质量该技术准确性的关键是质量稳定标记的肽。提供 CRB 的定制稳定标记肽:
该技术的准确性的关键是稳定标记肽的质量。通过 HPLC 分析净肽含量 >95% 纯度。翻译后修饰s对于翻译后修饰的定量,CRB 还可以提供稳定标记的肽,包括:
phosphoTyr、phosphoSer、phosphoThrsulfoTyrmethylated Lys 和 ArgOther 蛋白水解标准品来自其他蛋白水解的肽的同位素标记版本还可以生产 Lys-C、Glu-C 等酶。
该技术中最常用的稳定标记氨基酸如表 1 所示。这些氨基酸提供了最大的转变成本最低的分子量;但是,其他氨基酸的重原子版本可应要求提供。
交付流线型操作允许在 2-3 周内交付。大多数常见的稳定标记氨基酸构建模块都有库存,以确保快速周转。
技术支持CRB 很乐意就稳定标记肽的设计提供建议。 CRB 还可以协助预浓缩技术,通过生产抗体预浓缩柱。

SitemapAntibodiesAssay AntibodiesTARGET AntibodiesINFINITY AntibodiesPeptide ImmunisationProtein ImmunisationAntibody 购买指南抗体成功率定制抗体抗体请求 - 谢谢页面宣传册请求 - 谢谢页面购物车结账联系我们 - 谢谢页面交付信息发现® 抗体发现® 抗体发现® 肽分销商染料标签常见问题解答一般请求 - 谢谢页面标签请求 - 谢谢页面法律我的帐户新闻剑桥研究生物化学展览会展览档案赞助肽报价 - 谢谢You Page多肽合成纯肽峰肽肽谱肽PEPARRAY辛辣肽转运蛋白™ 肽定制肽肽偶联物文献肽-PMO 偶联物肽-PNA 偶联物SELPEPCON™特种肽组蛋白 H3 肽核肽类肽若丹明 110 based 特种肽钉合肽 PNA 合成 PAN 阵列肽采购指南PNA 请求-谢谢页面报价单抗体请求表一般请求表标签请求表肽报价请求PNA 请求表搜索结果商店站点地图订阅成功支持宣传册请求联系我们交付和报告我的帐户请求演示存储和处理期望什么技术抗体抗原预测特征分析结合免疫修饰肽作为免疫原纯化筛选荧光Alexa 染料Chromis 染料Cy-染料FRET 肽单染料标记肽蛋白酶底物& 抑制剂肽生物素化肽环肽含半胱氨酸肽Fmoc固相合成糖肽修饰肽阵列磷酸化肽蛋白质组学氨基酸范围胰蛋白酶肽选择放射性标记碳14标记肽碘125标记肽标记位置比活度氚标记肽术语s测试页谢谢愿望清单关于我们我们的员工历史职业毕业销售主管肽化学家英国销售经理合作伙伴关系质量安全我们做什么氨基酸冒险加德纳拉特克利夫大楼
我们承诺在 24 小时内回复您的请求,并尽可能在该时间范围内通过电子邮件向您发送正式报价单。要获取报价,请从以下选项中进行选择:
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LGC Biosearch Technologies
LGC Biosearch Technologies是专业性荧光定量PCR探针合成及标记服务公司,提供与世界上各种荧光定量PCR仪配套的探标记方式及荧光素。
LGC Biosearch Technologies的根源可以追溯到1978年,现任总裁兼首席执行官罗恩 - 库克,博士创立了\"Biosearch”,为新兴的生物技术产业提供研究工具。在20世纪80年代,Biosearch自主研发固相DNA合成器,如SAM I, the Cyclone, Biosearch 8700 and Biosearch 8800 Prep。这些生产制造的寡核苷酸的技术,催生新寡核苷酸技术的发展。最引人注目的是1982年,Kary Mullis在Cetus 公司使用了BiosearchSAM I合成DNA创造使用的寡核苷酸,其最终导致的聚合酶链反应(PCR)的发现。 LGC Biosearch Technologies offers a variety of probe and primer types for real-time qPCR, including dual-labeled BHQ® probes, BHQplus® probes, Molecular Beacons, and Scorpions® primers. Whether you require labeled or unlabeled oligos, we can meet your exact needs as we offer more custom modifications than any other oligo supplier at a cost well below the prevailing market rate. Stellaris® RNA FISH is a RNA visualization method that allows simultaneous detection, localization, and quantification of individual mRNA molecules at the cellular level in fixed samples. This novel RNA FISH technology represents a fast and easy-to-use method to achieve conclusive results through compelling images of RNA expression. We offer an extensive range of products for DNA and RNA synthesis including: synthesis supports, columns for 3 labeling and specialty amidites. These products are available for all of our fluorophores and quenchers as well as for many non-fluorescent labels. We offer a line of immunochemicals which include hapten reporter groups and protein, FICOLL, and fluorophore conjugates. Find a quick capability overview of LGC Biosearch Technologies and learn more about our products and the markets we serve. LGC Biosearch Technologies, a division of LGC Group, is a global leader in the design, development, and manufacture of sophisticated, custom oligonucleotide-based tools and associated reagents for the molecular diagnostic, research and applied markets. LGC Biosearch is a vertically integrated organization with locations in the US, Denmark, and Germany. Controlled-pore glass manufacturing, a critical component for oligo synthesis is located in Steinach, Germany. Research-grade oligo manufacturing primarily takes place in Petaluma, California and Århus, Denmark while production for the GMP and Commercial Services program is situated in the cGMP facility based in Novato, California. LGC Biosearch’s Quality Management System is fully compliant with ISO 9001:2008 and the cGMP production facility is ISO 13485:2003 certified and compliant with 21 CFR Part 820 as applicable. LGC Biosearch fully understands that quality is of utmost importance to customers as poor quality reagents and oligos can ruin even the best-designed assays. Visit our Quality webpageto learn more about LGC Biosearch’s certifications. Since the early 80s, innovators at LGC Biosearch have refined and continue to perfect the chemistry of oligonucleotide synthesis to accelerate the discovery and application of genomic information. LGC Biosearch’s unmatched selection of oligo modifications is complemented by demonstrated expertise in the design and manufacture of fluorogenic probes and primers. Products include fluorophores (CAL Fluor®, Quasar® and Pulsar® dyes) and dark quenchers (BHQ® also known as Black Hole Quencher® dyes) to be included in custom-synthesized probe formats for real-time PCR, qPCR, end-point PCR, Stellaris® RNA FISH, and other genomic-based applications. LGC Biosearch’s markets include pharmaceutical, in vitro diagnostics, biotechnology, agricultural biotechnology, environmental and food testing, public health, and biodefense sectors. LGC Biosearch welcomes the opportunity to work with innovators worldwide who enable new inventions that advance the frontier of biotechnology and enthusiastic team players who support continued growth of the business. Please visit our Careers webpage to review current job opportunities. LGC Biosearch Technologies Products
qPCR & SNP Genotyping
Custom Oligonucleotides
Synthesis Reagents
LGC Biosearch Technologies Inside LGC Biosearch
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