品抗 TDP-43 抗体查看产品产品 免疫学免疫学是一门研究免疫系统的学科,研究范围从其正常的生理功能到可能导致免疫系统疾病的功能障碍。由免疫系统不当激活引起的疾病被称为自身免疫性疾病,这些疾病是由于免疫系统对宿主细胞或组织进行防御——身体通过产生自身抗体和引起炎症有效地攻击自身的蛋白质,这本身就是一种自然现象对潜在危险信号和器官损伤的关键反应。
当免疫系统被不适当地激活时,它会导致多种自身免疫性疾病中的一种,每种疾病都会影响不同类型的细胞或组织,它们被分类为器官特异性或全身性。例如,I 型或胰岛素依赖型糖尿病,其中胰腺中的 β 胰岛细胞被自身免疫反应破坏,是一种器官特异性糖尿病。c病。类风湿性关节炎主要影响滑膜关节,其中慢性炎症反应导致软骨退化和关节发炎,但由于它也可以在肺和皮肤中表现出来,类风湿性关节炎被归类为全身性自身免疫性疾病。这些使人衰弱的疾病严重影响了生活质量。现有治疗方法对许多药物的治疗效果不佳,这些治疗方法仅能缓解症状,而免疫反应背后的机制仍未得到充分了解。
抗-IL-11抗体查看产品HumanZyme, Inc. is the global leader providing high-authenticity recombinant human proteins from human cells. Our process is cost-effective and scalable making our proteins suitable for the research, diagnostic, drug discovery and biopharmaceutical markets. HumanZyme leverages its proprietary engineered human cells, expression vector, and medium to ensure high-yield production of recombinant proteins with native human post-translational modifications, such as phosphorylation and glycosylation. We are a reputable provider of cytokines and kinase reagents and a preferred outsourcing supplier of human protein production. Our products and services support a broad range of customers worldwide--from academic and government research institutions to biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies.
Currently, HumanZyme offers a number of high-authenticity human protein cytokines, kinases, and phosphatases that conventional production methods either can not produce or cannot economically produce. We also provide timely and cost-effective contract production of recombinant human proteins from human cells.
Human Cell Expression System: Cost-effective and Scalable Production of High-authenticity Recombinant Human ProteinsFunctional activities of human proteins depend on proper folding, phosphorylation, disulfide bridge formation, and proteolytic processing or appropriate glycosylation. Ideally, recombinant human proteins are produced in human cells that are more authentic in terms of both physical properties and biochemical functions. However, the current process of human cell expression requires a large quantity of DNA and medium supplemented with bovine serum. Hence, it is often a daunting task to produce sufficient amount of high quality proteins for drug discovery or diagnostic development (1-100 mg) at acceptable cost. HumanZyme has developed a high yield, cost-effective and versatile system to produce active recombinant human proteins in a human cell line to meet the special needs of the broad scientific community and drug discovery industry. In this system, we have broken key bottleneck steps to increase protein production and reduce cost, including:
- Engineered human cell line adapted to suspension for growth in serum-free and chemically defined medium Proprietary expression vectors driven by strong promoters and signal peptides Large scale transient expression with small quantity of DNA Rapid creation of stable human cell lines and adaptation to serum-free medium Short time to scale up production Efficient tag or tag-free purification
Using this expression system, we have produced a large number of highly active human cytokines, kinases and phosphatases. Our technology is particularly suitable for the production of high-authenticity human proteins in medium scale as research and diagnostic reagents, drug screening targets, and therapeutic proteins for preclinical evaluation. Key differences of recombinant human protein production in different systems are illustrated below:
Expression system
E. coli
Insect cell
CHO cell
Human cell
Protein folding
Proteolytic processing
Not human-like
Typical glycosylation patterns between human and other expression systems:
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